The theory of Main is the "poverty philosophy" in itself. In addition to Marx himself as a thinker and social revolution (social turmoil and confrontation manufacturing), there is no specific theory in growing real social productivity and material wealth (Production mechanism vision) and practical contribution.Lenin, Stalin and the Soviet Union and Russia are the same.

After more than two years of the Russian and Ukraine War, it was still stuck.The Ukrainian war made global and small countries, political experts, military experts, and scholars.How will the Russian and Ukraine War go?What about Russia's rise and decline?What will happen to China -Russia relations?Will the United States and Europe abandon Ukraine, or will it be directly sent to the Russian and Ukraine battlefield?What will happen to global political and economic and military development?

The ups and downs of the Russian war exceeded the global judgment and more than the preliminary judgment of the parties of Moscow and Kiev.There is only one real reason for Putin and Russia.Putin has been re -elected in the so -called "election" method. In addition to satisfying personal desires and increasing the people of U -Russia and the global disaster, it cannot actually change the actual trend of themselves and Russia.

Putin and Russia must be defeated. There are four aspects of the underlying logic: 1. Continuously trapped in international isolation, deepening of closedness, constant continuous shrinking economic and weapons exports, and the decline in national development capabilities. Second, Russia's global impactThe weakening of power and the day is even thoroughly cleared; 3. Third, alliances such as the Russian and North Korea, in terms of the sustainable development capabilities of the country and the military, can not be observed with NATO, and only the interests, the benefits are self -protection and the birds and beasts are scattered;Fourth, NATO cannot be included in the Russian territory. The NATO military system can crush the Russian conventional military capabilities, and then the nuclear weapon is paralyzed to Russia if necessary.In fact, the United States and NATO have actually formulated and deployed a systemic plan for the end of the Russian and Ukraine war and solving the Russian issue.

At the same time, due to the close relationship with Russia, if China has a major risk of development and security, it will re -examine and adjust the policy of Russia. It is impossible for China to have a serious deterioration of its own national development and security situation.It may not consider the price of deep deterioration with the United States and Europe.Regardless of military, economic, political capabilities and moral support, Putin and Russia will be defeated.

Of course, some people are looking forward to when Putin will launch a nuclear war. It seems that once Russia launch a nuclear war, he will be left alone or a few people on the earth.Don't say that Putin dare not, because this can only mean that Putin and Russia have become a man of human beings and have been killed quickly; even if he dares to rush the world, it will be several times more than that of Russia's comprehensive politics and military capabilities and military capabilitiesStrict revenge and punishment.

The "multi -pole" claim and context have become the key vocabulary of the concepts of development in China and the United States today.The reason why developing countries including China actively advocate "multi -pole" development, one based on rights protection and fight against the "coercion" of the United States and the West;It is required to share the results of human development equally with developing countries with developing countries in the West.

It is impossible for the United States and Europe and allies to be willing to carry out non -differential technical output and political and economic policies for global non -market economy and non -democratic politics.The majority of developing countries must rely on their own reforms, or through reforms, actively or passively include the process of western democracy, the rule of law and marketization of the West, or create a better development concept and system to lead and lead the West.First, there is no third road.

Strictly speaking, "multi -polarization" is a alien word in the form of "small nations and widows" social development, which is unscientific."Multi -pole" is just a state of existence at this stage. It does not conform to the sustainable development direction of the objective evolution of things. Only the one -piece Datong is a global inevitable logic trend.The problem is whether the so -called "socialism" concept, or the capitalist method to achieve global sustainable development and integration.

Poor Polyzate Poor

There are obvious major political system differences worldwide today.The United States is a modern country based on the achievements of modern European economy, rule of law, and political civilization in the 18th and 19th centuries. The political foundation is a market economy, the rule of law civilization, and the three powers.The establishment of a global peace order, or the establishment of a "peaceful coexistence and win -win cooperation" order, must solve the problem of differences in realistic political system.Of course, the United States cannot reverse, and Qu John North Korea is still very backward and ignorant and brutal.In the face of such governance differences, if you want to fully realize equality and harmony with each other, it is tantamount to dreaming of dreams.

Can the Chinese -style modern model already achieve national modernization, but also overcome the development limitations of market decision production factors and resource allocation, and realize the comprehensive development of people?The capitalist concept pursued by the Western economy, in the three or four hundred years after the 15th century, uses property, resources and population plunder and colonial policies as a means to establish a Western political and economic system.Unemployment, economic and financial crisis.However, through a series of constraints and error correction mechanisms such as the rule of law, democratic governance, environmental protection, and social welfare, a whole set has established a complete set of free competition and development, ensuring the orderly rules, and supplemented by a sound social welfare guarantee mechanism.Sustainable development system.It is this economic and social development system with a strong sustainable and sustainable ability that has promoted the western sustainable and high level of development.

Although China has realized the governance changes from imperial power to the "socialist" government, it has also introduced some concepts and systems of Western political and social governance, such as limited companies, civil servants systems, constitutions and laws and corresponding judicial systems, market economy, market economyIn fact, the political party politics has been replaced by political parties, but many backward ideas and cultural psychology with imperial politics still remain in the modern high -level sustainable political development system, or it needs to continue to deepen the "self -revolution".Essence

The level of democratic politics, the rule of law and the market economy of a country is directly proportional to its modernization and development and security capabilities.The reason is very simple. Only by fully implementing the social laws of equality and free development, can we fully realize the creative vitality of social subjects and live peacefully and harmoniously (and different).

The achievements of modern economic and social development all come from the theory of market economy, the rule of law and democratic politics. The "socialism" doctrine does not contribute any theory and practical development results with realistic development value to humans.The Marne theory is "poverty philosophy" itself. In addition to Marx himself, as a thinker and social revolution (social turmoil and confrontation manufacturing), there is no specific theory (production mechanism vision) and practice in growing real social productivity and material wealth.contribute.Lenin, Stalin and the Soviet Union and Russia are the same.

China has been deceived by this theory for many years (nearly a century), and it has also paid a heavy and bloody development price, which should be awake.The future development (recently) vision of human society will never be (the kind of saying), and it is impossible to be (what he imagines) "communism".The beautiful future of human society can only be based on a comprehensive market economy, the rule of law society and democratic governance, and sustainable the material and spiritual prosperity of social productivity.

Things with small land area, small population, lack of resources, but developing excellent quality and high people's happiness indexes, such as Singapore, such as a sober global vision and their own positioning, their governance and development capabilities are truly worthy of attention.of.

China's political theory and practice, if you continue to persevere in the Marne theory, will continue to delay the rise of the Chinese nation and the people's happiness process.In addition to the dialectical parts in the Main system, it is worth questioning and cautious.Chinese modern scientific and political theoryBuilding, two effective combinations are required, namely: the combination of traditional Chinese civilization and modern Western politics, economy, and rule of law civilization; the combination of socialist culture of the traditional Chinese culture and the reasonable ingredients in the Magnarism system.These two combinations are the bright path of high -quality recreation of the modern Chinese civilization system.

Diversified development does not mean that development is multi -polarized. It does not interfere with the internal affairs and respects territorial sovereignty. It does not mean that it will not be influenced by each other or even assimilation. Human families will inevitably move towards a highly integrated earth village that co -builds, sharing and co -construction.Governance and development system.

The integration of global economic development will inevitably lead to global governance (political) integration.The trend of global integration will not be transferred with the will of a few people.With the progress of global informationization, intelligence, and ecological development, jointly use and share earth resources, jointly protect Earth resources, and establish a cognitive and reality of the global unified development system, will become clearer.