Resar Flat Listing Service, the resale group of the Housing and Development Bureau, launched a trial yesterday. The homeowners and interested buyers who put advertisements on the website of the Housing Construction Bureau have been verified.Trading, while saving brokerage fees.More importantly, this platform can effectively prevent prices from manipulating and the unreasonable increase in the transfer price of housing in control.

Different from other trading platforms on the market, the service of the HDBC has strict authentication for buyers and sellers. It is necessary to use the electronic government Singpass password to log in.The house must obtain a notice from the housing purchase qualification issued by the Housing Bureau.

Ensuring the authenticity of the seller and buyer is crucial to the efficiency of the market, and strictly checks out some information that disturb the market and has misleading ingredients.Other real estate trading platforms allow multiple brokers to sell the same unit, causing prices in a certain area to distort.Recently, there is a private group for private groups for sale at 2 million yuan, which has attracted the attention of the Housing Construction Bureau, because this unrealistic pricing may mislead potential buyers and push up the transaction price.Theoretically, if the seller is not worried about the priceless market, it can mark any selling price.However, when other sellers saw the same type of houses around the pricing of 2 million yuan, they would also be eager to try, and there would be more group houses that were sold at this price at this price. Phantom buyers may be misleading to pay for the payment ratio estimation.Value is higher than a lot of prices.

The housing construction bureau takes a step in the right direction.One of the reasons for the transaction price of the group house is that people deliberately raised the price of the HDB, and these people may not have registered a house to sell housing to the Housing Bureau, and may not be a real seller.Recently, there are also two adjacent five -bedroom houses in Shenggang using the misleading words of "hegemony group houses" for sale. Advertising was withdrawn after intervention in the HDB.After the new service of the Housing Bureau is launched, if there is an unrealistic sales advertisement or misleading information, the official has the right to remove the advertisement.Once the agent is suspected of involving unprofessional behaviors, the HDB will also cooperate with the Real Estate Agency Council (CEA) to investigate and take necessary actions.

Regardless of whether these 2 million yuan in price groups are true, the resale price of houses is more than one million yuan. It is worthy of attention.In the past 10 years, the resale group with a price of more than one million yuan has increased significantly, from three units in 2013 to 470 units in 2023.In all local towns, there are only three non -mature cities and towns without a million yuan resale group, and the price of the four -bedroom unit exceeds one million yuan.

The proportion of a million yuan group house is very small. According to the data provided by the Ministry of Development last September, from July 2015 to June 2023, only 1%of the HDB transaction at 1 million yuan was 1 million yuanabove.Even so, it still causes people's anxiety.Millions of yuan is a psychological benchmark for many people, and it is the motivation for sellers to raise the price of the house.Although people can still buy newly built pre -order groups (BTOs) at a relatively affordable price, the price of BTO will refer to the recent resale transactions, and the transfer price will continue to rise, and the price and allowance of BTO will eventually drive the price and allowance of BTO.Therefore, it is necessary for the government to conduct in -depth research and introduction of new rules to solve problems.

Considering the aging trend of Singapore's population, some people need to exchange pensions through large houses to change huts or housing deed repurchase plans, which means that the market for resale in the group housing must be tough, and the house should be appropriately appreciated.However, we should not forget the original intention of building a group house to provide a affordable housing, not a tool for speculation and profit.More stringent group housing resale restrictions and higher taxes on high prices will help stop the unreasonable rise in the resale price.When buying BTO, people should not sell arbitrage at a high price at a high price.

The new service of the Housing Bureau can create a more transparent and reliable market environment, providing more guarantees and confidence for buyers and sellers.As for threatening the house brokerage rice bowl, it is more convenient for most people to help professional real estate sales staff to assist in completing the transaction, and it is a good thing for the industry to improve the quality of service under pressure.