Mr. Li also has the pressure to win the election, but since he became the prime minister, he explicitly signaled to the assistant to the assistant to face the public with his true face; although the public relations skills have to be there, he must not shape falsehood.The image cannot be carried out for personal worship, because any illusion will be seen sooner or later.

In June 2004, I was fortunate to be his press secretary under the invitation of Mr. Li Xianlong.At that time, Mr. Li was also the Deputy Prime Minister who was about to take an oath to the third prime minister in early August, and lectures with the National Day Mass Congress.Just like today, 20 years later, when the prime minister's position is about to transfer, people talk about national events after dinner.Mr. Wang Yikang, then the chief private secretary of the deputy prime minister, asked me to go to work as soon as possible, because Mr. Li was closely preparing for two speeches in August -two epoch -making speeches, the new policy must have a new weather.

The Presidential Palace High Wall and Deep Courtyard, I have a little grasp of this job, and before I have time to evaluate it, I hurriedly resigned to the newspaper and reported to the Prime Minister's Office.

On the first day of work, you are busy with the computer to set up emails in the morning.As soon as the lunch time passed, I received an email from Mr. Li, streamlined a few lines of text, and there were not many polite words. Instead, I said straightforward work, saying that the email came with a lecture in the draft in the draft. Welcome to give my opinion and hope that I will assist in the improvement of the manuscript.

Open the computer's manuscript and see, I saw Ling Si shuttle, comments and modification traces everywhere.Computer documents show that for many days, Mr. Li and several assistants joined forces to draft the manuscripts, and also modified with words and sentences together; if the discussion is not clear enough, the text is too hard, all of them are clicked one by one, leaving for further discussion.Less than half a day at work, I realized the interaction between Mr. Li and his subordinates. There was a tacit understanding and freedom. They thought about it, and they said that goodness and badness were straight.

I also quickly realized that the speech in front of me was about the height and depth that I couldn't reach the country.Can you say it?

I read the manuscript once, and the impression was both reasonable and the language was condensed. It was already a superior work.After reading it again and again, I thought how much information was that the general public could understand, remember and take away?From this perspective, I felt something to say.Many years of news work has accumulated a little knowledge of the market. It is not difficult to imagine which words will be said in people's hearts, and most of the words will be hard landing.Following this imagination, the speech seems to be repaired, and it can be closer to the pulse of the life of the market.

I dragged a small series of suggestions and conveyed it to Mr. Li through email.I thought these opinions that followed the feelings were mostly unable to help.Unexpectedly, Mr. Li replied for an hour, and after thanking, he said that some suggestions were desirable and had been included; the adopted suggestions, he explained the reason one by one.

Looking back, it passed by in 20 years. On the first day of work, I interacted with Mr. Li, and repeatedly repeated in the years of working years in the following nine years.Regardless of big or small things, he often asked: What do you have?Sometimes, he will ask after he drafted a statement of a related topic: "Can I say that?

No matter what you deal with, he will thank you, sometimes he may only have two English letters TY for saving time.There are thousands of "thank you" accumulated in my mailbox for many years.When he instructed his subordinates' reports or opinions, he usually responded on the same day; when he needed a little more time, he would say let me sleep on it (let me consider, reply tomorrow).Once he made a decision, and often decisive decisions, he will explain the reason and his own consideration.

Mr. Li encourages his subordinates to express his opinions, willing to listen to our good news and report, respect the sincere feedback from all parties, and also benefit us from the exchange of opinions, so that we think more and look farther.Mr. Huang Xuncai and Mr. Wang Yikang, who once served as his chief private secretary, are now the fourth -generation political leaders.Mr. Wang recently described how he "stole the teacher" to Mr. Li at that time; Mr. Huang went to the Prime Minister's office shortly after he was at 30.Obviously he stole the teacher quickly.

The 20 years of Mr. Li's main administration, the world has experienced various changes.The advent of social media, everyone has a microphone, and everyone can publish information.Governments from all local governments are facing tremendous pressure.The good politics and good strategies that are beneficial to the people's long -term well -being are often disadvantaged by political parties to win the election, because good politics and good strategies are bitter medicines, which always causes people to lose.Because of this, politicians speculation took Qiaowei.In the early years of Mr. Li, Spin Doctors (Editor's note: public opinion -oriented experts) became popular in European and American politics.These political makeup artists sell public relations magic, manipulate public opinion and media, build momentum for politicians, shape images, and win the motivation for elections.

Mr. Li also has the pressure to win the election, but since he became the prime minister, he explicitly explicitly signaled the assistant to the assistant to the public; although the public relations skills have to be there, he must not shape the false image.Personal worship cannot be carried out, because sooner or later it will be seen.He did not want to see people respectful and bowed to him.A Chinese word he used in private or in public is: sit down and flat.

According to his willingness to "sit up", we drag out a list of "to do" and "should not do" as the guiding principles of arrangement of public activities.For example, the organizer of any activity is required: Do not ask the guests to stand up and applaud the Prime Minister's visit, and do not sing in the speech with him during the speech, do not give valuable souvenirs or customize personal portraits for him.I have communicated with some friends in the industry as far as some of the industry friends found that similar lists are quite common. However, in the face of different requirements, they have fewer bosses and few people.The image is not tall enough.Compared with these friends, my job is obviously much easier.

In the past 20 years, in addition to having fake political public relations, populism has also become a shortcut to grasp the regime, and the slogan of publicity has replaced the policy of seeking truth and pragmatic.Mr. Li also moved against this trend. He did not copy shortcuts, lightly light, without using the slogan of the empty air, but made the gains and disadvantages of the policy clearly.When we assisted him drafting a foreign speech, we knew that some core values ​​were irreversible.For example, any disadvantaged ethnic unity, any remarks that stress out of stress on the outside cannot pass him.

Mr. Li is determined for his political position and does not sacrifice his belief for votes.Before the microphone, he was always bitter, hoping that everyone would maintain the overall situation and long -term heart.Some policies are leaning left, poverty alleviation helps the elderly to help the young, in order to share the fruit of the country's success, so as to seek social harmony and peace.However, even if this does not violate the hardship of the country's survival, he still does not forget to repeatedly remind people of the people: there is no magic that has not been obtained in the world, so he has to continue his self -reliance and work hard.

On the occasion of this old and new leaders, I looked back at the years of working in the Prime Minister's Office. I am fortunate that I can enter a historical scene, observe how Mr. Li treats people, quote the rudder, and witness his work and night work.He worked for the long -term stability of the island country and bet on his life for a political belief.

The author is currently working at the Chinese Cultural Center of Singapore

From 2004 to 2013 as Prime Minister Li Xianlong's press secretary