My mother once received a bookkeeping of the elderly sent by the medical institution. I opened it and opened it. The font was so small that I read it very hard.Although it is only a small detail, it has prompted us to raise key issues: Is our care economy really be human?

The experience of Chinese medicine practitioners shared a patient with me.Patients made X -ray because of a decline, and the hospital made the patient home when he saw fractures.After a few weeks, the patient's ankle was still very painful. When he went back to the clinic, the doctor still said that he was okay based on the results of X -rays. As for the patient's painful feet, he didn't touch it.After a month of tossing, the patient had to see the Chinese medicine medicine. As a result, the Chinese medicine practitioner touched his ankle and found that his tendons had been broken, and he quickly returned to the hospital for emergency treatment.

The future economic and skills demand report of the Deep Skills Development Bureau (profound bureau) lists the three major economic areas of the rapid development in recent years: the green economy, digital economy, and care economy.Among them, the care economy includes "people -oriented" nursing, social services and education industries.

If the care economy should be "people -oriented", the case mentioned earlier is a typical doctors who only look at "disease" and do not look at the negative textbooks of "patients".I am not saying that the "Wangwen Question" of Chinese medicine is more people -oriented than Western medicine. There are differences in the profound and profound medical and health philosophy, not what I can understand.Regardless of traditional Chinese and western medicine, if you only care about medicine first and ignore patients and family members who have experienced physical and mental suffering, they will violate the spirit of "people -oriented".

The same is true in the field of education.If a educator only focuses on a person who is in the same time, and ignores the students' background, ability, and interests, he is only teaching "books", not teaching "students".In recent years, the Universal Design for Learning and Inclusive Education have been advocated by the education community.However, it takes a while to know that it is difficult to implement it.

My mother once received a bookkeeping of the elderly sent by the medical institution to open it. When I opened it, the font was so small that I read it very hard.Although it is only a small detail, it has prompted us to raise key issues: Is our care economy really be human?Does our society really care for others?Or is it "people -oriented" and "caring community", but is it just a very warm slogan?

Whatever new projects to be implemented, Singaporeans are already trained, and they will first plan a framework to list the standard operating procedures (SOP) to formulate key performance indicators (KPI).After that, the entire team did it in this frame according to the charter without turning the moment.There are rules and organizing, of course, you can avoid illegal or unfair incidents, but follow this thinking mode and methods of doing things for a long time. Even if the people -oriented care economy may be done, it may be because the staff must do things in accordance with the rules and dare not break through the rules and dare not break through the rules and dare not break through the rules and dare not break through the rules.Regular thinking, or not knowing how to deal with it according to the individual situation, causing people who use services to feel the care.

In fact, people -oriented, not only the principles of care economic fields?Isn't the green economy and digital economy, isn't it all the objects of "people" as the ultimate benefit?Before driving digitalization in industries such as banking, retail or food, shouldn't you first consider the customer experience and experience of different ages and language users?If people -oriented, when designing and executing services in all walks of life, all walks of life should be set up from the perspective of service users.

Carefully prevent "student -centered" subverting the respect of the teacher

On the other hand, when thinking about "people -oriented" who is "people -oriented", they should also reasonably include those who provide services."People -oriented" should be a relationship between people interacting with people, not just the concept of human beings that accept services.Therefore, as long as the robot is not providing services, we should tolerate and respect the current professional judgment or individual characteristics of the service provider, which also includes disabled or special waiters may not be perfectly entertaining.

Take teaching work as an example.When the school advocates the concept of "student -centered", we must be careful to prevent the pendulum of teachers and students' relationships in the direction of abandoning teachers.In terms of academics, when the school requires teaching and assessment to achieve high rigorous, fairness, and objective, we cannot pretend to ignore the knowledge of individual teachers or professors, life experience, personal charm, or interacting with students.A subjective role.People -oriented education is a good interaction with long teaching and respect for each other.It does not mean that students are customers, and customers are always right, nor means that they are teachers one day and their father.

Singapore's economy is working hard to keep up with the unpredictable international situation.For the Chinese people, the Menchen Bureau has listed the menu and sorted out various potential industries in the future, as well as the key core skills required.However, the profound bureau cannot analyze the Chinese people, how to compare the mind, and how to sincerely hope that the objects we serve are good.

There are more people in the house with a large number of silver -haired people, and a Western -style cafe opened.Occasionally, my mother walked and sat down in the cafe without ordering, but the little boss still carried a cup of warm water for the mother.Once I drank latte, an old woman accidentally hit into the cafe "Packing Kopi C". The little boss said with a smile that he didn't Kopi C, but gave her a cup of "ordinary coffee".

It seems that the young boss who starts a business sells Western food truly understands and implements the spirit of "people -oriented".Even if he is not engaged in the care economic field.

The author is a local educator