Source: Surging News

Author: Yangliu

"Direct teaching for a takeaway platform", "How to retreat for a pack of cigarettes for free" ... It is reported that on the Chinese social platform, some people sell malicious "takeaway compensation" tutorials.Illegiters teach others how to fiction to eat foreign objects in takeaway at a price of 50 yuan to 300 yuan (the same below) and take the opportunity to claim to the merchant.A total of more than 6,000 "takeaway compensation" tutorials released by a post bar, as well as special "paying groups".

Consumers have found that food deteriorates and has foreign bodies, and applying for compensation from merchants is the rule of traffic in the takeaway industry. Each takeaway platform has established a mature compensation mechanism.The compensation is to protect consumers' rights and interests, but also forcing merchants to improve products and service quality.Normal claims are the rights of consumers.

But some people moved their brains. After receiving the takeaway, they put foreign bodies such as hair, worms, and other foreign bodies in the meal, uploading the platform to the platform, and the complaint required compensation.In this way, the normal rights protection of consumers has become the "business" of criminals; consumers' rights protection channels have become a dark channel for criminal ransom.Selling the "Takeaway Compensation" tutorial is a advanced version of malicious claims. It does "business" that destroys social trust and industry ecology, and has been suspected of teaching criminal methods.

The direct victims of fictional facts and malicious claims are platforms and businesses, and they face dual losses of economic and reputation.The "takeaway compensation" empty claims will also squeeze the normal space protection space of other consumers and exacerbate the difficulty of rights protection. It can be described as damage to the normal catering ecology, which will damage the interests of many parties.The black hand behind the "takeaway compensation" tutorial must be cut off in time.

The nature of this behavior is very bad.Because whether it is malicious fraud or tutorials on black -produced tutorials, it is illegal at the legal level.The name of extortion in the name of rights protection is suspected of extortion; and the tutorial black production behind it is suspected of teaching criminal methods.Moreover, it is more harmful to small and medium businesses. Therefore, the existence of the black -producing community has essentially destroyed the business environment and the interests of small and medium businesses.

Beijing Police recently disclosed a case: 28 -year -old men who placed their hair, thin lines, worms, etc. in the meals after placing an order through the ordering platform, and asked for mediation compensation.As long as the merchant loses money, the staff will revoke the complaint.After conducting investigations with the market supervision department, the police found out that since this year, there have been more than 190 members and a malicious claim for more than 190 times, and the amount involved in the case is 40,000 yuan.The man has been criminally detained for suspected extortion.

Consumers' rights protection channels cannot become illegal extortion windows, and merchants lose money to keep peace and sadness.Takeaway merchants should strengthen the concept of the rule of law and operate in accordance with the law. In the case of complaints, they should be dealt with normally, rather than in the attitude of being able to "spend money to buy peace" to promote the illegal elements.

As a outflow of the "takeaway compensation" tutorial, the social platform should also strengthen the audit and inspection of information release, and find that the black production information is immediately taken to take disposal measures.Block and spread.This is the basic red line specified by the ecological governance of network information content.