The founders of Singapore are basically based on rationality and common sense, and at the same time can observe the international trend and have an economic perspective; more importantly, we can take the well -being of the people to heart.Originally, there was no fixed model of democracy, and there were many countries that follow the West and the deserted board.Singapore has stepped out of his own set, perhaps because the leader knows the defects of Western civilization better.

Since the composition of human beings, the inheritance of power has been a big problem.In ancient China, there was a legend of Zen for Zen, but after all, it was just a legend. The ancient bamboo book chronological year had long recorded that the continuation of power between Yao Shun and Yu was blood -stained and cruel.In fact, as early as the pre -Qin era that had not unearthed in the bamboo book, Han Feizi of the legalist did not believe in this set at all.Han Feizi had doubted the inheritance of power at that time. It was the "Jun Jun" version of Shun killed Yao and Yu to kill Shun; even the Confucian Xunzi did not believe it.The reason why they did not believe was obviously the judgment made by common sense and understanding of human nature.On the contrary, some Confucian coffees and Sima Qian, who stubbornly pinned the ideal politics of Utopia on the "virtual" characters very far away from them, misleading some scholars in later generations.

The records of the Egyptian Pharaoh, which are more distant than Chinese history, seem to be relatively complete.Three or four thousand years ago, the dynasty was dominated by the eldest son of the family, relying on the deity of the priests to the Pharaoh, and the construction of the army such as the army to maintain the power.However, in the future, he had to face the trouble of chaos in family relationships. In the end, the inheritance of the kingship had controversial, conflict, and instability, so that the dynasty was disintegrated.

In most areas all over the world, the power inheritance model has rely on blood for thousands of years, nor can they be exempted from blood.The long -term rule of a few people with high homogeneity will always be complacent, arrogant, power monopoly, and policy deviations that we are talking about today.The emergence of the revolution always go through the brewing period, but the arrogant rule will ignore hidden dangers and cannot find a solution.Like the Qing Dynasty's Aixinjue Roche, there are very few active surrender of the regime, and it has to be a last resort.Without the reference of Western politics, Eastern culture will not carry out the power inheritance model of modern candidates.

The British Charter has been formulated for more than 800 years, and the kingship gradually dilutes until it becomes a virtual head of state; on the other hand, civil rights are gradually established until they can fully control the direction of the country.Regardless of how many impressions of democratic politics today, regardless of criticism or support, in the past 800, Britain's incidents that bleed in the internal competition to fight for power, the less later."Several people's heads" became a kind of civilization after becoming a habit and even tradition. The top national social elites and families no longer need to master power in order to keep their

This is actually the significance of the democratic system to the elite.

Regardless of the elite family of the East and the West, many of them have top arts and culture, which is the crystallization of hundreds of years of inheritance and education.However, the blood political politics in the East will let the family face cruel cleaning after the critical point, and everything will be zero.Many political families in modern Europe can avoid such destiny because cutting people is no longer a way of thinking.

Kissinger, known as the master of power, had a famous saying that "power is the ultimate aphrodisiac" during his lifetime.The worst thing is that the innocent people must follow the fate of being reduced to different grass mustard.

Since the democratic system can inherit the fears of power inheritance and allow all the people to avoid speechless tragedies, the rational country and the people must be based on democracy under the condition of choice.This is the common sense brought to us after democratic brewing and continuous optimization for hundreds of years.It has made people see that for thousands of years, human politics "sister -in -law succeeds", "monarchy," and "passing men and not passing on women" and other irrational, logical, and deceptive behaviors.

Because this absurdity has been deeply rooted in the hearts of modern times, and there are fewer and fewer doubts about democracy, even North Korea's full name is also called the North Korean Democratic People's Republic of China, but it also proves that the contemporary "democratic" marketFull of counterfeit goods.

Most of the countries that have been separated from the colonies are based on the democratic system, but due to the lack of humanistic and historical literacy of institutional construction, the color of human cure is different.Fortunately, we can roughly grasp the direction of respect for public opinion. Unfortunately, it has fallen into the abyss of religious or military melee, and power inheritance has never jumped out of the crisis.

The founders of Singapore are basically based on rationality and common sense. At the same time, they can observe the international general trend and have an economic perspective. More importantly, they can take the well -being of the people to heart.This has to be said to be lucky rather than inevitable.For decades, the exploration direction of the founding of the country has not deviated from common sense judgment, and has been steadily on the democratic track. Although there are no lack of human colors, power inheritance is in line with the logic of the ruling party.Heavy.Originally, there was no fixed model of democracy, and there were many countries that follow the West and the deserted board.Singapore has stepped out of his own set, perhaps because the leader knows the defects of Western civilization better.

Li Guangyao asked his son to follow politics, which once caused long -term doubts, but the results of Li Xianlong's deciduousness left the reputation for himself.Before the authoritarian colors have faded completely, diluting the family members may be worthy of attention, because as the social knowledge class continues to expand, the ethnic group is getting more and more complicated, and the psychological rebellious psychology will become stronger and stronger.

Li Xianlong is not easy to walk through that era. It is very rare for Singapore to enter the democratic system that is more normal in the world.In fact, Li Xianlong also just talked a famous saying: "Your postal area number will not determine your destiny." In the era of Li Xianlong, the fourth -generation leadership team who lacked the background of the political family was successfully reflected in the "postal area number did not notThe political culture of determining destiny "has made Singapore's politics rejuvenating new vitality.

A few years before Jiang Jingguo's death, when he was still in control in Taiwan, he said the same famous saying: "The authority is easy to use it, and it is difficult to use it."It is the last one, I will end the autocracy with autocracy. "" My family cannot and will not run for the president.Looking at him from the background of the long river of power in China, it is undoubtedly one person.