What should I do now?Return to deterrence?How to do it?Self -punishment in the form of re -occupation of Gaza?Land invasion is unimaginable.This is why the US President Biden warned Israel's enemies to "do not use crisis".

The destructive political magic of the Israeli Prime Minister Negataro's 15 -year power will cause a major tragedy sooner or later.A year ago, he formed the most aggressive and incompetent government in Israel's history.He assured the critics: Don't worry, "I hold on the steering wheel firmly with two hands."

However, excluding any political process in Palestine, and in the government's binding guidelines, boldly asserted that "the Jewish people have the right to row him and the unspeakable rights of the Israeli land",Make bleeding incidents inevitable.

Sure enough, even when peaceful pursuers such as Laibin and Barack are in power, Palestine is bleeding.However, in order to obtain the support of the governing partner, Nei Tanahu is undoubtedly provoked by violent conflict.He asked them to seize Palestinian land, expand illegal settlements, despise Muslims' emotions to the sacred mosque of Temple Temple, and preach the temple that the Bible in the Bible in Jerusalem (this may be the biggest reason for all Muslims to launch the jihad)Suicide delusions.At the same time, he also crowded out of the more mild Palestinian leader Abbas, which was more milder on the west bank of the Jordan River, but instead strengthened the radical Hamas power of the Gaza Strip.

According to the logic of Neyahu, Gaza's powerful Islamic rule is the ultimate argument against Palestinian political solutions.By rewarding extremists and condemnation, Nei Tanahu believes that unlike the soft leftist, he finally found a solution to Palestinian conflict.The Abraham Accords enabled Israel to normalize Israel and four Arab countries (may soon include Saudi Arabia), but he could not see the Palestinian volcano under his feet.

However, in the brutal slaughter of Israeli civilians around Gasha, Hamas responded to Nei Tamo's arrogance with a brutal behavior.In Egypt and Syria, the attack was suddenly launched, that is, 50 years after the Atonement Japanese War, Hamas attacked Gaza's border with Israel and slaughtered hundreds of non -iron civilians.Social networks record the scenes raped by young women next to their bodies.About 100 people, including family members, elderly women and young children, were abducted to Gasha.

There is no defense at all

Many people were surprised by Hamas's easily penetrating Israel's Gaza border defense.But there is no such defense at all.When Hamas began to slaughter hundreds of non -incoming civilians, most of the glorious Israeli troops were deployed elsewhere.Many religious settlers who are sent to the West Coast to protect the local Palestine (sometimes caused by the settlers), or they are carnival in front of the temple fabricated.For a long time, the desperate men and women shouted for help, while the most powerful troops in the Middle East disappeared.

For Israel, Gaza is never a vital priority.Israel built an underground wall consisting of sensors and reinforcement concrete around this flying ground. It aims to block Hamas's tunnels that try to penetrate into the border village of Israel.But useless.Hamas militia directly destroyed the ground fence.

There is no information about Hamas's intention.The advanced network units of "Entrepreneurship" Israel can detect the movement of a leaf on a tree in the Iranian base in Syria, but they know nothing about Hamas's plan.Israel is obsessed with possible nuclear breakthroughs in Iran, and its internal security department has explained this negligence on the west bank of the occupied Jordan River.

Hamas's attack is not only a strange attack in tactics, but also a strategic heavy bomb.No conflict between Israel and another radicals of Israel and Gasha in the past two years is obviously a decision by Hamas's careful planning.Hamas is creating a impression that it is becoming a government, and it is more concerned about meeting the material needs of the people, rather than a possible armed resistance that may be invalid.The Israelites believe what they want to believe: Qatar's subsidy and their own posture will persuade Hamas's future military adventure.

What should I do now?Return to deterrence?How to do it?Self -punishment in the form of re -occupation of Gaza?Land invasion is unimaginable.One of the reasons is that this will cause severe damage and casualties, and many Israelic hostages currently in Gaza are Hamas's dual insurance.In addition, Lebanon Albon has the risk of opening another front in the north.The military capabilities of the Allah make Hamas dwarfed, and the two -line operations, coupled with Iran's may support the enemy of Israel, is an ending scene in the world.

This is why the US President Bynden warned Israel's enemy to "do not use crisis".To illustrate this, Biden has ordered the latest and most advanced aircraft carrier to go to the eastern Mediterranean.

However, when does the conflict between Israel and Palestine conform to Cartcarta logic?

We learned from Carl Von Clausewitz that war should have political goals.Hamas's current war has such a goal: to ensure that it has hegemony in the Palestinian national movement, and to rescue its personnel from the Israeli prison by exchanging hostages, and preventing Palestine, who is in trouble, is anxious to have normal relations with the Jewish countries.The "Arab Brothers" abandoned.However, for the Neihuhu government, this is a pure reactive war. Except for the suspension of the next round of hostile operations, there is no political goal.

If a country does not hold the leaders 'responsibility to the leaders' responsibility for a terrorist event around Gaza, this country cannot be regarded as a real democratic country.However, Neutana's poisonous political and false information machines are already spreading conspiracy theories, that is, left -wing officers should be responsible for the negligence of this dirty war.No one should be surprised that Neganahu will resort to the infamous "behind the knife behind the knife". The Nazi also sold this conspiracy theory in the 1920s and the 1930s.Otherwise, how does the chief instant explain his criminal negligence?

After the battle is over, the negotiation of hostages and captives is inevitable.Maybe it should be canceled that the obviously invalidation of Gaza.In any case, a different problem still exists: the brutal behavior of Hamas militia on the killing field around Gaza is the correct path for the Palestinian redemption.In the next many years, their so -called glory will stink for thousands of years.

Author SHLOMO BEN-AMI is former Israeli Foreign Minister The current vice chairman of the Torrado International Peace Center Is there any honorary prophet: 2000 David Camp SummitThe end of the solution of the two countries English original: Hubris Meets Nemesis in Israel All rights reserved: Project syndicate, 2023.