Source: Taiwan United Daily News

The TSMC held a law, the president Wei Zhejia released the news that the semiconductor prosperity might bottom out.Since last year, the global prosperity is in the haze of excessive inventory and small consumption. The optimistic estimation of Wei Zhe's family is good news for the company and Taiwan's economy.However, a few days ago, Zhang Zhongmou attended the TSMC Games as the founder. In addition to encouraging TSMC to create a miracle, he also alert from all walks of life: the advantages of Taiwan semiconductors may have only 20 or 30 years.

In the past ten years, Zhang Zhongmou has repeatedly provided suggestions from the government and enterprises at a critical moment that in addition to positive results in TSMC's operations, the impact on the Taiwan economy is also profound.After taking office in 2016, Taiwan Tsai Ing -wen proposed the "Five Canadian and Erroba Industry Innovation Plan" on the financial flagship policy, including smart machinery and Asia.Silicon Valley, Green Energy Technology, Biomedical Industry, National Defense Industry, New Agriculture and Circular Economy.As soon as the plan proposes, the questioning of the industry is not small; the reason is that the "Asia. Silicon Valley" plan related to technology is "the Internet of Things industry".In the goal.

At that time, Zhang Zhongmou criticized and established a statement on the plan.He believes that promoting the new cause is the option of the Cai government, but the semiconductor industry should not be ignored, because this is one of the few industries in Taiwan with competitiveness in the world.Prior to the announcement of retirement in 2017, Zhang Zhongmou reiterated that the government's most important role in the development of the economy is to do a good job in infrastructure construction and laws, oppose the development of the Tsai government policy to lead the development of industries, and promote the five plus and second industrial innovation plans.At that time, if Zhang Zhongmou had repeatedly criticized the industrial policy many times, it would let the Cai government go back to pay attention to the development environment of the semi -guidance industry. I am afraid that the signboard of "Guo Guo Shenshan" will not be as bright as today.

Zhang Zhongmou's economic thinking is advocating "small government".He quoted the inauguration of former US President Reagan: "The government is not a way to solve the problem, and the government itself is the problem." He believes that as long as the government has done a good job of the investment environment and reduced intervention, first -class enterprises will naturally find a way to do it to do it to do it.Strong.This concept has unprecedented challenges under the trend of scientific and technological warfare and geopolitics in the United States and China.Zhang Zhongmou predicted at the 2019 Taiwan Stock Power Games that TSMC will become a "place for geopolitical soldiers", unfortunately.In the past four years, European and American and Japanese countries have begun to promote the local manufacturing of semiconductors. Even if Zhang Zhongmou has repeatedly objected at international conferences such as APEC, it is still difficult to enemy Western power.In this regard, Zhang Zhongmou can only sigh: the semiconductor industry has no globalization.

The government's hand reached into the industry, becoming the biggest variable in Taiwan's semiconductor development.Zhang Zhongmou believes that although Taiwan semiconductors currently have an excellent advantage, it may not be the case after two or three decades, which is related to national policy.In terms of foreign competition, Zhang Zhongmou believes that foreign companies will use the advantages of ground political politics to defeat TSMC; what he said is the American businessman Intel.In terms of internal development, Zhang Zhongmou took the United States from 1955 to 1972 as an example. At that time, the investment environment in the United States was as good as the current Taiwan, but as the environment changed, it had been replaced by Taiwan and Asian countries.

When TSMC has become a "dispute" in various countries, the Tsai government has not tried to obstruct the unreasonable arrangement of relevant related, but instead, TSMC can go overseas to produce "democratic chips" and be complacent.For the internal, TSMC has become the political withdrawal machine of the Tsai government. From donating vaccines, to investing in factories, the green camps can be seen everywhere to eat "Guo Guo Shenshan" tofu.Recently, TSMC announced the abandonment of investment in the Longtan Science Park. This "investing case" was the Lido of the time when the local election was elected at the end of last year.In fact, before the Longke Land was collected, the government lifted TSMC out of the card, but it became the target of the public's struggle; TSMC can only announce the withdrawal.

The harsh thing is that Su Zhenchang and Zheng Wencan did not reflect on the accumulation of consumer platforms, and also used this to attack Taoyuan people who did not choose the right person.With such a government, TSMC is tied up to compete in the heel international manufacturer.The loss of national industrial advantages is the most afraid of this ignorance trap.