We should ensure that new immigrants integrate into the society, accept the values and behavior patterns that everyone strives to defend and pay attention to, and gradually improve the homogeneity of each other, rather than magnifying each other's differences.

Singapore accidentally became an international Internet celebrity because of an incident of suspected abusing nurses in Singapore's Central Hospital and refusing to cooperate with the investigation.Oil tubes from all over the world, especially China, Hong Kong and Taiwan, have hotly discussed the similarities and differences between Singapore and China.The selfless and severe law enforcement side of Singapore's iron noodles is again clear again, which also highlights the zero tolerance position of Singapore's zero tolerance for contempting law and treating civil servants and medical staff.

The woman involved was charged with her court. She apologized for her behavior when she appeared in court and expressed her intention to pleaded guilty.She faced six controlling shapes: one public disturbance, two of the public service personnel or civil servants, two attacks on security personnel or criminal violence to security personnel, and a deliberate harassment control.

Medical staff was treated rudely, and it was not the first time in the local area.Locals will also be evil, but it is extremely rare to go to court.The female net celebrity questioned the identity of the investigator, and even reached out to drag the documents hanging on her chest.For the first time, I saw a video recorded by investigators, police officers, and medical staff.They calmly and patiently asked about the Internet celebrity, and the professional attitude highlighted the opponent's behavior of disregarding the law.But I don't understand why the police officer did not let the Internet celebrities put down her mobile phone, and did not stop her from continuing to video.However, because of this, let the net red shoot down his every move and provide evidence for the net red's own crimes.

Some Chinese bloggers and netizens sympathize with the women's Internet celebrities. Some of them have not forgotten the words "Po County", "Lijia Village" or "Li Po" to make a mistake of others' behavior to racial discrimination.

Another part of bloggers and netizens agreed with Singapore's approach, arguing that the owner was "embarrassed to abroad" and "a serious price due to willfulness."Many people criticize the net celebrity as a typical "little fairy". She copies the usual behavior to other countries and thinks that it can solve the problem. On -site videos, they also put on the Internet by themselves.Essence

She actually had a forecast, who had attacked and abused the security guards, and later suspended the crime.After all, there are very few people who have repeatedly taught, but they cannot be ignored.Singapore should consider the severity of the case, and to terminate the work visa of this small number of people or directly repatriate back to China if necessary.With the Internet celebrity with 200,000 fans, why not change the mistakes of knowing mistakes, both internal and external, and guide her fans on the front and outside?

This case is a minority, which is a very extreme personal behavior. We cannot regard this celebrity as the new immigrants who are mostly in the law, otherwise they are unfair to them.The words and deeds of the net celebrity also made fellow people who lived in Singapore in Singapore or other parts of overseas.

A small supermarket on the second floor of the ox cart, cashiers and staff are older.That day the electric escalator failed, and the public had to go to the second floor.At the cashier, a middle -aged and elderly man wearing sandals and white socks shouted loudly at the white -haired and older staff members, and threw a few packages of food on the cashier.He was dissatisfied with the supermarket electric escalator and did not repair it, only continued to open a store to make money, etc., and his voice became bigger and bigger.The old -fashioned silver recipients kept silent and continued to work silently.

How big is it, how far is it, as for the service staff like this?This does not seem to be the normal state of Singapore, but maybe it is used to the norm?Can't move your voice and win loudly?

We must accept and treat new immigrants regardless of their equivalent, no matter which country they come from.However, when the differences in groups are getting bigger and bigger, the process of founding and establishing identity is even more challenging.We should ensure that they integrate into the society, accept the values and behavioral models that everyone strives to defend and pay attention to, and gradually improve the homogeneity of each other, rather than enlarging each other.

Rong is large, but this should not include tolerance, evil words and noise.You should avoid changing frogs like frogs in warm water, and even corrode the original good social style.

Singapore has always been clean with the environment, and the ethnic groups are tolerant, respect, and rationally treat each other.She is not the most perfect country, nor is he paradise. Anyone who goes to a public hospital for an emergency consultation, waiting for three hours or longer is a leisure.We believe that the hospital has a rigorous program to treat patients as needed.

What the small country owned by the Small Kingdom is a generation of generations including new immigrants from all generations, in order to build a more civilized, elegant, and progressive society, rather than the place where social order is reversed. ThenWe must be intended to get used to habits, concessions, and accept the social characteristics of change.

As long as it is deviated from the national conditions, the entanglement, the bad words, evil looks and evil deeds, regardless of nationality or race, we must consistently express the position of zero acceptance and zero tolerance.When we continue to accept more overseas people to take root here, we cannot relax the boundaries and bottom lines, otherwise we will eventually blur our own face and loosen our foundation.

(The author is a text worker/merchant)