According to Agence France -Presse, December 31, 2023, on December 31One year, the turbulent 2023 was marked by the smart chat robot, climate crisis and painful war.

It is reported that the global 8 billion population will resign and welcome the new, and many people want to get rid of the high cost of living and the global turbulent pressure.

Sydney, who claims to be the "New Year's Capital of the World", is expected to have more than 1 million people rushing to the seaside of Sydney to attend the party.

In 2024, a election involving half of the world's population will be held, and Paris will hold a summer Olympic Games.

It is reported that in 2023, artificial intelligence tools surged, and the world's first all -eye transplantation surgery also appeared.This is also the hottest year since the record in 1880. From Australia to Africa and the Amazon Basin, a series of climate disasters are coming.

It is reported that maybe the most important thing is that in 2023, it will be remembered by the brutal revenge of Hamas and the brutal revenge of Israel.The bustling Gaza City has become ruins, and there are almost no places to celebrate the New Year, and there are fewer loved ones to celebrate together.

"This is a tragic black year." Abida Akavivi, who fled with his wife and three children, said.He said the war ruined his house and also caused his brother to be killed.

But he still has some hope for 2024.He said: "Allah bless this war, and the new year will be better. Blessing us can return and rebuild our homes, even if you live in a tent in the ruins."

According to the US Congress Shan Daily website reported on December 28, although a large number of negative incidents occurred in 2023, we had reason to have hope for 2024.

It is reported that the guns violently eroded the life of the United States.From Ukraine to Gasha, large -scale war broke the peace of the world.So, where do we look for optimistic predictions of the new year?The report pointed out that medical, science and technology have brought some hope.

The field of genetics leap in 2023, and CRISPR gene editing therapy brings the treatment of sickle cell disease.The discovery of the new sequence of human gene clusters has also had a positive impact on cancer therapy.

The space sector continues to make breakthrough progress.In 2023, astronomers discovered a young star and the surrounding astrolabe in Dagelu, which is the first time that humans have observed the stars outside the galaxy -about 160,000 light years.

In 2023, scientists at the National Laboratory of Lawrence Leroore, California, USA announced that they had successfully reproduced the breakthrough of the "nuclear gathering and ignition", which opened a path for replacing fossil fuel with a more environmentally friendly source.This is a good sign to solve the problem of climate change in 2024.

Although the climate change issued a terrible warning, there are still some positive progress worth reporting.The Carnegie International Institute of Peace, the answer to climate change is coming, "such as the rapid popularization of electric vehicles and solar panels, and the decrease in the recent cutting of Yamam Sun Yulin."

Reports point out that another promising progress is that artificial intelligence has begun to unlock huge data sets, enabling scientists to make progress in new drugs, gene therapy and disease prevention.

In 2024, we will still face many challenges, especially the presidential elections characterized by the United States with political differentiation.

Nevertheless, we still have reason to have hope.We are resourceful and indomitable.With confidence and optimism, we should welcome the New Year with the spirit of solving old problems rather than creating new problems.

Happy New Year, a happy New Year.(Compiled/Ge Xuelei)