The United States' strategy for China is currently a typical outer pine and internal tightness. Internal integration and mobilization preparations have reached the level and scale of the Soviet Union in response to the Soviet Union.At present, China also talks about improving Sino -US relations, but in the hot spot of the conflict between the conflict between China and the United States, such as the Tight Staries of the Taiwan Strait, the position of the Russian and Ukraine War, the reform and opening up of China, the retreat of the country, etc.Essence

The Indo -Pacific Strategy in the United States was officially proposed by the Trump administration in 2017. Since 2021, it has been comprehensively inherited and strengthened by the Bayeng government.The systematic resources are in place, and all the members are waiting for the situation.

The macro goal of strategy is the India -Pacific Ocean that maintains free and open; and a specific tactical purpose is to maintain peaceful development order in the Indo -Pacific region and stop universal war and conflict.For many people, the conflict of war in the Indo -Pacific region after the Cold War is somewhat unimaginable, because for more than 30 years, peace and development have been the core vision and demands of the Indo -Pacific countries and the people.However, in February 2022, Russia launched the war in Ukraine, a country invading the sovereignty, and undoubtedly woke up the world, including the Indo -Pacific region, awakened: peace is extremely precious, and the war is not far away;

Needless to say, the three potential conflict hotspots in the Indo -Pacific region are from north to south. One is the Korean Peninsula, one is in the Taiwan Sea, and the South China Sea.The conflict of the Korean Peninsula can be said to be the continuation of the Korean War 74 years ago.The history of this war in the sense of civilization and development has already given full and clear answers.However, the party who failed was unwilling to withdraw from the historical stage, and still poor soldiers, and the beasts were still fighting. To this end, the civilized world countries could only make a good counter -counterattack preparation.

The Taiwan issue has been transformed from the remains of the KMT and the Communist Party of China to a sharp conflict of geopolitics and civilization.If both sides of the Taiwan Straits still adhere to the main axis of peace and development, the peace and peace of the Taiwan Strait should not be a problem.This is similar to the relationship between Russia and Ukraine. If Russia really has the ability, it can develop a system platform that has its own prosperity and progress. Is it worried about the lack of charm and attractiveness to surrounding small countries such as Ukraine?Then there is no need to use the rogue to use force to coerce, Ukraine will not be self -proclaimed.With reference to the situation in the United States, many people leave their hometowns and "routing". They must steal the United States regardless of their death. Behind this is the call of civilization.

Today, Taiwan has become the first place of civilization in the Indo -Pacific region. Regardless of the key indicators such as the opening of society, the freedom of the people, and economic development, it has entered the advanced ranks of the century development."The existing system.To this end, maintaining the peace and stability of the Taiwan Strait has also become the core goal of the U.S. Indo -Pacific strategy.

At the level of general state relations, the American Biden government continues to try to maintain a "competitive but not war" pattern with China, that is, the state of "fighting without breaking" in China.However, according to the US judgment, in the next four or five years, it will be the most urgent critical juncture in the Taiwan Strait. Therefore, at the actual operation and specific implementation level, the US military, national defense and tactical planning forces have entered the role.Commands, weapons, information, resources and other aspects, in -depth discussions on the conflict of Indo -Pacific or Taiwan Strait in the future, frequently deduced, comprehensive coordination, have entered an unprecedented alert state of targeting actual combat and pillow.Whether the future of Sino -US relations can be maintained without breaking, it seems that only a thin layer of window paper is left.

In the north of Taiwan, the United States has strengthened military cooperation with Japan. Japan has continuously adopted specific combat reserve measures in the direction of the southwestern islands (including the ancients of the palace) to practice the new strategic thinking and guidance of "something in Taiwan is in Japan"in principle.In the south, the United States and the Philippines are launching unprecedented defense cooperation, and the deployment of military power has entered the front line of the bus strains close to Taiwan.On the east of the Ocean, the United States has layout in the third -line layout of the third -line steps of Guandao, Australia and Hawaii, and has achieved unprecedented deployment of strategic strike for India.

The deployment of one stone and two birds above the United States also takes into account the resolution of disputes and conflicts against the sovereignty of the South China Sea.The essence of the South China Sea issue is not complicated at present: neighboring countries such as the Philippines and other requirements are implemented in accordance with the international court's arbitration results on the South China Sea issue in 2016. The Chinese side requires that the ancestors' "nine paragraphs since ancient times" are like the "nine paragraphs since ancient times."Affairs of the line rules.However, if China adheres to the principle of "since ancient times", from Vladivostok, Kuying Island, and even Outer Mongolia, it should belong to China's sovereign maintenance scope, otherwise it will become a double standard?It is difficult for China to say.

At present, China is endlessly arguing with coastal countries on the sovereignty of the South China Sea. The risk of conflict risks has increased sharply. In the end, the result is unpredictable.The foundation and strength of Indo -Pacific Strategy.China is constantly disconnected on the issue of the South China Sea, and it must be chaotic.

By the way, the current situation of the Ukrainian battlefield and China's domestic political and economic situation, because these are closely related to the overall situation of the Indo -Pacific region.The Ukraine battlefield is currently delayed due to US military aid and desperately expanded soldiers with Russia. At the expense of the offensive tactics of people, Ukraine's land counterattack has stopped, and the pressure on defense has continued to increase.These may make some unknown people want to be wrong, and feel that Russia may have a chance.However, it can be confirmed that Ukraine will continue to fight, and the US military aid may be late but will not be absent. The biggest variable is the current awakening of EU countries, including the power of defending democracy and freedom in France.Fighting, until I frustrated Putin's brutal greedy.

Regarding the current situation of China, I have recently seen public opinion that the Chinese government is "supporting the crisis."Many people may be strange to such thriller, but in fact, this is quite violated with common sense.In today's China, there are neither large -scale foreign invasion, nor the change of political and power system changes. How can it start to "support the crisis" by itself?How is this crisis formed and caused?When the "Cultural Revolution Ten Years of Ceremony", the Prime Minister Zhou Enlai was struggling to support the crisis. The implication was that there were serious problems and directions in the country's overall political and economic lines. It was on the verge of collapse.Is the unbearable past come again in China?

The United States' strategy for China is currently a typical outer pine and internal tightness. Internal integration and mobilization preparations have reached the level and scale of the Soviet Union in response to the Soviet Union.At present, China also talks about improving Sino -US relations, but in the hot spot of the conflict between the conflict between China and the United States, such as the Tight Staries of the Taiwan Strait, the position of the Russian and Ukraine War, the reform and opening up of China, the retreat of the country, etc.EssenceSo Sino -US relations continued to evolve in the danger of "free fall", and the pace of the United States India's strategy became more and more intense.

The author is an expert in international cultural strategy in the United States