This is a must -answer question for the fourth -generation leader who is about to succeed, because the founding of the founding of the founding of the founding of the country will be grandly opened during their first term.How the Singapore government will show our history and historical figures from the world and the whole world, whether it will commemorate this sang history with a large mind, ending a historical chapter with an inclusive attitude, will be related to the image of the country.

Hiking every day is a day of habit for more than ten years. Usually, you choose parks or parks, rivers, rivers, storage pools, forest fields, nature reserves, etc.;Looking for the secrets after exercise.

April 7th is a day with special significance. On the day of the Nanyang University Preparatory Committee 71 years ago, it issued a declaration of founding Nanyang University.He was tide, and decided to take a road that had not been for more than 50 years on this day -from the Nanda archway to Yunnan Garden, remembering.

During the sake of studying in NTU, I occasionally took the bus from the bottom of the slope or the Da Shi fishing village, and got off at the Nanda Archway.arrive.

The vicissitudes of the sea, now Nanyang University has entered the history. The archway has been separated from the yin and yang of the campus. The lonely stands next to a private residential area on a private residential area on the 93rd Street of Jurong.From here, there is no pass in Yunnan Garden. You must pass through the private houses and housing area of ​​the stars.The trail next to it reached the end, the Panjima highway was blocked in front of the eyes, climbing up the high pedestrian flyover across it, and the foothold was the main road of Nanyang University of Science and Technology Lianzhou Channel.After about an hour, I finally returned to the long -lost Yunnan Garden.Passing through the scattered garden of the octagonal pavilion, he came to the Chinese Pavilion.These two "monuments" are roughly retaining their original appearance, and they are the only few left scenes that are familiar with Nan.

However, the scene is still, and the personnel are no longer.Going to the back of the Chinese Pavilion, seeing the nanda Lake, which is all -unblied to, and the inconspicuous Chen Liu ambassador, are even more sighing!

I can't help but return to the day five years ago.

On the afternoon of October 19, 2019, at the Singapore Chinese Cultural Center, after hearing Professor Wang Dewei's wonderful speech on "Nanyang's Wind Star Illustration -Viewing History from Literature", he did not have time to continue to listen to the next answer.Asked, he hurried to Jurong and participated in another unveiling ceremony of "Singapore's Fujian Club" and "Chen Liu envoy" of Nanyang University of Science and Technology.

That's the first time Chen Liuzan "returned" Yunnan Garden for decades!After receiving the invitation letter, I couldn't help but speculate, how will the official rehabilitate him?With questions, he also had hope, and went straight to Yunnan Garden with an alumni who moved to the United States.

The unveiling ceremony was grandly held in the Literature School of Nanyang University of Science and Technology. The building officially renamed the "Singapore Fujian Club Hall" on the same day.

There is a building commemorative in the Fujian Club. What about Chen Liuxi?At least should I wait for the amount?This was the first time that Chen Liujie's citizenship was captured and left Nanyang University in 1963, and he officially "returned" Yunnan Garden for the first time!Everyone wants to see how he is vindicated.

I didn't expect that the thunder was very raining and very small, and the brand was unveiled. It turned out that the "Chen Liuxi Trail" turned out to be the road next to Nandahu Lake. A dead end who came to the end without walking away and did not have a "out of the way".It is disappointing.

Is this even rehabilitating Chen Liujie?

A group of alumni looked at each other and tried to ask the Chinese community leader present.They are also looking at me, I look at you, I don't know why.

But everyone understands that without the official nodding, Chen Liuzhang cannot return to Yunnan Garden.Everyone also feels that this is the justice of Chen Liu's lateness, but it is too late, but the lateness is better. Even if it is not fair enough, it is difficult to accept it, and it can only be accepted.Is this just the "first step" that vindicate, but is it so difficult, will there be the next step?

The alumni came out of this lamb intestinal trail, and when they left the magnificent Lianzhou Channel, their moods were inevitable.

This confusion was buried in my heart and couldn't drive it.A few months later, I accidentally encountered the unveiling ceremony on one occasion. I boldly asked him what was going on. He looked at me and smiled helplessly.Go down.

Time was about to enter about half a year ago, and visited the Semangat Yang Baru at the National Museum, a new spiritual exhibition in Lion City, and the opportunity finally came.This exhibition displayed in the important historical milestone in Singapore from 1950 to the 1970s was of course the part of Nanyang University, and Chen Liuzhang's contribution to NTU.When visiting the exhibition board about NTU, it was just a highly respected and highly respected and respected political figures at home and abroad.So I hurriedly asked him: Is Chen Liu's great contribution to Nanyang University, is it worthy of the name of a trail?Is this fair to him?

The wise man who knew everything paused and sighed thoughtfully: This was a good opportunity to make up for, but we missed it ... XX has tried his best ... It's a pity!

He is unwilling to say more, but this sigh is better than thousands of words, revealing a lot of information that can only be passed on.

From the bitter smile that the parties want to say, and sigh with the insightner, it is not difficult to imagine how tossing the process behind the "unveiling" is tangled and tangled."The name" this name always can't bypass some sensitive nerves. The historical burden passed down from the previous generation cannot be put down!

Is the burden of "Chen Liuzhang" so heavy?

Is the burden so heavy?

But looking at the biggest hero of Nanyang University, Chen Liuzhang, only one small path without a way out, but the Lianxianzhou passage not far away was a road to campus, did you not feel abrupt?What information do we want to convey to future generations and the world?

Do not misunderstand, I have no intention to wipe out the contribution of Mr. Lian Yizhou. He made a significant contribution to Nanyang University of Science and Technology at the beginning of the founding of Nanyang University and later.The university official renamed a large section of the "Nanyang Channel" running through the campus to commemorate him.

What about Chen Liujie?So the great contribution is in the end, but only change back to a small trail?Is it too small?What kind of body!

We owe Chen Liuzhang too much -not only the children of NTU, but also the entire society.The kind of folk automatic spontaneous, from the bottom, and the wishes of the city, and the valuable spirit that people are full of ideals and dare to imagine have become the legend of that era. The imprint of history will always remain in people's hearts.That is the precious humanistic value we used to have, but now we have died with the wind, and we can't call back forever!

Yes, Chen Liuzhang's political opinions from the founding Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew were well known to constantly criticize the government's educational policies.The general election on September 21, 1963 was a deadly battle between the People's Action Party and the socialist front. At the critical moment on the eve of the election, he publicly supported the NTU graduate who was running for the election, and most of them represent the social array.EssenceAs a result, the DAP won, and Chen Liumo was captured by citizenship the next day.

He was indeed anti -government at that time, but it was not "anti -country" (Singapore was not an independent country at that time, let alone it). His contribution to the country society is obvious to all.Once the anti -government was wiped out.After 60 years, should we formally return him to a fair?Should we treat history with a more enlightened attitude?

Li Yuanjin, a well -known local historian Li Yuanjin, published an article entitled "Chen Liujie back to Yunnan Garden" on October 25, 2019, saying: "On October 19, 2019, the trip to Yunnan Garden, heard it.Seeing me, I feel good. I thank you for the unveiling ceremony that day, but I hope that those who have power in power are set aside of ideology and political correctness, and they will treat historical and historical figures more openly.Is it a younger generation, a good historical education and demonstration? "

Li Yuanjin hopes that "more enlightened to treat history and historical figures" reflects the voices of many people.

This can't help but remind me of the founding of the founding sages that will be built in Binhai East Garden.Binhai East Garden and their surroundings are my favorite place for hiking, and they have gone hundreds of times so far.It is connected to the East Coast Park in the east, and the west side is through the coastal dam, which is connected to the Binhai South Garden. It is extraordinary.The location and scenery here are excellent. It is a treasure of Feng Shui. In addition, there is a large number of land in the garden and around it to develop. The founding of the founding sages of the founding of the country is here, which is not appropriate.

Who is the "Founding of the State"?

In recent months, most of the garden of Binhai East Garden has been sealed, and a high zinc plate fence has been erected. The wall shows the magnificent concept map of the memorial garden, which means that the construction is about to start, so as to be completed in 2027.

What form will this anticipated memorial garden appear?In what way does it present the contribution of the founding of the founding of the country?More importantly: Who will "Jiang Guo's sages" include?Will it be just those who are familiar to us in the official standard history exposition?It will still be more open, so that the heroes who embrace different political ideas in the magnificent anti -colonial movement also occupy a place?

As a media person, I am very familiar with the official "historical outlook", but I also have the opportunity to expose and narrate the so -called "historical amendmentism".Various stereotypes are retained.

History is not always black and white. Between the black and white of the anti -colonial struggle, there are actually large gray areas. The depths are different, colorful, full of ideological confrontation, differences in political concepts, language and culture of language and cultureDifferences -mainly because of different values, not right or wrong.The important thing is that everyone has a common goal: oppose colonial rule and strive to establish independently.

In this case, should the founding of the founding of the founding of the founding of the country be able to accept all the people, and the people who have dedicated their lives in the anti -colonial struggle regardless of the route, regardless of the left and right, compatible?Still like some people, will it be handled with the mentality of "the king of the king"?

The "Founding Nations Memorial Hall" (formerly known as) preparatory committee was established in the early days of the preparatory committee, and many focus group discussions were held to collect public opinion extensively.I have participated, knowing that this worry does exist.

So far, we only see the architectural design of the Memorial Garden, but we know nothing about the content of the exhibition in the park and the hall.Either excluded or how to be "commemorative", there is no way to speculate.

However, if the official attitude towards Chen Liujie is a sign, people's concerns may not be redundant.

In any case, this is a must -answer question for the fourth -generation leader, because the founding of the founder of the founding of the Guo Guo will be grandly opened during their first term.At that time, how will the Singaporean government show our history and historical figures from the Chinese people and the world, and whether it will commemorate this sang history with a large mind, and ending a historical chapter with a tolerance attitude, it will be related to the country’sImage.

In all fairness, in addition to surrendering bright political achievements and bringing Singapore with a more prosperous, strong, fair and harmonious road, his political style is also obviously different from Li Guangyao's tough attitude.As the Director of Lianhe Zaobao's speech, Ye Pengfei said in addition to Li Xianlong on April 28. Compared with his father, he was much more tolerant of the opponent's and diverse political voices.

I personally impressed him about the selfless position of Li Guangyao's former residence of Li Guangyao, 38 Ou Sili Road.Li Guangyao insisted that after his death, he demolished the old house that had witnessed some major historical decisions, but Li Xianlong did not follow his father's wishes.As the Prime Minister, he cannot override the law (the laws that require cultural and historical values ​​cannot be dismantled arbitrarily). He distinguishes family affairs and state affairs clearly.As a result, the younger brother of Li Guangyao's name was formed.Instead of Premier Li's violation of his father, he maintained Lee Guangyao's reputation and government integrity.

However, Li Xianlong's "violation" to his father is only here. From the "historical outlook" and "historical figure positioning" inherited from the first generation of political leaders, including the issue of Nanyang University, etc.How much change.Is it all collected in the order?Or is it "putting the controversy", was it ready to give this "unbelievable karma" to the next generation?

Maybe politics is a good time?Will the new Prime Minister who "tolerate" and does not have historical burdens will you seek breakthroughs in this regard?Can the new president who advocate "respecting each other" play a role in this issue of transcendence?