Source: Bloomberg

Author: ben westcott

Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanis is preparing for the first visit to China on Saturday. This is the first time that Australian leaders have visited China since the beginning of the relationship between the two countries began to deteriorate six years ago.

After the Central Left -Wing Labor government led by Albanis came to power in May 2022, the relationship between Canberra and Beijing quickly recovered.This includes a series of trade barriers to Australia's products, and the release of Australian journalists who have been detained for more than three years.

The visit of Albanis's former Prime Minister Goughwhitlam, his former Labor Party, was the 50th anniversary of the first visit to China, causing people's doubts about the next step of relations between the two countries.Although trade between the two countries is frequent, the deep security alliance relations between Australia and the United States may hinder the continuous improvement of Sino -Australian relations, especially when the current global order is cracking.

The differences between the interests of the two countries in Australia and China "will only deepen over time and will not be weakened." Lavina Lee, a senior lecturer at McCurui's main attacking security research, said that "the space for cooperation is quite narrow and almost disappear."

Albanis will visit Beijing and Shanghai from November 4th to 7th. During this period, he will attend the China International Import Expo and meet with Chinese President Xi Jinping.

"A quarter of Australia's export revenue depends on the relationship with China," Albanis said this week that he explained the importance of relations with China this week, and at the same time stated that he would adhere to his own point of view.

"We will continue to ask questions, including our views on the South China Sea, and the importance of our trade can freely through the global waterway," he told reporters. "We will contact in a respectful way to makeGuide, not yelling loudly. "

Chinese ambassador to Australia, Xiao Qian, admitted when attending the Bloomberg event in Melbourne in October that relations between the two countries have become stable. He also added that he hopes to see the relationship between the two countries to improve further.

Australian Institute of International Affairs, a researcher at the Institute of International Affairs, said that considering the "future challenges", the goal of the Chinese ambassador to Australia may be too optimistic.

She said that these challenges include Australian's increasing security concerns about Chinese companies' investment and trade, and said that related obstacles have brought frustration to the Chinese government."This is not an easy solution."

China has clearly expressed its hope to expand investment in Australia, especially in the field of key minerals.But difficulties are also obvious that Australia is working to develop this industry so that Western countries can find alternative options outside the leadership of China.

At the same time, Albanis also sought China to cancel trade sanctions on wine and lobster, and tried to ensure that Yang Heng, a Australian writer who had been detained in China for more than four years.