(Beijing Comprehensive News) The PLA Newspaper, the PLA Newspaper of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, posted on Wednesday (July 10) that the formalism of Hua in the flower can not win on the battlefield.The root cause of the problem lies in the ups and downs, and individual leading cadres have misplaced their performance and lack of responsibility.

This article entitled to formalism, which is tossed by formalism, said that formalism is the first of "four winds" (formalism, bureaucracy, hedonism, and extravagant wind), and it is also an easy disease.Many formalist issues not only occupy a lot of time officers and soldiers, but also consume a lot of energy and mind.This phenomenon is worth reflecting and must be cured.

The article pointed out that the main responsibility of the soldiers is to fight, win the battle, and the work of "not fighting", the entire "busy" and "flower whistle" formalism, in the real knife and real gunCan't win on the battlefield.For the troops, the treatment of training first, winning the fake first.The blind tossing of formalism must strive to clear the ideological rust of thought, overcome the peace routine of work, and determine the guidance of war for war.

The article finally points to the army leading cadres, saying that the root cause of the grassroots level is not below, but the upward and downward effect.This has nothing to do with the dislocation of individual leading cadres and government agencies and lack of responsibility.Steel units, especially major leading cadres, must solidify the correct concept of political achievements. Do not engage in the new and wayward toss, and the packaging of their tables, and have their own packages as shows.

China official at the end of last month announced that the party membership and military of two State members and Minister of Defense Wei Fenghe, Li Shangfu's party membership Human suspected crime was also transferred to the military procuratorial organs for review and prosecution.The two were accused of not fulfilling the political responsibility of governing the party in an all -round way, seriously polluted the political ecology of the army, and caused great damage to the image of the army and the image of senior leading cadres.