Gert Wilders, a Dutch right -wing member, won the election on November 22. The Liberal Party owned won 35 seats, 10 more than the second largest party in Congress, and the election results shocked public opinion.This is the latest example of the rise of Western anti -immigrant politics. In other European countries, in other European countries, and even New Zealand and South America, right -wing parties opposed to immigrants and populist nature are being supported by more and more voters.In the current geopolitical environment of against globalization, the wave of anti -immigrants is bound to rise, so that free trade and world economic cooperation will face greater resistance.

The remarks of Verdus after the victory can represent Europeans' current outlined emotions.He said: "The Dutch hopes that the people can recapture their country, and we will ensure that the pouring sesamer and immigrants will be reduced." Although the major parties in the Netherlands refused to cooperate with him, he was afraid he was not easy to govern, but he became from the edge.The mainstream of politics really shocked Dutch and European public opinion.Earlier, the Spanish right -wing party also won in the July election. The left -wing social party must unite Catalonia to separate the forces party in order to barely keep the regime.

On the next day of Verdes's victory, the anti -immigrant riots broke out on November 23, the capital of Ireland. Police said that this was the worst riots in decades.shame.A man attacked a knife with a knife on a campus in Dublin, causing five people including three children and suspects to be injured. A five -year -old girl was very serious. The suspect was rumored to be Algerian.Finland, which has always emphasized tolerant immigration, has also appeared in political reversal in April. It requires restrictions on the central right -wing nation, the Middle Right -wing National United Party, and the Fenherist Party, which organized a joint government.

Outside of Europe, the New Zealand Priority Party, which advocates tightening the immigration policy, joined the right -wing joint government composed of the New Zealand National Party and the DAP on November 24.In Argentina, South America, the right -wing election alliance "Free Development Party" candidate Milai was elected president for nearly 56%of high votes on November 19. He advocated restricting immigration.These political trends have a common point -opposed immigration.This rising and rising emotional reasons are intricate. In addition to being difficult to afford, immigrants from different civilization backgrounds are unwilling to integrate into the mainstream society, which will disturb Western society voters.

This anxiety reflected in British Minister of Home Affairs, Breffman, was fired for criticizing the police.She published an article in early November, accusing the London police in implementing double standards when maintaining public security, and adopting a tough attitude towards right -wing demonstrators, but condoned the pro -Palestinian parade.The Prime Minister Suonak, who promised to restrict immigration, faces political pressure for this, because Brederman has a strong position on the subject of immigration, but the British National Bureau of Statistics announced on November 23 that the number of net immigrants in the UK as of the end of June this year, as of the end of June this yearFrom 6007,000 people in the previous year rose to 67,200.

The economic globalization after the Cold War has greatly promoted the world economy and improved people's lives, but it has now fallen into the wind.Including the disorderly supply chain caused by the global crown disease in three years, coupled with the economic decoupling of the game of the United States and China, and the safety of territorial sovereignty by the Russian and Ukraine War, the enthusiasm of economic cooperation in various countries has gradually allowed to be located in geopolitical considerations and restrict funds.The trend of technology and personnel flow is spread.The anti -immigrant party was in power in the Western world, indicating that Western public opinion has changed fundamentally.

This trend will probably be more prominent next year. By then, the United States, Belgium and Finland will hold a presidential election.Former US President Trump's polls are far ahead of opponents, causing public opinion to worry about this wave of anti -immigrant politics that emphasizes priority in the country.The European Union tried to diplomacy with values, including environmental protection, tolerance immigration, etc., and resisted the United States in the international trial.But the two major EU pillars in Germany and France also faced the challenges of populism.In order to maintain national security measures to maintain national security, various countries may be counterproductive.