Source: Taiwan Zhongshi News Network

Author: Xu Zongyu

The Russian and Ukraine War was not solved, the Middle East burned the fire, and the two sides of the hands completely let go of any moral rules, so they were even more shocking.The war between Israel and Hamas is not overnight. Israel is strong in military strength and can easily suppress each other at each time. However, after a period of time, Hamas launched a larger and bloody armed counterattack, and the war has been upgraded and expanded.This means that every time Hamas has been disciplined from frustration, improves combat skills, and prepares for the next counterattack.If the roots of the war are not lifted, it will eventually only go to race cleaning to destroy each other.

At present, Western countries have supported Israel, condemning Hamas, and recognizing that Israel has the right to fight back.European and American media almost clearly described Israel as victims. Due to the large volume of Western media, the impression of Israeli in the world has supported the world. In fact, all Arab countries support the Palestinians.The Arab community also responded immediately.The West and the Arab world are deeper.

In fact, after the founding of Israel in 1948, many wars broke out with the surrounding Arab countries.However, peace is always unstable, and the bloody conflict broke out from time to time. The key is that the core idea of the founding of Israel is Jewish stateism. It is to restore the Israeli country in the golden age of King David and King Solomon.The problem is that after more than 2,000 years of imperial and ethnic groups, there have been many ethnic groups, especially the Arab nations, which are hundreds of years.The Jewish nationalist policy will inevitably lead to the cleaning of religion and race, and the blood -blooding conflict is inevitable.

After many wars, Israel has occupied the west bank of the Jordan River, and the control area is far more than the Israeli borders set by the United Nations in 1947. The Palestinian country judged by the United Nations cannot be established. So far, it is only the autonomous government.In the past ten years, the Israeli Right Government has continued to build a Jewish reclamation area in the high place in the Palestinian region.The Israeli government does not allow them to return to their hometown. Anyway, they rush out, and let themselves die, as long as they help control the West Bank, others have nothing to do with Israel.

Israel said to "completely eradicate Hamas", how to do it?Hamas is not just an organization, but an anti -aggression thought. How can I kill my mind?Do you want to wash everyone?Israel cut off the electricity of Gaza to break the water, and the millions of people immediately moved to the south. There was nothing there. Egypt also closed the border.Essence

In 1983, I first served as a diplomat when I arrived in the middle. Just happened to be the chairman of the Asia -Pacific Group of the United States House of Representatives, Soraz visited Taiwan.Emphasizing that Israel can be used as the democratic rate of Taiwan, and continuously emphasizes that even in the face of the danger of war, Israel is still brave to achieve democracy.The following year, I went to Israel to interview and walked through Tel Aviv, Jerusalem, Seafa, Nazalle, West Bank and other places, and had a deeper experience in the local area.Israel has the appearance of the Western system, but the Palestinian people have no chance to enjoy Israel's democracy. Even second -class citizens are not as good as the danger of bleeding and conflict.

This war is a big test for the US international leadership prestige. Washington requires other countries to "act according to international rules", but on the Palestinian issue, there is no one thing in Israel to comply with UN resolutions, but the United States is still power.In the end, and found a lot of reasons for Israel, it also monopolized the justice of the right to monopolize history through the Western media.In the end, this is still a civilized conflict between the West and the Muslim World, and continues to appear with different appearances after the Crusades' East.However, no matter what, the world's vision is finally bright. If the United States continues the existing policies, it will only deepen the Islamic awareness of the US hatred. In this way, the United States will face the crisis of the second 911 sooner or later.

(the author is a senior media person in Taiwan)