From time to time, there are articles about talking about Singapore's mother tongue facing problems from time to time.Many questions and suggestions on solutions and suggestions.

Dr. Chen mentioned that although the promotion of mother tongue has worked together with the official and civilian organizations for many years, and has cast a lot of funds, the effect is not significant.The mother tongue has evolved into the weak life language of Singapore. Everyone knows the crux of the problem. One of the main reasons is that the main language of parents and children's daily life is English, which is virtually limited to mother tongue use space.Although the Prime Minister and Minister of Education have called on parents to communicate with their children at home with their mother tongue at home, these calls seem to have no effect.

Dr. Chen further clarified that our social language trends have changed so quickly. Is the country really willing to face up to this "challenge of one country"?Promote the problem to the national level.

I think that the Ministry of Education must have in -depth dialogue with the committee of the promotion of three mother tongue, and even start discussions with non -governmental groups and stakeholders who care about the development of the mother tongue to comprehensively discuss the bilingual policy of Singapore.In the case of unique English, the mother tongue continues to play an important role in inheriting the multicultural and Asian values ​​of Singapore, and at the same time appeases the citizens who are anxious about mother tongue education.

As far as I know, the current situation is that when some students discuss Chinese homework in Chinese lessons, they use English to replace Chinese as a communication language in the class.This is the current challenge facing Chinese teachers when teaching.

For guiding parents to use Chinese with Chinese, I suggest that the school may refer to some high -quality language centers, that is, after the children take Chinese class, provide online resources to allow parents and children to go home for review to consolidate their childrenThe Chinese language I just learned is said to have the results of such learning methods.Therefore, I suggest that Chinese teachers in the school can also set up some subjects related to life on weekdays, let children discuss with parents after returning home, and provide some parent -child situation dialogue or role -playing homework.Learn and create opportunities for parent -child to use Chinese to fill the time when you use less Chinese.

Another feasible way is to appoint a Chinese -language learning ambassador in various primary schools. When a school website or through the school, he shares with his parents. He recommends some Chinese learning resources to his parents.For example, for many years, the Chinese learning video accumulated by the Mother Tongue Teaching Forum, according to the reading videos or learning resources produced by the graded reading resources of the primary school, make a set of videos of how to learn Chinese to parents, and even use schools to meet with parents, instruct them to use Chinese input andChinese search skills can be able to contact the Chinese media vision with children.

As for Dr. Chen mentioned the mother tongue setting of mobile phones, since most students are accustomed to searching resources in English, and to change students to set their mother tongue on their mobile phones, I suggest that the school offers a short -term Chinese media reading course.Familiar with Chinese input and use Chinese search.In addition to using the official education platform, students can also guide students to log in to some interesting Chinese websites, watch Chinese videos, and try to allow students to use some artificial intelligence Chinese applications, try to make short videos or computer briefing PPT in order to have more opportunities to contact and and andUse Chinese media vision.

As for the use of artificial intelligence tools to assist mother tongue learning, I suggest that the Ministry of Education set up a work coordination team as soon as possible, evaluate and adopt some practical and effective artificial intelligence tools to promote this plan in this regard.

I also want to mention the problem of creating a mother tongue environment in the community.The TV station recently broadcast a TV drama sister -in -law with the focus of Singapore's education subjects. It is believed that the ratings should be good, and it can also attract students to watch.It is hoped that the TV station will make persistent efforts to shoot more TV series with campus as the background. At the same time, consider shooting Chinese variety shows mainly based on parent -child interaction, and encourage Chinese families to communicate with Chinese.

Another ignored by the public is the local Chinese radio station, which seems to have lost its role in creating a Chinese environment for students.Perhaps it is bound by the radio policy, it has lost the function of cultivating broadcasting talents and making children's programs.As a loyal listener in the radio station, I hope that the management of the radio can make a positive response to the current role of the radio in promoting the role of Chinese language!

Finally, I hope that those related to the interests of the country and the mother tongue can seriously look at the concerns proposed by Dr. Chen.Everyone should act, group strategies, and through dialogue and discussion meetings to gradually solve the problems faced by mother tongue in Singapore.

The author is a retired educator