The establishment of the relationship between China and the United States and Europe's sustainable development, can it achieve a real breakthrough only from the way of compatibility of the national governance system.Free (market) economic systems, the order of rule of law and democratic and political system have determined to be the best choice for a country's successful economic development and irreplaceable people's happiness.China's sustainable development and security must rely on the national governance system to comprehensively modernize.

The severe situation of overall development and security challenges facing China is to systematically crack and establish an urgent national agenda for comprehensive sustainable and high -quality development and security systems.To a certain extent, China's development and security environment has a significant relationship with Sino -US relations.

The current situation of

Sino -US relations is that under the circumstances of "different ways to do the same way, they are not conspiring", they have a serious lack of political mutual trust. The systemic curbs of the United States on China will not change substantial changes in the foreseeable future.Even if the United States' confrontation with China has some cooling, it is nothing more than a superficial on the surface, or based on the strategic trade -off of direct military conflict with China, including continuing to prevent the unification of Taiwan -Taiwan military sales from the unification of the two sides of the strait., Will only be promoted in close way.This is what China must see clearly at the moment.

The US policy has made major strategic adjustments.As long as the war of the Taiwan Strait does not erupt, the United States will mainly use technology and economy as the main position of the first line, and the confrontation on politics, diplomacy, military, and Taiwan Straits, and South China Sea.This is because the United States has made new judgments on the global political, economic and military status and future changes through the Russian and Uchia war situation, and has established a new corresponding framework.The conflict of Harbin seems to be shocking, and the situation is very complicated, but the situation is still controlled by the United States.

Will the global persistent and systematic confrontation between China and the United States and its allies?If this, it will be the beginning of the overall development difficulties and unfortunateness of human society, including China and the United States, will be very unfavorable for the rise of the Chinese nation and the unity of cross -strait.

China's development and security capabilities are derived from national governance, and the system of market economy, the order of rule of law and the democratic governance of the rule of law has not been fully established.China should continue to deepen the awareness and reform awareness and reform awareness and reform awareness and reform awareness of the social development concepts of the Chinese nation and human global destiny with new theoretical height, depth, and responsibility for the Chinese nation and human global destiny.

The development and security of a country comes from every national.Everyone lives in a specific country. Whether the country can allow each national to enjoy development opportunities in various fields such as politics, economy, and education, and the corresponding system guarantee, including the legal system, is to measure the measurement.The first standard of a country's politics and whether it has good sustainable development and security capabilities.

China should comprehensively establish market -oriented in promoting high -quality development and its supporting system construction. The global systematic sustainable improvement enhances the capacity of high -tech products including high -end chip independent development and production.It is necessary to contribute 70%of the national technological innovation achievements, 60%of the domestic GDP, and more than 80%of the employment rate of cities and towns, accounting for 98%of the national business entities (including individual) economies, and are guided by certain legal norms, rather than based on the legal norms, not based on the legal norms, rather than based on the legal norms, not based on the legal norms, not based onHuman sexual policies are instructions to fight freely in the market economy and the global economy.

Taking the differences in the concepts of modern China and Japan, the differences in the rise of comprehensive national strength as an example, it is easy to explain that China's backwardness and the rapid rise since the 1980s, and a series of serious challenges that are now facing.EssenceIn the middle of the 19th century, both China and Japan faced the Western powers of colonial aggression and launched various ways to reform and rescue themselves.In the first half of the 20th century, he suffered a painful experience of being invaded by a country with a smaller geography and population in Japan and a few deaths.

The non -comprehensive market economy system, the order of rule of law, and the governance of democratic political system are replaced by the comprehensive market economy development system, the rule of law order and democratic political system.This law of social development is by no means by relying on creating some concepts, publishing some documents, and engaging in some artistic education, which can be changed, stopped, and even replaces the laws that are running in reality at that time.

With the increasingly integrated global economic and trade relations, electronic communications and cultural and lifestyles, the earth village has become smaller and smaller, and the situation of the situation between the country is becoming more and more sensitive.EssenceEstablishing an integrated and sustainable development order with the global establishment of a free market, the order of rule of law and democratic governance as the underlying system is the right direction of the process of human civilization.Human development will suffer setbacks, but history will not retrograde.

Ren Zhengfei, the main founder of Shenzhen Huawei, said such a paragraph: If you don't want to die, you must learn from the best people. Even if people oppose me, they must learn from others, otherwise how can they be advanced!Narrow nationalism can lead to us backward.

Although the United States has the priority and hegemonism of the United States, it also has the side that adheres to justice and does not compromise with evil power forces and maintains the global basic order.Without the two characteristics of the United States, the world must be more unsafe and disorderly.The United States is still the backbone that maintains global basic justice and order.

Putin (want to do) fascist (Hitler) in the 21st century, there is no doubt.During World War II, without the United States participated in the war, including the decisive land of "Little Boys" and "Fat" in Hiroshima and Nagasaki (to stop war).The Japanese invaded Japanese troops were completely driven away from the country.Today in Ukraine, without the United States and Europe's firm support, Ukraine has already become Putin's ban on others.

China's current development and security environment deteriorates, which obviously has a significant relationship with the relationship between the relationship between Russia and the DPRK.The American cross -party faction has promoted long -term confrontation against China in the field of politics, diplomacy, technology, and military, continued to promote Taiwan's military sales, and continuously promoted the Indo -Pacific strategy to curb and enclose China. China is facing a state of major passive closure (non -open) state.Development and geopolitical security risks.

The correct direction of China ’s“ persuasion and talk ”against the war against Russia is that, as a permanent member of the United Nations, it clearly condemns Russia’ s invasion of Ukraine illegal and urges it to immediately withdraw troops from Ukraine sovereignty.China should be a country with the bottom line of human relations and principles. It should also seize this major historical opportunity and stimulate the country's position to the world.

At the same time, China urged the United States and NATO to stop supporting the Ukraine and let Russia and Ukraine return to the United Nations mechanism to carry out systemic negotiations on each other reasonably and safely.This is the only feasible peace talks in the Russia and Ukraine War.Otherwise, the end of the war is only to stop war, and the end of the probability of the end of the battle is that Putin's collapse and the crime of pursuing the war, Russia has become closed and declining, and gradually becomes a country with a trivial world.

The Sino -US dollar San Francisco meeting obtained two important breakthroughs. One is to restore the communication between high -level communication between the two armies, the Ministry of National Defense Work Conference, the Maritime Security Military Consultation Mechanism, and the leadership of the two armies. The other is to establish the head of the head of state.These two provided basic guarantees for the two armies and two armies to avoid conflicts (responsible control control bilateral relations). It is also the real intention of the United States for the meeting, and it is also of great significance to the development and security situation facing China.

The establishment of the relationship between China and the United States and Europe's sustainable development can only achieve real breakthroughs only from the way the national governance system is compatible.Free (market) economic systems, the order of rule of law and democratic and political system have determined to be the best choice for a country's successful economic development and irreplaceable people's happiness.China's sustainable development and security must rely on the countryThe governance system is comprehensive and modern.China should use the global and future profound vision, and it will be determined to promote the modernization of the system from time to time. This is the only strategic foundation for the Chinese system to solve development and security issues.

The author is a Chinese development and security researcher in Beijing National Intelligence Studies Research Institutions