Singapore is more concerned about the overall public security of the society. This minister stated that it was proposed on the eve of the transfer of the old Prime Minister, and it was also in the declaration of the Chinese and international declarations that the anti -drug war was still a firm position for the fourth -generation leader of Singapore.

It is said that drugs have become a challenge for national security. They are dealing with drug dealers by death. Singapore, which people have a high sense of security, seem to be a bit alarming.

On the strict control of drugs and the continuous strengthening of anti -drug war, Singapore can be said to be the country that hates drugs in the world today.

In many developed and relatively safe countries, the harm of drugs to people's physical and mental of people will cause social turmoil and a major challenge to form national security.In the eyes of the Singapore government, it must not be indifferent, nor will it be compromised because of the interference of false and just civil rights organizations because of the name of some false human rights.

The hardest hit area of ​​global drug problems today is just in developed countries in Europe, not South America, not Southeast Asia.European ports have become the safe land of "drug centers" and "drug dealers". Half of the murders of EU countries and more than a quarter of weapons are related to drug smuggling.

In the United States, every 14 months, the number of people who died due to the abuse of fentanyl has surpassed the total number of deaths in all wars in the United States since World War II.The expected life of American men declined due to two reasons. One was shooting and homicide; the other was drug abuse of drugs and opium.

The Minister of the Interior and the Minister of Justice, Shang Mogan, issued a statement of "National Drug Management and Control Policy" in Congress on May 8th, from the world structure to the low tolerance of drug harm to drugs in Singapore, outlines a latest involving national securityThe picture scene.

A preliminary investigation by the Ministry of the Interior in 2023 showed that nearly 80 % of the respondents agreed or agreed that the death penalty was applied to the worst crime, including drug trafficking; about 70 % agreed or very agreed.Proper punishment.Compared with 2021, these two sets of numbers increased by three percentage points.About 2,000 Singaporeans and local permanent residents were surveyed.

In addition, the 2023 survey of the nation ’s prevention of drugs to prevent drugs from drugs showed that nearly 91%of the respondents supported Singapore’ s drug -free policy, and 87%believed that anti -drug laws could effectively maintain Singapore's relatively drug -free state.

The latest survey data confirmed that Singapore has a strong public opinion foundation to deal with drug trafficking and prevent drugs from entering the local area by severe punishment.Some rights protectionists and online platforms claim to be "controversial and weakened by the weakening rate of the death penalty", which is attempt to confuse right and wrong, and to carry out the organization and individual people who maintain human rights and democratic flags abroad to provide interference in Singapore's anti -drug policyExpress.For example, British Billionaires, Bryson, said three or four of the drug dealers against drug dealers in Singapore at one time, saying that Singapore "stands on a wrong side of history."He thought that through his reputation, he could exert a little influence in the world and aggravate his pressure on Singapore.

For this kind of external noise, the government can be completely ignored, but Singapore chooses to study carefully, "move the bottle", sponsor Buweng to new TV debate, but unfortunately he did not take Shang Morgan's invitation.His "sense of justice" did not give him enough courage to come to Singapore to face reality.

Now is the era of information technology, all debates can be available online.If the organization and people who care about the Singapore's anti -drug war are not persuaded by the Singapore government's latest policy statement, they can continue to challenge Singapore's position.However, they should first focus on the flood of drugs in their own country.

Singapore is more concerned about the overall public security.This minister's statement was proposed on the eve of the transfer of the old Prime Minister, and it was also to declare to the Chinese and the international declaration that the war of anti -drug was still a firm position for Singapore's fourth -generation leader.

The follow -up application decree after Congress approved in November 2022 will take effect within a few weeks. After the failure of the death row appeal, the process of subsequent application will be clearer.The new laws and regulations are enforced by legal punishments and will also reduce the delays that may occur in lawsuits.

In the past, some rights defenders often rushed to "temporarily hold the Buddha's feet" at the last moment, representing drug dealers' unreasonable legal applications, showing that "the life is related to the sky, it is important".This new law is obviously aimed at such abuse of judicial procedures, making unprecedented allegations on the government, and seeking "compassion".

Singaporeans like to travel to Thailand for travel and vacation. After legalizing marijuana about two years ago, beverage foods containing cannabis have flooded.From the restaurant to the campus, buying marijuana products is as easy as buying ice cream, it may not be surprising that even the ice cream contains cannabis.In just six months, Thailand increased the number of drug addictions by four times.This is expected, but the situation worsen quickly, but it is still unimaginable.

The Thai government that opened the Pandora box has regretted a little recently, hoping to re -control the use of marijuana before the end of the year.Is this too late?Shang Morgan dare not be optimistic.The Thai marijuana industry has claimed that he will launch a demonstration and oppose the government to re -listed cannabis as a drug.

The money contained in marijuana has also become a social toxin; it is easy to relax drug control, but it is even harder to tighten."Heaven is sin, it is still violated. Self -self -sin, you can't live."

The Singapore Central Drug Administration has obtained a market value of about 15 million yuan last year, destroying 25 drug trafficking organizations.Last year, the increase of drug addicts increased by 10%and the number of arrests of the abuse of marijuana reached a new high of 10 years.Although Singapore's control is tightly controlled, the latest situation is still deteriorating, and it can be seen that the anti -drug war is not allowed to relax for a moment.

The murmur issued by the death of Singapore is actually a propaganda to Singapore's anti -drug policy; while some local civil rights and online social media take the opportunity to take the death penalty as the human rights agenda.Little man.