In the era of geopolitical regression, the state of the country is easy to fall into the tension between non -friendly and rivals. The imagination of the Great World of the Four Seas of Globalization is already a distant utopian.The situation of refugees will become more and more difficult.The immigrants who used to be a representative of multiculturalism, in the face of high -rise walls, are even more difficult to serve as cross -cultural bridges.

Italian Prime Minister Meloni signed an agreement related to immigration.This summer, she visited Tunisia three times, hoping that this North African country stopped the refugees who crossed the Mediterranean; in spring, she went to the East African colonies Ethiopia in the Italian era in Fascism, claiming that she would increase investment in Africa to reduce the influx of refugees into Europe.On November 6, she signed an agreement with Albania that Italy would transfer about 40,000 shelter applicants to this Southeast European neighbor each year and pay money to build two repatriation centers, responsible for receiving the cost of the refugee and the application process.

Outsourcing immigrants are okay?

The "outsourcing" immigration problem is not Melony's initiative.In 2016, the European Union signed an agreement with Turkey under the pressure of Germany to block hundreds of thousands of refugees from Greece outside the EU.However, after signing an agreement with Albania with a very right position, he immediately recruited criticism of human rights.Recently, the British Supreme Court ruled that the Prime Minister of Conservative Party Sunak transferred shelter applicants to Rwanda, Africa, because Rwanda could not be regarded as a "safe third country", allowing more people to criticize Melony's policy against EU regulations.However, the European Union said that "Albania is not applicable to the European Union regulations" and opened the back door to Italy; Germany had opened the door to refugees, and the prime minister of the middle school, Shuorz, now considers the problem of applying for the application of asylum applications abroad.

The prosperous economy and global waves have lowered their emotional emotions, but the energy crisis and inflation caused by the crown disease and the Russian and Ukraine War made Europeans who are becoming increasingly constrained to tolerate foreigners, immigration becomes populist politicsThe first choice of crime lambs of the character, Melonney played against the immigration card during the campaign.However, the cost of her political promise is very high. The cost of building a repatriation center, transferring refugees, and dispatch officials to Albania is higher than the cost of processing in Italy, but "the eyes are not pure".Essence

Some politicians believe that the "outsourcing" asylum applied to a more backward third country will reduce the willingness to go to Europe and go to Europe. However, after the European Union signed an agreement with Turkey in 2016, 180,000 people still entered the European Union through Greece.Nearly half of the repatriated immigrants will try to smuggle again. Some people break through the level more than a dozen times. Although they will be crushed by snakes, the future is uncertain, but because the hometown is too desperate.

Immigration has also been reduced to "hostage" of "contractors". Turkey obtains billions of euros to the EU each year and uses refugees to flow into EU countries to strive for negotiating chips.Tunisia later turned over and was unwilling to be the EU's refugee camps, and it was likely to be screaming to the EU.Albania said that he did not ask for the cost of disposal of refugees from Italy, but asked Melonney to support the country to join the European Union.

Vague threats have become specific reality

The problem of refugees and immigration is not unique to Europe. The Rohingya is still pushed like a ball in Asia. Jordan and Lebanon also receive a large number of Palestinian refugees.The EU, which holds freedom, equality, and human rights, is the promised place for refugees to yearn for;Geert Wilders, who is out of the right, advocates the number of applicants who restrict asylum and immigrants.

However, after the outbreak of the Russian and Ukraine War in February 2022, the European Union network opened a special refugee treatment in Ukraine and received about 4 million Ukraine in 20 months.The debate is not just aimed at the "foreigners", but the race, religion and culture of foreigners.

In 2016, after the photos of the Syrian boy Aylan Kurdi shocked the world's conscience, the Germans changed their indifference and welcomed the refugees to arrive.Merkel, who was the prime minister at the time, began his arms to hold refugees. Although there were human considerations, the economic calculation was indispensable.Most of the Syrian people who have the ability to escape are professionals. They can just make up for the shortage of labor in Germany and alleviate the pressure of population aging.The Merkel government cooperates with the Federation of Industry and Commerce to effectively arrange forgiving, providing language teaching, professional training and employment services. Refugees who receive relief are shaken into production tools and taxpayers.

Merkel said: "The things in front of you will change our country in the next few years, hoping to change the positive, I believe we can do it."Millions of new immigrants have indeed changed Germany.But people are not single -oriented economic animals. After Hamas attacked Israel on October 7, the social problems that immigrants integrated with the emission of the Middle East sharply emerged.Many immigrants from the Arab countries or Muslims have fierce anti -Semitic words and deeds when they are demonstrations, allowing the German society to repeatedly vowed not to repeat Hitler's miracle of Jewish tragedy.

Ten days after the outbreak of the Harbin conflict, a terrorist attack occurred in the European Union's capital Brussels. After the murderer fled in the Tunisia in 2011, he sneaked to Sicily, Italy.In 2016, he escaped and disappeared after being sent to the repatriation center until he killed two Swedes in Brussels.Although it is a case, this has made many Europeans' vague threats into a specific reality: refugee tide is mixed with terrorists, and human rights have become criminal umbrellas. The EU's multinational protection network vulnerabilities are full of social security.

Putin Test Finland with refugee weapons

Refugees have also become a tool for hybrid warfare.On the eve of the war, Russia began to deploy troops on the Ukrainian border at the end of 2021. Putin allies Beros used the dilemma of EU humanitarian rescue and border defense with deliberately attracting refugees from the Middle East.Similar tricks have recently been staged in Finland. The border adjacent to Russia, many refugees from Africa and the Middle East suddenly appeared, forcing Finland's right government to decide to open only one inspection whistle near the North Pole, all of which were closed.

Finnish police assessment believes that this wave of refugees hidden in the national security crisis because there may be soldiers or radicals who disguised as civilians.After the outbreak of Finland in the Russia and Ukraine War, it abandoned the principles of neutrality in the past to join NATO. Putin threatened that Finland must pay for it.

The Ukrainian War, which was in an impasse, has evolved into Moscow's battle against the entire Western camp with the entire United States, and Finland, which borders 1,300 kilometers with Russia, is a step for Putin to observe the West response.With pressure -resistant ability, confusing sensitive immigration controversy, creating differences and polarization of Finland society, attempts to use a sense of crisis caused by psychological warfare as negotiation chips.

Putin once said that Finland, which has not joined NATO, is a neighbor, and Finland, which joins NATO, is a enemy country.In the era of geopolitical return, it is easy to fall into the tension between non -friendly and rivals between the country and the country. The imagination of the Great Datong world weaving around the world is a distant utopian, and the situation of refugees will become more and more difficult.The immigrants who used to be a representative of multiculturalism, in the face of high -rise walls, are even more difficult to serve as cross -cultural bridges.

The author is a Taiwanese journalist and a doctor of sociology living in Italy