The website of the Qatar Peninsula TV website published on October 9 entitled that Neitanahu was dragging the United States into an article on war with Iran.The excerpts of the article are as follows:

Israeli Prime Minister Neitanahu has warned the Iran nuclear plan for 30 years, and has threatened countless times to attack the country.The last time was in September this year. He said in a speech to the UN General Assembly that Tehran had to face the "credible nuclear threat". Later, his office corrected the "credible military threat".

After Hamas launched an attack on October 7, Neitanahu may finally put his threat into action.The terrible scenes of southern Israel provided the necessary excuses and international support to the Israeli Prime Minister in a larger range.

Neitanahu has both political interests and personal interests.Long -term regional conflicts will prevent or at least delay the formal accountability that he has failed to prevent Hamas attack at all, and it may also allow many corruption allegations to be put on hold for indefinitely.

Overnight, he changed from failure and Chu Ge's prime minister to war leaders.Neitanahu has received any action by the unconditional support of the Western government.The government of President Biden further provided more weapons and ammunition to Israel, sent the most modern and advanced aircraft carriers and multiple destroyers to the East Mediterranean, and strengthened other troops stationed in the area.World War.

Danahu and his enthusiastic ministers may have very different ideas about the deployment of the United States, which has exceeded the category of military deterrence and showing political gestures.He may try to expand the scope of war and include Iran.

His government accused Iran's support and instructing Hamas's operation.But U.S. officials said they had not yet seen evidence of Tehran's participation in the attack.

The recklessness of Iran and its allies may in turn bother them.As they continue to upgrade their agency conflicts towards war, Iran and Israel have not learned lessons from history.

Over the years, the Israeli army and agents have undergone the Iranian nuclear plan and target Iranian assets overseas.Iran supports various armed organizations in the Middle East to attack the United States and Israel.

Despite the aggressive and bluffing momentum, Neitanahu cannot attack Iran without receiving the consent and support of the United States.However, the bloody attack changed the situation and gave the Israeli Prime Minister's perfect opportunity. By coaxing the Biden government to participate in the war, he realized his fantasy to defeat Iran.

It is important to remember that compared with the 2003 attacking Iraq (with the full disaster in the United States and the Iraqi), the situation in 2023 is more complicated and challenging.The same actions for Iran are definitely much worse for all parties.(Compilation/Yang Xinpeng)