Source: China News Agency

Recently, China has issued a notice of shutting down government accounts in many places, and the release channels have been concentrated in the government number, government website and official apps to the higher -level units.A number of experts interviewed said that the "slimming" of new government affairs media this round is an opportunity to adjust the previous "emergence -flood -integration -re -proliferation" and will promote its orderly and healthy development from quantitative to quality.

According to a reporter from China News Weekly, a subsidiary of China News Agency, many government -affairs numbers were inaccurate and low -quality redundancy, which led to many responsible editors to express their "internal consumption" concerns.

According to Chen Mo, an editor of a government number in Guangzhou, their account positioning includes the spread of people's livelihood and the policy in the city, but the tweets are generally edited and integrated official media articles and Weibo hot search.Wheels, wait for us to send out the school here, the day is cold, and the communication effect is terrible. "

The leaders of a township department in Shaanxi require the public account for three times, and the tweets must be related to the work of the department.The number of single -digit browsing makes the grass -roots personnel who are already working overtime miserable.There are also some government accounts outsourcing to the media team. Even if the brains are racking their brains to interpret the narrow announcement of the audience, there is very little traffic. It can only be faked and "entertaining and entertaining."

Five or six years ago, the General Office of the State Council of the Chinese State Council has released documents such as "Opinions on Promoting the Healthy and Order of Government Affairs Media", and put forward new government affairs media with similar functions, low user attention and low utilization rates.It is indeed unable to maintain it. "Whether it is renewed in time and whether it has formed effective interaction with netizens has become a hard indicator.However, the integration of the new media account of this round of government affairs is not good. For example, the statistics of the China Internet Information Center, as of December 2023, there are still 14,6638 politics institutions certified by the Sina platform.

The Central Cyber ​​Security and Informatization Committee issued a few opinions on the "formalism on the fingertips" issued by the end of last year."" "Highlighting problems and preventing their rebounds from rebounding and invisible mutations.The reporter sorted out and found that the "weight loss" involved a wider level and more provinces and fields.

"Banning or shutting down the government number is not the ultimate goal. The account number of the government number is upgraded from the pursuit of the quantity to the quality by the account with poor development, low level, and failure to meet the requirements.The optimization of the service matrix can avoid the unqualified government accounts and the barbarous growth.

The opinions at the end of last year also pointed out that the design design of government affairs should adhere to the user -centric, focus on functional aggregation, strengthen data sharing, optimize interface design, and rely on the "one -stop" comprehensive platform design and development.Some experts pointed out that, especially with the establishment of data bureaus in various places, in the future, one APP can meet one -stop information and service acquisition.

At that time, what information can be provided will need to consider carefully.Chen Ming, an associate professor at the School of Government Management of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, said that the biggest problem of the current government number is the mismatch of supply and demand. It is public that some people are unwilling to see and brush the units."Government departments should clarify the content that should be disclosed according to the needs of the public, and broaden the channels for obtaining information for different groups."