The National Environment Bureau has launched the social movement of "diners return tray and tableware" and "less plastic bags".Since September 2021, diners must return the tray and tableware by themselves after eating at the hawker center; this provision expanded to the coffee shop and food pavilion.In addition, it launched a shopping bag toll system on July 3, 2022. Its annual large chain supermarket with an annual turnover of more than 100 million yuan, each shopping bag must collect at least 5 cents to customers.

The diners return the tray and tableware system to the concept of environmental sanitation and reduce the burden on cleaners; the shopping bag charging system is to reduce carbon emissions and strengthen the attention of Chinese people's attention to greening.Next, starting from April 1, 2025, the Environment Bureau will implement the "beverage bottle and cans refund system" to recycle bottle and cans for recycling.

On the other hand, the Health Promotion Bureau has carried out the movement of "less sugar and less salt" to strengthen the concept of Chinese people's healthy diet and reduce the risk of diabetes and heart disease.It launched a nutritional label in 2020, encouraging beverage manufacturers to reduce the sugar content of packaging products, and expanded from December 30, 2023 to coffee and tea such as coffee and tea.At least three catering operators have joined the "default less sugar" movement, and less sugar will be their preset coffee and tea.

In terms of less salt, the Ministry of Health launched a sodium reduction strategy to encourage suppliers to use low sodium content potassium salt to replace ordinary salt.Its health promotion bureau also launched the "less salt and flavored" campaign to encourage catering operators to use low sodium salt, or reduce the amount of seasonings such as salt, soy sauce and fish dew during cooking.

For older people, the social movement led by government departments is no stranger.In the early days of the founding of the People's Republic of China, the government carried out the general campaign of Linlin, including cleaning, polite movement, and elegant society to change the poor living habits and behaviors of the Chinese people.

Compared with Western society, Singapore's civic groups and non -governmental organizations are not so active, especially in the early days of the founding of the People's Republic of China.In addition, Singapore does not encourage pressure groups of individual issues to dominate the agenda of the country.Therefore, the government is responsible for optimizing the living habits and behaviors of Chinese people.

In terms of advocating social movements, in addition to the ability of mobilization and the advantages of advocacy, the government is more important to play with public power.The effectiveness of the social movement depends not only on education and publicity, but the government's price mechanism and a reward system can also be achieved by the implementation of policy goals.In order to encourage Chinese people to use plastic bags less, the Environment Bureau launched the shopping bag charging system; in order to ensure that the diners returned the tray and tableware, they severely warned the offenders and imposed a fine on the criminals.

In addition, the government also gives industry assistance to win their cooperation.The Environmental Bureau provides a clean -up desktop assistance plan allowance to assist coffee shops and food cabinets to install tableware and pallet repayment equipment.On the other hand, the Fund of the Health Promotion Bureau funded suppliers to reduce the price of low sodium salt from 10 yuan per kilogram to 4 yuan to attract more people to change their diet.

The social movement advocated by the government reflects its current concerns and the policy goals to be reached.With the improvement of the education level of Chinese people and the government's empowerment of decentralization, since the 1990s, the frequency of social movement has decreased, and it is also more euphemistic and meticulous in the presentation method.

However, Singapore still has a lot of room for improvement in the construction of public morality and elegant society.The incidents of the road fighter and the patients and the caregivers rudely treated the medical staff. The cleanliness of the coffee shop public toilet affected the reputation of the garden city; the proposal of the spirit of Ganbang is a nostalgic demand, not a real portrait.

In addition, Singapore also faces many new challenges, including climate change, food and energy supply safety, popular disease control, and lifelong learning.The living habits and behaviors of Chinese people must make great adjustments and changes to better face these challenges.

In these fields, I believe that the government will still play the leading role.Just as Premier Li Xianlong said in an interview with foreign media in 2017, Chinese people would say that we would let us do our own, but on the other hand, when the problem appeared, they would ask the government how to deal with it.He said that although Singapore is a developed economy, the Chinese people have high expectations for the government, and this is understandable.

The education level of Chinese people is much higher than that in the early days of the founding of the People's Republic of China, and the requirements for participation are even greater.In the new era, the top -down social movement, supplemented by the bottom -up feedback, can reduce the excessive dependence of Chinese people to the government.At the same time, when the government adopts the price mechanism to change the living habits of the Chinese people, it is also necessary to avoid aggravating their life burdens or bringing too much inconvenience to life, which helps to strive for greater support and understanding.