Source: China News Network

Author: Wei Xianghui

Recently, college students in many universities in China have been issued on the Internet.Why do students question the criteria of poor students?How to improve the funding method?

"Poverty Students" over -consumption, universities terminate the issuance of academic funds

On November 15th, the Student funding management center of Sun Yat -sen University issued a notice: On November 14, the Sun Yat -sen University Student Fund Management Center received the existence of wealthy and excessive consumption from Zhao Moumou, a student of the student financial difficulties of our schoolReported that the college and our center quickly started the investigation procedure.

After verification, the student was identified as the identification procedures and complete materials of the students of the family's economic difficulties, which complied with relevant regulations.However, it was found in the inspection that the student existed in the behavior of being frugal and excessive consumption.According to the provisions of Article 21 of the Administration of Undergraduate Students at Sun Yat -sen University, it is decided to terminate its school -aid issuance.

It is reported that there were previously posted posts that a special pivolete student of the School of Law Nuclear Engineering and Technical College of the school used the four -piece set of Apple series (generally referring to the four models of Apple's mobile phones, computers, tablets, and watches.Product), worth 20,000 yuan (RMB, Same as S $ 3726), and also bought a concert ticket worth 1,517 yuan.The information of the school number of students' student aid students has also been made public.

At present, the state's funding for poor students includes three parts: national scholarship, national inspirational scholarship, and national aid.Among them, national scholarships are used to reward particularly excellent students.Students can apply for national scholarships from the second grade, 8,000 yuan per person per year.The National Inspirational Scholarship is used to reward students with excellent family financial difficulties. Students can apply since the second grade, each with a per person of 5,000 yuan per year.

The standard for funding for the Studies of the State is 1,000 to 3,000 yuan, which can be divided into two to three gears.The survey form of students and family conditions of students with colleges and universities will apply to colleges and universities in September each year. learned that in addition to the national awardal aid policy, colleges and universities and secondary colleges also have a number of scholarships to reward and help outstanding students.There are also a parallel funding system in parallel, tuition compensation, loan compensation, loan compensation and tuition reduction, "green channels", and diligence.

Poverty is still not poverty.

Recently, a number of universities have fallen into disputes due to the selection of scholarships.In September, a student from Tianjin China -Germany Application Technology released multiple online videos and said it was treated unfairly in the student fund assessment.He claimed that he was an orphan, but he was selected from time to time in the class.

On November 6, the report of Tianjin Sino -German University of Applied Technology reported that it was investigated and the content of the report was false. The families and personal conditions of the other two students involved met the conditions for difficulties in difficult students.If the materials are not found to be fake, the assessment meets the relevant regulations, and no problem of "malfeasance and abuse of power" is not found.

On October 24th, a student of a student who received a school -supporting fund from Guangsha, Zhejiang, Zhejiang Guangsha was notified by the counselor to delete the circle of friends who went to the concert. The student announced the screenshot of the chat with the counselor in the circle of friendsAmong them, it was mentioned that "520 yuan is not expensive, I make money by myself."After the incident attracted attention, on November 8th, the staff of the school responded that after investigation and verification, Tang's qualification to apply for a national student fund was in line with the standard.

From the school's response, the three colleges of Sun Yat -sen University, Tianjin Zhongde University of Applied Technology, and Zhejiang Guangsha Vocational and Technical University have believed that students' qualifications for applying for are in line with standards.This means that the school may not have problems in procedures, but the dispute between students and the public is that the standards of poverty are the standards itself.

A person who is engaged in student -related work in colleges and universities introduced to China News. Taking his school as an example, the student aid mainly depends on the degree of poverty -stricken archives.Difficulties are the first thresholds, and whether there is any less than the case of academic performance to screen.The school will allocate places to each class in accordance with the proportion, and then the class teachers in each class will take the class students to conduct democratic evaluation.

File cards are important poverty alleviation measures launched since 2013. By establishing detailed information files of poor households, precision poverty alleviation is achieved.After the poverty -stricken households from poverty -stricken households from poverty alleviation in 2020, the state stipulated that the establishment of files to establish a file for five years still has a five -year assistance policy.

However, poverty -stricken files are feedback from students from students.The above -mentioned college workers told China News Network that in some provinces with good economic conditions, the standards of poor students in poor economic areas may not be the same."Therefore, there will be a situation where this person holds the" Apple family barrel "but also takes the scholarship. You can't say that he is not qualified, because the session is not wrong, he has a certificate of poverty, and he works hard." The person said.

In his opinion, everyone's consumption plan is different, and they cannot see the living standards of students through the outside."There may be some students who feel that they don't seem to be so difficult, but they also take subsidies, and some people do have other hidden feelings at home, and we have learned that they cannot announce it with the students of the college." He said that in the university he worked,Really difficult students can be subsidized.

From "free" to "paid", how can the funding method be improved? has noticed that in recent years, many colleges and universities have discussed the issues and improvement strategies on the work of universities' scholarship review and distribution.

Some scholars have pointed out that when colleges and universities are currently issued, the students who are aid only have relevant rights and do not need to perform their obligations, which also directly illustrates the characteristics of unqualified school assistance.

Scholars believe that this kind of unpaid funding to nourish the psychology that some poor students should obtain funding, which is not conducive to the correct formation of this student's outlook on life, world outlook, and values, and is not conducive to the formation of a good social atmosphere.It is recommended to consider changing "free" funding for "paid" funding and allow students to participate in the school's internal work assistance or volunteer activities. It respects the students' personality and privacy, but also achieves the purpose of assisting school.

Some scholars pointed out that when taking a variety of formal review mechanisms When organizing specific review work, in addition to the selection of class groups and students in the class, they can also establish mutual evaluation between classes, between grades or between colleges, or colleges.Mechanisms to avoid the unfairness caused by preference between acquaintances.

At the same time, many universities have been exploring innovative funding methods.For example, Nanjing University of Science and Technology's "Heart -Warm Rice Card" project uses big data technology to achieve effective data screening, and at the same time exerts the functions of counselors, realize the effective supplement of information information, and achieve precise identification of funding objects.Quietly send warm heart to students.According to the current price situation and data screening, the funding standard is currently adjusted to the number of dinner in the cafeteria not less than 60 times per month, and the average monthly consumption is not higher than 750 yuan.The difference is the monthly funding amount.

In addition, tracking surveys of the students' students have also attracted attention.Dongguan Institute of Technology's Student funding management center clearly organizes the investigation of the basic situation of economic difficulties in all second -level colleges, establish and improve students' archives of students in family economic difficulties, and track and investigate the support students into work responsibilities.