Source: China News Agency

Author: Zhu Chenxi

Nuchi -eulsion on January 1, local time on January 1st, local time in Shichuan Prefecture, Japan.As of now, 73 people in Ishikawa County have died.The Japan Meteorological Agency named the magnitude 7.6 earthquake in 2024 "can be boarded the Peninsula earthquake".Why does this earthquake last for a long time?Where is the difficulty of post -disaster rescue? In this regard, Wang Yuchen, a doctor of Dr. Tokyo University of Earthquake Research Institute and researcher at the National Marine Research and Development Institution of Japan, was interviewed by a reporter from China News Agency.

Wang Yuchen said that the duration of the earthquake is related to the magnitude of the earthquake. Generally speaking, the larger the scale of the earthquake, the longer the vibration duration.The scale of this earthquake is relatively large, so the vibration duration lasts for a long time.On the other hand, the duration of the earthquake and the distance between the distance between the earthquake are not very related, and Tokyo, about 300 kilometers away, also feels a longer earthquake duration.

The Japanese Meteorological Agency divides the shock (called the earthquake in Japan, and the earthquake intensity in China) according to the body sensation and surrounding conditions.Level.The magnitude of the seismic level observed by the Ken Deng area of the level 7.6 earthquake is "7".According to Wang Yuchen, the earthquake is aimed at the earthquake itself, and the degree of earthquake refers to the influence of the same earthquake in different regions.According to the current data, in Shiga -cho, Ishikawa Prefecture, the earthquake is not much different from the earthquake of the "March 11" earthquake in 2011.

"At present, the impact of the tsunami in this earthquake is relatively small. The earthquake disaster is mainly caused by the collapse and fire caused by the earthquake itself.There are differences. "Wang Yuchen introduced that for Japan, the risk of tsunami along the coast of Japan caused a tsunami risk, which was slightly lower than the risk of tsunami caused by the Pacific Earthquake.Wang Yuchen believes that the scale of the tsunami caused by this earthquake is relatively small.The Japanese Meteorological Agency's previous tsunami warning of the canopo area is about 5 meters, but the tsunami observed in fact is about 1.5 meters."I think on the one hand because the earthquake level is not so large compared to the '3.1 11', and on the other hand, it is because the location of the earthquake fault is not in the deep sea, resulting in the height of the tsunami.The maturity of technology, the people can retreat and refuge in time, minimize the impact of the tsunami. "Wang Yuchen said.

What are the difficulties of rescue after earthquake disaster, Wang Yuchen believes that this earthquake occurs in winter, which adds urgency to disaster relief work.The temperature in winter is low, and many people lack thick clothing when they evacuation.At the same time, the geographical location of the peninsula is relatively remote, the local roads are narrow, and the roads are broken, and roads are broken. How to open traffic as soon as possible and send cold -proof clothing, food and beverages, etc. to send shortage of materials, food and beverages into the disaster area as a topic.

The Mayor of Zhuzhou City, Shikawa Prefecture, said on the 3rd that the earthquake caused serious damage to Zhuzhou City, the road network in the city was interrupted, and many areas were in isolated.Rescue materials such as water and food are very short, and the municipal government is considering transporting materials through helicopters and ships.

After the earthquake, the Japanese government established a disaster countermeasure room to deal with the disaster situation with local governments.In this regard, Wang Yuchen believes that this earthquake has a wide range of influences. In addition to Ishikawa Prefecture, Fukui County, Niigata County, Toyama Prefecture and other places have also been affected.In terms of disaster relief, Japan has strengthened the coordination of the central and local governments in order to achieve better disaster relief effects."Japan used to make a weak one in the central government in the central government. The" 3.11 "earthquake also has this lesson in this regard. This disaster relief has taken the previous lesson."

Wang Yuchen believes that although the earthquake -level is large, the number of casualties brought by the earthquake is still relatively small compared to other countries and regions.On the one hand, it is due to Japan's attention to earthquake shock resistance, and on the other hand, it also benefits from the maturity of the Japanese earthquake early warning system.

It is worth noting that this earthquake has caused the water pond at the Kurosaki Kuyu Nuclear Power Station and the Kosho Nuclear Power Station.The Japanese Atomic Power Regulations said that the overflow of the earthquake caused the water pond water will not affect the cooling of the fuel, and it has not found that it will have an impact on the outside world.In this regard, Wang Yuchen believes that for any country and region, it is necessary to consider how nuclear power plants should deal with natural disasters and provide timely earthquake and tsunami warnings for nuclear power plants.

The Japanese Meteorological Agency reminds people of the earthquake area to pay attention to the possibility of a earthquake in about 7 in the next week after the strong earthquake.Wang Yuchen said, "For the local people who can land on the peninsula, it is now when you must be vigilant and not paralyzed."