Source: Yangcheng Evening News

Author: Ranyu

You can do nothing about young people after class. You can meet, sing, play games, etc. Middle -aged people are almost completely two -point.Everyone knows that participating in the party is all things on the scene, and there are many fake guests in the conversation.The shrinking of middle -aged social activities seems to be a doomed ending, and recently, "middle -aged people are on social downgrade" have also become a hot topic of social media.The main reason for the end of friendship is the decrease in connection frequency and no longer appearing in the same social occasion. These two reasons have led to about 40%of the relationship disappearing.Parents -especially at first to become parents -like falling from social cliffs.(Sanlian Life Weekly)

"Middle -aged people are on social downgrade" tags are really exaggerated.However, it is undeniable that from the general trend in recent years, the social model of middle -aged people does have some subtle and profound changes.Social activities, especially the shrinking of offline social, continue to continue in a silent way.This "atrophy" is not the kind of abruptly -ended "faint" and "loss", but a gradual and unknowing "disconnection".Suddenly looking back, the friends who were away from the more and more, simply gone farther and farther; for a long time, they reunited, and the words of nothing had been speechless.The more sparse and withered interpersonal network, turning into another middle age.

A "social downgrade", the cause and consequences of the inconvenience of interpersonal relationships.In the background of the great times, the rise of online social rising has greatly eaten the space of offline social.Coupled with the popularity of long and short videos, games, etc., it also provides a series of entertainment plans that are located at home and tentacles. This makes many traditional gatherings, singing K, etc.expect.Such factors have a stronger and intuitive manifestation among middle -aged people.The reason is not difficult to understand. After all, middle -aged people are more scarce, and they are physically and mentally exhausted for family and career.

In the world of middle -aged people, "social downgrade" originated from two aspects in inside and outside.One is the "passive result", based on the above reasons; the other is the "active choice", which conveys the efforts of the middle -aged people to compose interpersonal relationships to reduce invalid social networking.In this regard, "social downgrade" is not a reconciliation with self, is it a timely reduction?Social downgradments, alienated are the Pingshui interactions of the "second circle" and "third circle layer".Downside is not a group of separation, but a "light -quality social" that is casual.

Social downgrade, the load of time, economic and psychological dimension is reduced.In the middle of the people, the people have let go of their connections and have come out of the humanity. They may eventually be confessing in a simpler and pure life.Rather than saying "middle -aged people are downgrading socially", more and more middle -aged people are more and more middle -aged people who start to be themselves.Why isn't it a value replacement between the wrong interpersonal bond?Return to the family and return to the heart, the choice of middle -aged people, the same way.(The author is a senior media commentator)