Source: Hong Kong Zhongtong News Agency

Author: Chen Zhuoyi Zhou Jianxin

Hong Kong people go north and the cost rises. Under the influence of various factors, Hong Kong restaurants are finding a rotary.People in the catering industry accepted the interview with Zhongtong News Agency on the 17th that the upcoming May 1 Golden Week may be an opportunity. The restaurant itself needs to continuously improve its strength, keep pace with the times, keep up with electronic payment, robotic dishes, etc.Dilemma.

Northern consumption becomes windy, and Hong Kong restaurant holiday business is affected.Huang Jiahe Huang Jiahe, the president of the Hong Kong Catering Association, pointed out that since this year, the exit tour of Hong Kong people has a great impact on the local catering industry, resulting in a 40%decrease in the catering industry business than usual.

It seems that in recent years, Hong Kong's retail catering industries and other industries are unsatisfactory, and Hong Kong people in the north will become one of the reasons.In fact, the entire catering market structure is changing, and the consumption model of Hong Kong and passengers is also changing.The catering industry in Hong Kong should also know changes in order to turn in danger.

In terms of changing thinking, the Huang family and proposed two suggestions: First of all, customers' attention to health is getting higher and higher. The uniqueness of Hong Kong is the integration of Chinese and Western culture. Catering practitioners should come from health ingredients or in various places.The method is included in the menu.Secondly, some traditional Hong Kong restaurants still only collect cash, and they must embrace the electronic payment system as soon as possible to improve daily operating efficiency and reduce costs.

Xu Wenwei, president of the Society of Gee seedlings and chairman of Jinji Catering Co., Ltd., put forward three "innovation" suggestions to reporters.First of all, he emphasized that Hong Kong restaurants should be innovative on the menu, and some traditional dishes have not changed for decades.Secondly, in terms of payment settlement, you can learn from mainland cities in mainland China and speed up the convenient use of cashless payment methods.Third, Xu Wenwei believes that the catering industry is facing manpower shortage, and he should introduce more scientific and technological methods to treat guests, order orders, pass vegetables, and collect discs, thereby improving efficiency.

In fact, many Hong Kong restaurants have changed their business strategies, such as two meals, which are new models of the epidemic, and now they have become queues.During the epidemic, many new coffee stores provide leisure place for Hong Kong people. Nowadays, there are many tea shops, and the business is hot as usual.

Observing the market in the market, some still insist on receiving only cash, and some introduce local electronic payment methods. Only a small part can use WeChat and Alipay payment methods commonly used in the mainland.Stores with the most electronic payment methods generally attract more young customers.

These phenomena show that as long as they actively conform to the trend of the times, keep up with the pace of the development of the times, actively understand the changes, response, and change, and always open the new world in the change.

After the epidemic, some commented that Hong Kong's service quality has declined.The politeness of the Hong Kong catering industry has a long history. As early as 20 years ago, the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government has invited artists Andy Lau to make high -quality services for several industries such as retail and food.With the continuous improvement of services in neighboring areas such as Shenzhen, Hong Kong's problems have gradually become prominent.

The Hong Kong Tourism Development Bureau plans to use 135 million yuan (Hong Kong dollars, about 23 million yuan) to launch the "new polite movement" to improve the service level of front -line personnel such as stores or restaurants.During the May Day Golden Week this year, Hong Kong will also host Victoria Harbor Fireworks Performance.The government has actively deployed on the May Day Golden Week to cope with the surging flow of people.

The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government has provided great publicity and support for various industries. Facing the dilemma, the catering industry still needs to take the initiative to change thinking and innovate independently to turn the crisis into a machine.