In March 2022, Cai Ruilong, then the head of the Ministry of Social and Family Development and Culture, Community and Youth Ministry, pointed out in Congress that the crimes of adolescents have decreased by about 43%in the past 10 years.The crime has increased, from 109 in 2016 to 162 in 2020.He pointed out that the government should invest more resources to understand these trends to formulate more appropriate prevention measures.

After the juvenile crime, it still increases.Police data showed that in 2023, more than 470 young people under the age of 19 were arrested for sexual crimes, an increase of about 30 % over 2022.

The Minister of the Interior and the Minister of Social and Family Development Sun Xueling, Sun Xueling, pointed out at the third seminar of sexual crime and care consciousness on Monday (April 15) that there are two factors for the increase in sexual crimes of young people: one is premature teenagersIn contact information, or exposed to an environment of adult sex; the second is to receive information about improper and misleading sexual behaviors or sexual relationships.

She said that the Department of Psychology and Education of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is jointly formulating a set of information packages to assist in the counselors in schools and communities to find the "dangerous tendency" of children and adolescents as early as possible.Or a video for earlier intervention.This data package will also be used to educate students to let them know what dangerous sexual behavior is.

In addition, the police provide more help for the victims of sexual crimes, including the one -stop sexual assault certificate center, allowing the victims to assist in investigation in a more privacy environment, and allow them to continue to get after the case is overhelp.

As early as 2018, the government established "preventing young people from crimes, heavy crimes, and transformation of young cross -departmental committees" to coordinate the crimes of youth, including sexual crimes, including sexual crimes.Then, the amendments to the criminal law in March 2022 improved non -ritual crimes and punishment for minor crimes.However, the continued increase in sexual crimes reflects the arduous challenges faced by preventive measures.

In the Internet era, teenagers can easily contact pictures, videos or sex related topics of porn content on smartphones or online.Driven by curiosity, they take the initiative to browse pornographic websites; many social media platform algorithms also push porn content.Young people are rigid and immature. Under the ears, they are susceptible to errors or misleading information.

The negative impact of social media on minors has attracted widespread attention in many countries around the world.Although they have made a number of suggestions to restrict teenagers to open accounts or use social media to protect them from the adverse effects of social media platforms, they have little effect.In the Internet era, unless there is no mobile phone or computer to access the Internet, social media information that is uneven and bad is coming, and it is difficult to set up defense.

In the era of information overflow, strengthening the cognition and psychological ability of adolescents to resist bad information will be more practical and feasible than prohibiting that they are prohibited from contacting social media.In this regard, as Sun Xueling said, parents, schools, community partners and law enforcement agencies can do their best.

Parents need to pay more attention to their children's behavior and the information they contact, and instill their correct moral outlook.The family environment directly affects the child's mental growth. It is self -evident.Singapore's life is fast and stressful. Parents of most families work, and children are often disciplined.On the other hand, from the sex crimes reported by newspapers, many young criminals come from the unfortunate encounter of the rupture family or abuse.Among the perpetrators, some are relatives of the biological family.

The school is another line of defense.Young people are highly curious about sexual topics, but in Asian society, parents generally feel difficult to open up.Therefore, it is necessary for schools to strengthen the courses of sex education and eliminate students' myths in related topics to prevent them from being misled by social media.

The care and assistance of the community helps to guide the marginal teenagers to return to the right way.Hosted activities that are good and mental for young people, expand their social networks, and cultivate young people's respect for social norms, which can reduce the occurrence of young people, including sexual crimes, including sexual crimes.

The popularity of the Internet, the change of family structure, and the loss of moral outlook on morality have promoted the trend of surge in juvenile sex.The pornographic information of the Internet is difficult to block. Parents, schools and communities must work together to improve the recognition ability of young people, and cultivate the correct moral outlook, and prevent the continuous rise in the crime of young people.