The US Cable TV News Network website published on December 27, 2023 published an article entitled by the world's major risks in 2024. The author is Flida Getis.The full text is as follows:

Every year is important, every year is key, and every year brings accidents, or good or bad.But we can't get rid of the feeling of standing on the edge of the cliff.In 2024, we either take a step forward to subvert the world order; or take a step back and return to some kind of "normal".

There is no doubt that the US election is one of the main problems of global concerns today.I can't remember how many people in the recent trip told me how worried and confusing the Americans might send the former President Donald Trump back to the White House.The British Economist Magazine even announced that "in 2024, Trump pushed the world's biggest threat to the world," claiming that he was shrouded in the shadow of everyone.

This election will be determined that Trump's chaotic president term is only an accident in the history of the United States, or the term of Presidential Presidential is only a four -year suspension in the process of the United States falling into the process of authoritarianism.The answer will have a significant impact worldwide.

Trump's second term will definitely be more extreme on multiple fronts.The former president vowed to use the Ministry of Justice to retaliate against political opponents, destroy the US system and democracy, and try dictatorship.

Trump has said enough, and American allies and opponents understand the risk of Trump 2.0.His statement also caused American allies to question how strong Washington would defend them if Trump re -administered.

Trump has announced that if he was elected, he would end the Ukrainian war within 24 hours.He questioned whether the United States should defend South Korea and suggest that Japan and South Korea should be self -defense of nuclear weapons.

The remarks about Ukraine undoubtedly attracted the attention of Russian President Putin.Trump did not like to criticize Putin, and sometimes praised him after he surrounded Ukraine.

The EU foreign leader Hesep Berrely said that Putin would not be satisfied with a limited victory in Ukraine, "especially before the US election, because the election may bring him much favorable situation."In other words, Putin will continue to attack, hoping that Trump's victory can disrupt Washington's support for Kiev and help Russia achieve a comprehensive victory in Ukraine.

The country and others who were once controlled by Moscow had warned that if Russia won in Ukraine, Putin may see a road to recapture other parts of the Soviet Union, and may try to conquer the small Moldova, even now a member of NATO membersBaltic countries.

NATO should have defended all member states, but Trump has questioned whether the United States will help the United States besieged by an enemy.Although the two parties have recently passed a bill that prohibit the president from allowing the United States to withdraw from NATO without the approval of Congress, the president still has great freedom in dealing with global military challenges.

In today's crisis, we can see this situation almost every day.Biden ordered US warships to go to the Mediterranean and Red Sea to prevent the expansion of the war between Israel and Hamas -this conflict may have developed into regional conflicts.

This can also cause global turmoil.Regardless of the great defects of peace under the United States, the end will promote more medium -sized countries to pick up weapons to deal with opponents.

If Bayeng is re -elected, it is much more likely to restore global stability.But this is far from being guaranteed.

In fact, there are dozens of countries that are about to be held, including Mexico, India, Indonesia, Russia, and Britain.The elections of some countries are destined in advance, but some other elections may indicate the new direction of the next few years.(Compilation/Zhao Feifei)