Bak Kut Teh was included in the national food heritage, not specified as a certain ethnic heritage.Malaysia is a society of diverse races and multiculturalism. Foods of all ethnic groups can be shortlisted and showing diversification. Why can't the Chinese Baks of Baks of Bone Bone?

Malaysia Heritage Specialist Mohamad Murda announced at the Constitution that according to the power given by Article 49 (1) of the 2005 National Heritage Act, several foods were listed as a national heritage.The Bone Bone Tea, which has always been regarded as the pride of Chinese food, was among them.The food selected for the national heritage also includes: Burasak, Mi Kolok, Nasi Ambng (Nasi Ambng);Jiu -layer cakes, rice cakes, and Roti Prata.

However, Bak and Bone Bone Tea was in legacy, but was attacked by Malay politicians and some netizens.The former Minister of State Moriia and the Rushin of the Turkistan Party disappointed, and even urged the government to consider the sensitivity of the public (mainly referring to Muslims) when "admitting that the Bakskin tea was entered into the legacy."Even the former Prime Minister Isemi Siberi also joined the opposition. He said: "List the Bak Kut Teh as the national food heritage, it will not consolidate racial fusion, but it will cause long -term controversy.We still have not promoted the unity of the country.There are also "bak" of "Bak Kut TEH" that are controversial.Some people argue, if you want to be halal, you can cook "chicken bone tea".

In this debate, the Tourism Minister Zhang Qingxin's refutation is the most powerful.He said: "Let us look at traditional food as a whole, instead of from the perspective of race or religion, or see if it is halal. Bak Kut Teh is a combination of herbs and meat combinations.You can use mutton, chicken, beef), which should not be a topic.Essence

This dispute is obviously the result of politics.The attacker focuses on two aspects: first, hindering unity; second, do not respect the feelings of the friends.It is represented by the former Prime Minister Esima, but how can a cuisine hinders national unity?Shabili looks logical and confusing, and it is unknown.What is the main theory he advocated, what is the legacy of the Bak and Bone Bone Tea?This time the remains include Goro Noodle (Sarawak), Anbang Fan (Malays), Nyonya Nine -layer Cake (Nyonya), and Indian muffins (India). Will it not hinder national unity?Shabili has repeatedly pulled the use of Malay. What is the food of all ethnic groups?Will Baks and Bone Bone Tea from entering Malay in all ethnic groups?Conversely, will it promote unity if it does not matter?

As for disrespectful to the feelings of friends, it is even more sinful.Bak Kut Teh was listed as a national gourmet heritage, and was announced by the Harmamad Murda in the Institute of Heritage. What is the Guanhua News Agency?It wasn't for Huazhong to declare that Bak and Bone Bone Tea was left.

Bak Kut Teh was included in the national food heritage, not specified as a certain ethnic heritage.Malaysia is a society of diverse races and multiculturalism. Foods of all ethnic groups can be shortlisted and are showing diversified.

Here I tirelessly explain the origin of the food of Bak Kut Tea.

Despite controversy, Bak and Bone Tea originated from Malaysia and Batsu, which is beyond doubt.As a result, hawkers in many regions have opened the Bak Kut Teh, and they like to cover the "Bakson Bak Kut Teh" to show authentic and teacher biography.There are several versions of the story of the origin of Bak Kut Tea, but the most widely circulated is this one: "At that time, the hard work of the Port Port Port, sweating for the upper and lower goods. They carried not only rice, but also seafood and beans.After a long time of labor, it was found that the medicinal materials scattered on the pier were found to be cleaned and collected.P>

Of course, because the bitterness needs to be full of food to maintain physical strength, oil rice and meat -bone tea become daily breakfast. In order to get rid of greasy, they have tea.Over time, Bak Kut Teh became the food of the pier.The hard -headed bitterness, wanting to start a business by yourself, naturally opened the stall and selling meat and bone tea.After generation and one generation of improvement, adjustment, and addition, herbs mainly include Angelica, Codonopsis, star anise, Yuzhu, licorice, etc.Later, add red dates, fragrant leaves, longan dried, etc., until 12, and it is now available for all kinds of meat and bone tea."

The story of Bak Kut Teh has its richness: First, the economic conditions and living conditions involved in the hard work of the dock;EssenceThe will and courage of a cauliflower in adversity also shows the accidental nature of the invention, and the cooking wisdom of the improvement process.Doesn't this reflect the spirit of the Chinese people silently contributed and unyielding in the founding of the founding of Malaysia?And the sentiment of integration and loyalty?I do n’t know if the inheritance commissioner considers these factors when determining that this food is entered into the heritage?Those who oppose the enlightenment are for their racist agenda and political extreme religious agenda, and deliberately ignore it?

(the author is a local writer)