In 1969, "Apollo 11" contains Buzz Aldrin and Neil Armstrong (Iwate Tang) landing on the moon surface, the subsequent "Apollo" missionSend 10 Americans to the moon, until December 1972, the United States stopped moving the moon as soon as possible.

After more than half a century, people have become interested in the moon landing again.The United States plans to send astronauts to the moon again, including a colorful race and a woman, and China and India will also have the moon landing task.

Why do countries in the moon landing?How is this different from the space exploration of space in the 1960s?


In 1961, the Soviet Union's Yuri Gagarin surrounded the Earth's track, and the United States responded to manned flight mission.

Log in to the moon is a huge achievement and a strong political declaration, which has inspired the global imagination.

Senior editor of economists and the moon, Oliver Morton, the future historical book author, said, "It's hard to say what you can do than to say" We want to bring people from the earth to the moon '""

Who is the next person who boards the moon depends on geopolitical and desire to use lunar resources.Different countries and even related private companies have different purposes.

Russia, China, India, Japan and the European Union have successfully landed on the surface of the moon, and no one or roaming vehicle has never been carried.

Today, this competition is launched between the United States and China.

ARS Technica senior space editor Eric Berger said: "This is driven by geopolitics. Therefore, alliances led by the United States and China have announced their announcementThey are all signed a contract with international partners and want to reach the moon in the next five to ten years.

Moon Resources

The first moon landing mission is not for research, but just to land on the moon.

Now it is not just a problem to fly to the moon, but to develop technology allows people to stay on the moon and use the resources on the moon.

Christopher Newman, a professor at the University of Space Law and Policy of the University of Norssia, said: "Human beings are creatures on the earth ... Some people want to do expansion, on Mars, the moon,Establish a colony and the settlement of artificially built in outer space Establish a colony.

He added that some people's ambitions are to establish colonies outside the earth to ensure that humans can survive in great extinction.

Transit Station

The current moon landing task of the United States is going further.

Namrata Goswami, a professor at the School of Right Bird Global Management of Arizona State University, explained: "Our idea is not to bring it back to the earth, but to establish a base there, so that the moon will beCan be regarded as a transit station for Mars. "

She pointed out that the lunar gravity is less gravitational, and the fuel required to launch rockets from the moon is less than that of rockets from the earth, which is why countries regard the moon as strategic assets.

Because some areas on the moon are exposed to the sun almost for a long time, solar energy may also be produced.Scientists hope to use large satellites on Low Earth Orbit (also known as low earth orbit) to transmit energy to the earth and transmit energy back to Earth through microwaves.

NASA (NASA) said the near -earth orbit includes a synchronous orbit of earth with a height of 1200 miles (2000 kilometers) or below.

India's lunar exploration mission confirms that there are sulfur, aluminum and other elements near the Moon Antarctica.The focus is now to find another key element that can provide nutrition.

Professor Goswami, a professor of Arizona State University, said: "Water ice is crucial. If you want to maintain a human settlement, you need water ice because water ice can become oxygen."

After the first lunar landing brought joy, even at the end of the 1960s, some people even started talking about boarding the stars.But this will not happen quickly.

"Science and Technology Art" senior space editor Eric Berjie said: "The moon is a tangible destination of humans outside the near -ground track, and its gravity well is very low. So it is relatively easy to reach. It takes three days to reach the moon.It takes six to eight months to reach Mars.

Logining to the moon requires overcoming major technical obstacles.

First of all, a powerful rocket is required to send the astronauts out of space and ensure that they are free of radiation.

The challenge after is soft landing on the surface of the moon, and then the astronauts will be able to return.Once technical obstacles occur, they do not have any external help or even the option to stop the task.

Astronauts who take the spacecraft from the moon will re -enter the earth atmosphere at an amazing speed of a few kilometers per second.

Senior space editor Boje explained that this is because they will accelerate when they return from the near -ground orbit.

When different countries are on the moon, what will happen will happen is also a key issue.

Out Space Treaty in 1967 stipulates that no country can claim to have space sovereignty, but reality is likely to be different.

Professor Goswami, a professor at Arizona State University, said: "Only those countries that are capable of landing on the moon and mining can have the first advantage. Therefore, we have no legal system today to regulate how the resources obtained on the moon are shared."

New Space Contest

China plans to establish an operating permanent moon base in the 1930s, which will be completed on schedule.The United States is expected to be able to connect with the moon space station by 2028, but the plan has fallen behind.

The success of the United States depends to a large extent on the ability of Billionaire Musk, and the ability of Starship Rockets (Starship; Star Boat) developed by its company's SpaceX.

India plans to take the first manned space for the first time next year. The goal is to establish a space station there by 2035, and by 2040, a astronaut will be sent to the moon.

Professor Goswami concluded: "China's space plan is very interesting, that is, they can complete the task on schedule. I think China will be the first country in the 21st century to land on the moon and achieve permanent space research and development permanently.The final goal of the base. "

(written in thisQUIRY column based on the BBC International Platform)