In Europe, refugees have been given sympathy, and they are considered "the victims who have been rescued by humanely rescued by humanitarian treatment in other countries."In 2022, I went to Europe to interview in Europe. A Chinese member of a Paris region talked about the illegal immigration status of his parents. It was not just embarrassed. Instead, he looked comfortable.

The "Arab Spring" that broke out in 2010 changed the Europeans' views on immigrants.This revolution did not make European countries a modern democratic country after the Spring of the European nation in 1848, but triggered a far -reaching new society phenomenon in Europe.Flow into Europe.

By the end of 2016, refugees became crisis in Europe, and nearly 5.2 million refugees from Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan and other countries arrived in the European coast.In the same year, the newspaper in New York published the article "New Europeans". New Europeans refer to these refugees from the Middle East; National Geographic Magazine also used the Middle East refugees as a cover.Da continent.This huge panic to immigrants eventually led to Britain Brexit in 2016.

Muslims' population in the UK is gradually rising, from 4.9%(2.7 million) of the population in 2011 to 6.5%(3.9 million) in 2021.This power showed power in the recently supported Palestinian parade.Since the Pakistani conflict, Britain has supported Palestine every Saturday, and the main force is Muslims.I followed the parade in London on November 11. It was really powerful, and it was reported that 300,000 people participated.The size of the Israeli parade is relatively small, because there are very few Jews in the UK -according to the population statistics of Britain in 2021, from 2011 to 2021, the Jewish ratio in the UK remained at 0.5%(about 270,000).

How long can humanitarian romantic ideals persist

Although the parade supporting Palestine has not yet overturned the British government and the largest opposition party Labor Party supporting Israel's position every Saturday, it has affected the British internal affairs -the Minister of the Interior Budman has severely criticized and supported the Palestinian parade several times.It is considered to be too right and was recently dismissed by Prime Minister Sonak.But in the eyes of some people, Brederman is a dare to predict the crisis of the future proportion of the UK.However, humanitarian values occupy the mainstream position in the UK. People are used to ignoring race and religion, and treat individuals equally. They believe that everyone's life is equally precious.

I have been operating for such a noble social situation, but at the same time, how long can such romantic ideals persist under the international relations environment where realism has replaced idealism and globalization is retreating?But most British seem to live in warm bubbles for too long, and they can't smell the dangerous smell of the outside world.Probably they think that democracy is born, and will live forever.

Breveman has severely criticized those who entered the United Kingdom from the Britain of the United Kingdom from Calais to the Britain before stepped down."Prevent rubber boats" became one of the British events in 2023. It is the continuation version of the "New Europeans" in 2016. Suddenly, French boats are floating on the other side of France every day.Although they are from France, most of them originate from Syria, Afghanistan and Iraq.They are not afraid of death and are willing to take risks; a few die in the British Strait, and most of them have successfully landed in the UK.

Britain's legal provisions for applying for refugee asylum, applicants can enjoy free food, accommodation, medical care, and legal services provided by taxpayers.As long as those who cross the British Geely Strait apply for shelter after arriving, they will be protected by international law and legally enjoy these treatment.Even if the application is unsuccessful in the end, it is almost impossible to send it back to the original country.

So in the middle of this year, when the media burst out "the government provides hotel accommodation for these people every day (S $ 10.13 million) for these people", British right -wing people will explode -how many British are still in line.The long line is waiting for a free house; but some left -wing people are calm and think that these people are seeking shelters, refugees, and protecting them as justice and humanity.The Guardian published the myth of "the Conservative Party has the" immigration crisis ". Now, their lives and deaths depend on this" condemned the government: "This (refugee crisis) is a crisis designed, not because of immigration.The real reason for: the number of asylum applications that have been completed within six months, from nearly 90%to about 4%. Not the number of arrival is more than ever, but more people have not been dealt with, so they haveIt has been trapped in the asylum system for several years. "

But in the eyes of the opposition Labor Party (also left), the refugees of the boat are indeed a new problem created by the criminal gang of human traffickers, and it must be solved.From the perspective of the conservative party of ruling, they are illegal entry criminals: "These vessels transit are not only illegal, dangerous and unnecessary, but also extremely unfair. Because our limited resettlement ability is directly coming from French security places directly comes directly from France's security place directly comes directly from France.People who go to the UK -most of them are young men -occupied. "

Brexit is now an elephant in the room, and few people mention it again.Like a collective pain, they do not take the initiative to sprinkle salt.The number of rubber boats suddenly increased, which is one of the posterity left by Brexit.Professor THOMAS "Thom" Brooks at Duoren University explained this strange boat phenomenon in the Guardian article: "an important factor is that Britain withdrew from a Dublin Regulation" that Britain withdrew from the European Union.Return to policy. The agreement means that anyone who enters the country can be repatriated to the first EU country they enter. If people cannot be easily repatriated, more people will try to crossed the border. In just five years, the boat willThe number of people in Vietnam increases from zero to about 46,000 people per year. "

Taxpayers continue to support refugees

Since the refugees cannot be sent back to France, the British government has always tried to want to transfer to the refugee to Rwanda. This plan was sentenced to violation of the law by the court in June this year.The super -dared to speak, the inter -government minister, Breffman, accused "false humanitarianism" (that is, the popular humanitarianism among the British media, courts, and left -wing parties and people) hindered the government's plan to solve the problem of small boats.The lawsuit was hit to the Supreme Court and was sentenced to defending in November.There is no solution for this matter, and British taxpayers continue to support these refugees.

The new European immigration tide from the Middle East triggered Brexit, and then created a legal vacuum for the boat across the British Geely Strait, and then triggered the tide of Britain.This is simply a loud slap to Brexit -the biggest selling point of the Brexit movement at that time, that is, after leaving the European Union, they can get rid of the Middle East refugees.

The Middle East refugees continue to change the Britain quietly.However, many British people are still confident that British culture is strong and can be accepted.

The author is a bilingual writer who settled in the UK