U.S. Treasury Minister Yellen recently visited China and emphasized the "overcapacity" problem in China.She named the new three industries of China's foreign trade -photovoltaic products, electric vehicles, and lithium batteries for the United States for key industries for the United States for training in China, and pointed out that China provided large -scale fiscal subsidies in these fields, causing overcapacity.

Some scholars believe that this problem has become a new difference between the Sino -US game.At present, the two sides do not directly fight the trade war, but to talk first, but the confrontation of the topic of overcapacity has just begun.In fact, the strategic deployment of the United States in this regard has begun a few years ago, and reducing the introduction of inflation and chip method is an important way of paving.The former allocated huge funding to vigorously support and protect the development of local green technology, and the latter aims to limit exports such as chips.The United States is now obviously preparing to import the new three products in China, and protective measures are adopted in the name of anti -dumping.

At the same time, the European Union also launched an anti -subsidy survey on China's green products. The first is the Chinese electric vehicle. Next, it will also conduct a new survey of Chinese suppliers with subsidies for turbines to European wind farms.This protectionist measures in the United States and Europe involves green products in China, so they are called "green protectionism".

From the perspective of responding to climate change and vigorously advancing green transformation, the demand for green technology and products is in the ascendant. In fact, there is no problem of overcapacity.The fundamental problem is the vicious international competition. European and American countries worry that China's green technology and products are developing and dumping rapidly. If they do not suppress, they will destroy their own related industries.The main reason they hold is that the Chinese government has given high subsidies for export products, so it has formed unfair competition for European and American peers.

China has indeed led the development of green technologies such as electric vehicles, photovoltaic products and lithium batteries.Last year, the sales of electric vehicles made in China accounted for 60%of the world's sales.According to data from Wood Mackenzie, an energy consultant company, China has also dominated in the solar supply chain.According to data from the economist think tank, China's lithium battery sales accounted for 57%of the world's total sales in 2022.Most of the EU's installed wind turbines are produced in the European Union, but as of 2022, Chinese manufacturers have quickly occupied two -thirds of the global market.As far as solar panels are concerned, Chinese manufacturers account for more than 90%of the EU market share.

In the face of such rapid development of green technology from China, it is understandable to feel threats in Europe and the United States. Besides, after the crown disease epidemic, they are striving to enhance their supply chain toughness and avoid too much dependence on a country.Some medium countries are also trying to develop their own manufacturing industries and protect their natural resources.In the face of China's competition, Europe and the United States cannot coerce Japan to sample by signing the square agreement and the Louvre agreement as in the 1980s.The United States and Europe believes that the correct way to deal with overcapacity in the face of overcapacity is to stimulate domestic consumption, but Beijing does the opposite and subsidize dumping.

How to resolve such allegations in Beijing is worthy of attention.Of course, the new three products are the so -called new productivity projects that China wants to develop, but it also directly involves the fundamental interests of the same industries in Europe and the United States.The Chinese economy now needs exports to drive, but if regardless of the feelings of Europe and the United States and the negative effects of its related industries, it will definitely cause a greater rebound.If both parties do not conquer to compromise, it may lead to further protection of protectionism, and even another trade war broke out. This will be a situation of double losses. It will also endanger the development of the world's green trade and hinder the world's efforts to fight climate change.

In order to cope with the requirements of climate change and carbon reduction, Green Technology still has great development space in the future. Competition and development of various countries in this new field is inevitable, but we must actively seek to establish more fair and transparent competition rules, rather thanDeuts on competition or protectionism.