In the Harbin War, Singapore's "principle diplomacy" is also manifested in Singapore's incompetent opposition to Israel's killing civilians in Gasha and positive humanitarian assistance to the Palestinian people.Aid.

"If Singapore and Papua are facing foreign threats at the same time, which one should Indonesia do first?"

General Benny Murdani, the commander -in -chief of the Indonesian Armed Forces and Minister of Defense, once asked the trainees during a lecture at the military college.

Papua is a province in Dongzhang, Indonesia. It has long been plagued by separationism and is related to national sovereignty. Of course, it must be assisted in Papua.Most students think so.

Wrong, it should be Singapore! "Mundani said categorically.

This is the story heard in the news workplace that year, and the time is probably at the turn of the century.At that time, I often had the opportunity to participate in some defense hair winds or tea narratives. I heard it in any occasion, but the content of the story was deeply rooted in my mind.

The purpose of the official official and the person in charge of the newspaper sharing this kind of "inside story" is to improve our national security awareness.But this is actually not confidential. After that, I heard that this story is often cited in our military class. It is an important lesson that the army must remember.

Mundani said that year did not mean that Indonesia had any ambitions to Singapore. In fact, the relationship between the two countries at that time was normal and friendly.Maintain a good personal relationship.

This remark reflects his global strategic outlook of Indonesian military leaders.In his eyes, Singapore's strategic value to Indonesia is far more important than one of its borders.If Singapore changes the regime or even falls under the threat of foreign countries, the original peaceful and stable situation in Southeast Asia will be destroyed. The threat to Indonesia's national security will be greater than its remote border. ThereforePeople ", first respond to the crisis of Singapore.

This story vividly reminds us how important Singapore's strategic position and value is -so is the same for Indonesia, and the same to the entire Asia -Pacific region in Southeast Asia -and often occupy an important position in other people's sand table deductions.

It must be valuable rather than threats

It also makes us realize that Singapore must survive well. First of all, no country cannot feel threatened by us, especially neighboring countries; more importantly, we must make other countries feel that our existence is valuable to them.The survival of Singapore is related to their interests, and the demise of Singapore is not good for anyone.

Under the tide of globalization, this is still the case in the era of peaceful competition in economic development. At present, this geopolitical struggle has continued to intensify, against globalization, and the infinite hostile competition period of the "detachable chain".Not to mention.As a highly globalized economic and trade hub, we must be the first, and we must be careful and step by step.

All signs show that in order to maintain the status of dominating the world, the United States is doing every effort to prevent the rise of China.This is the main reason for the rapid deterioration of the current international situation and the increasingly tense relationship between China and the United States.

In addition, the Russian and Ukraine War, which had been seen for two years, could not see the way out, as well as the miserable battle of the Kajie for half a year, and worsening, which made most of the world shrouded in the misery of sadness.Although these two games were local war, it was difficult to guarantee that there was no possibility of expanding overflow.Coupled with the potential detonation points of the Taiwan Strait, the South China Sea, and the North Korea, it is continuously brewing. When it is touched, the mountain rain is full of wind and the wind!

No wonder some discussions described that the World Bureau in 2024 was like 1913 or on the eve of 1938 on the eve of World War I. The situation was dangerous and the world was on the verge of war.

Is Graham Allison's "Xiu Cat Date Trap" theory, must we "prove correct" in our life?Should the hegemony be adopted to the country today, must we prevent the rise of emerging powers with its "three views" to be stable for a long time?Can't China and the United States coexist peacefully in the polarized world?

Yan Xuetong, a well -known international relations scholar in China and a professor at Tsinghua University in 2015, pointed out in an article entitled bipolarization and multi -polarization. ", 'Building rich, democratic, civilized, and harmonious socialist modernization countries', the United States does not necessarily lose its superpower status as a result.The constituent elements of national strength are unbalanced. China's economy has global influence, while politics and culture mainly affect the Western Pacific region.The foreseeable future, China has no ability to replace the US dominant position, and the most lost in the United States will only be the absolute dominant position in the world at that time.

However, in anti -China, it has become the only "political correctness" that can unite the two parties in the United States. At this moment, the gentle and rational discussion has no space at all, especially in the competition, who is more anti -China election year.Hope that the relief of Sino -US relations is just delusional.

Seeing that the two giants step by step, they are embarrassed by small countries who are unwilling to choose the sidelines. They are worried and helpless; Singapore, which is "small and small", can only ask for more blessings.

The "alarm" of Mamine that year is particularly worthy of our fun.

Are we threatened with others?Is it valuable to others?

As a small island country with an area of ​​only more than 700 square kilometers and a resident population of about 4 million, Singapore cannot threaten any country.Instead, small can become our advantage. Try to "do something" internationally, and constantly "forge ahead" without causing doubts, thereby having a wide range of good destiny, improving our value to others, and feeling that our existence is beneficial to them.

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Economic Policy Wang Ruijie pointed out at the current Affairs Forum hosted by the Chaozhou Federation of Singapore on March 11th that although Singapore is small, "the benefits are that you can be trusted and can develop more flexibly.It can have a better relationship with different countries.

For example, he said that several international pharmaceutical companies built vaccine production facilities locally. He asked one of the president why he chose Singapore.The other party said that first, the Singapore government's policy is very stable and will not change at any time. Second, during the epidemic period, many major powers require that the local pharmaceutical factories are preferentially supplied to the people in order to export.The president laughed and said that he did not believe that Singapore would do so, but he was still at ease even if he did so, "Because Singapore is so small, you can get it in three days of your needs."

Although it is a bit ridiculous, it is realistic to think of the battle for vaccines in various countries during the crown disease epidemic.Our "small" keeps others reassuring.

"Trusting can develop more flexible" is indeed our advantage.Strict protection of intellectual property rights and information security, flexible and high -tech industrial policies, coupled with the original business environment and first -class infrastructure, attracting a large number of multinational companies to set up a base for Singapore, including some world's largest companies.Many large companies in China and the United States, which are undergoing fierce science and technology competition, are also relieved to invest in Singapore because of "trust".This has made Singapore an important platform for economic interests in various countries, a key logistics and supply chain node for Asia and the world, and a place for countries that make business in business.As a result, they all become Singapore's "interests of interests" and are willing to see newThe survival and prosperity of Gapo.

"Small Country Diplomacy" Establishs Deep Friendship

Because we are young, it is impossible to pose a threat to the big power. Instead, we can go more boldly to go out, cross -border and cross -containment to convene many small countries, collectively speak for the subjects that care about each other, and play a greater impact on the international stage on the international stage.force.As early as 1992, Singapore had set up an informal organization with unsatisfactory colors at the United Nations headquarters of New York, called the "Forum of Small States (FOSS), and has been the chairman's country for more than 30 years.It currently has 108 members of the country. Several meetings are held several times a year. They are presided over by the permanent representatives of the Singapore in the United Nations to discuss issues that small countries pay attention to.The smallest but the biggest subject to the most such topics, condensing consensus, and trying to affect international public opinion.In 2009, Singapore established and led an organization including 30 small and medium -sized countries, called the Global Governance Group (3G), and acted as a bridge between the G20 and the majority of the United Nations.This is one of the reasons why Singapore is invited to attend the G20 meeting every year.

Recently, Singapore has set up a cross-regional "Cross-Regional Small States Group" to provide suggestions at the United Nations Future Summit this year.This is Dr. Meng Liqi, the Minister of the Prime Minister's Office, and the Second Minister of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Education, revealed when attending the G20 Foreign Minister's meeting at the G20 foreign minister meeting in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil in February this year.

This "small country diplomacy" has allowed us to establish deep friendship with many third world countries, and also allowed Singapore to exert its influence beyond its volume in global affairs, which reflects Singapore's contribution and value to the world to the world.Essence

In addition, we also help developing countries with actual actions through the "Singapore Coopration Programme".Since its launch in 1992, nearly 150,000 developing countries from Asia, Africa, the Middle East, and Pacific have participated in various training courses under the plan, including education, sustainable development, urban planning and logistics.This is a way to give back to the international community in Singapore. It has won the friendship and favor of the beneficiary country, and has greatly improved its international reputation.

"Wide -end and Good Fate" with principles

Singapore can be so good, relying on our strong economic and technical strength.However, regardless of whether it is a large country or a small and medium -sized country, our "wide -formation" is principled. It is carried out under the emphasis on compliance with international law and rules -based international order, because it is about our country's survival interests.

Singapore has performed in several UN proposals. It is not afraid of offending the great power and adhering to the principle of insisting sovereignty: 1975 opposed Indonesia's East Timor (support of other Asians' members).The United States invaded Grenada and opposed Russia's invasion of Ukraine in 2022.

As a small country, Singapore, especially in Singapore, must not be ambiguous in the large non -subject matter of these large sovereignty, otherwise it will send wrong information to the world. When we are violated, we cannot expect others to support others.Essence

Guangjie good fate is not equal to dilute mud, and does not express some things that are related to us.After the outbreak of the Harbin War, the Hussean armed organization in Yemen attacked the merchant ship at the Red Sea International Waterway, and a freighter hanging from the Singaporean flag was also attacked. Singapore announced the addition of the "Red Sea Defense Alliance" to protect the Red Sea ships from being exempted by the Hussean armed forces.The attack is full.Singapore does this because the alliance is the purpose of defending the safety of international channels and in line with Singapore's key principles.

Although Singapore has stated that it will not directly participate in military operations, some Chinese people still worry about it and believe that as a small country far away from the Middle East, why should Singapore go to this beach?They have forgotten that today is the Red Sea. Tomorrow may be the Malacca Strait. If one day, an armed organization is also on somewhere in the Malacca Strait.Safety?

In the Harbin War, Singapore's "principle diplomacy" was also manifested in Singapore's incompetent opposition to Israel's killing civilians in Gaza and active humanitarian assistance to the Palestinian people, including millar aircraft to rescue supplies in Gaza airdrops.Contrary to the misunderstandings of some Chinese people, Singapore has not "looked at each other" because Israel has assisted Singapore's army to build a army. From the outbreak of the Harbin war, we can clearly see that the foreign minister Wei Wen even meets even meeting.When the Israeli Prime Minister Neyahu, he criticized Israel's military response in person.

Friends return to friends, the principles must still persist, so for Israel, the same is true for other AIA who helped Singapore's army.

The survival of the small country is really not easy, and it is necessary to be good and good, but it cannot sacrifice the principle for making friends.

The author is the editor -in -chief of the United Morning Post