Source: Hong Kong Zhongtong News Agency

Author: Ye Yongcheng

The two major industries in the United States, Tesla, and Google Inc., a new energy vehicle company Tesla, and the technology company, will not have a layoff plan for 3 days; the former announced the global layoffs of 14,000 layoffs aroundPeople exceed 10%of their total employees; in addition to deploying layoffs, the latter also said that some jobs will be transferred overseas.While reducing costs, it has gradually become a reality to quietly let AI (artificial intelligence) technology stealing jobs.

The global science and technology industry layoffs have continued from last year. Google announced on the 18th of Beijing time. Some positions will be transferred overseas, but it does not indicate the specific number.But an employee described "the scale is quite large."The survey data shows that this year, 257 technology companies have shrunk, and about 74,000 employees have lost their rice bowls.

According to Reuters, the layoff statement of Google is mainly to use this to reduce costs and reorganize, and further promote AI transformation.Google claims: "From the second half of 2023 to 2024, many of our teams have changed to improve efficiency, work better, eliminate levels, and adjust resources to the most important product priorities."

Google has fired 12,000 employees last year, involving many teams such as engineering, hardware and assistants.Investment to AI and other fields, there will be more layoffs this year.

China (Shenzhen) Institute of Comprehensive Development and Research Institute, Yu Lingqu, executive director of the State -owned Enterprise Institute of State -owned Enterprise Research Institute, said in an interview with the Hong Kong News Agency on the 18th that AI has become a reality.It is higher than the growth of corporate income, bringing redundant jobs; the second is that it takes time to adapt to and master the development of artificial intelligence, which will bring "frictional unemployment".

FricTIONAL UNEMPLOYMENT refers to the unemployment caused by technical reasons, that is, due to the economic adjustment, or due to the imbalance of the resource allocation,And the unemployment phenomenon.

The tech industry layoffs are often the first. Yu Lingqu said that on the one hand, the cyclical fluctuations of the technology industry, the dividend on the Internet line decreases, the income growth is not as expected, and technology companies are facing a periodic troughThe influence, AI improves its work efficiency and forced enterprises to reduce job configuration.

According to statistics from, a human resources website, unlike the layoffs after the epidemic, the layoffs since the second half of last year were mainly due to the reorganization of business departments and resource allocation due to the development of AI.After the popularity of the generation AI, the work of programmers has been greatly replaced, which has triggered the decision of layoffs from many companies.

Yu Lingqu pointed out that for the low -skilled labor force eliminated by artificial intelligence, this requires the government to use the "time window" to increase education and training in related fields, improve the quality of workers, and better adapt to the advent of the era of artificial intelligence.Essence