Source: Hong Kong 01

Author: Hang Ziya

The Baza conflict is upgraded, the world quickly tears as sympathy for Palestine and supports the two major camps of Israel. Britain and the United States stand on the side of Israel as soon as possible to support Israel to take revenge.While Mas launched a sympathy for the Palestinian people's encounter and resistance to the Palestinian people.

It is worth noting that, unlike other countries' support for Palestine's support at the diplomatic level, Britain and America's support for Israel are all -round.

Biden not only sent State Secretary of State Brinken and Minister of Defense Austin to rush to Tel Aviv to discuss the response plan with officials such as the Prime Minister of Israel and the Minister of Defense, arranging that Brinton launched a shuttle diplomacy in the Middle East to urge the Arab countriesPressure, at the Security Council rejected Russia's proposal for the Pakistani issue, he will also visit Israel on the 18th.

At the same time, Britain and the United States have also carried out large -scale military mobilization on the grounds of preventing risk upgrades.The U.S. Department of Defense decided to send the "Eisenhower" aircraft carrier battle group to the Middle East, and formed a joint strike force with the "Ford" aircraft carrier battle group on the East Coast of the Mediterranean.The U.S. Air Force Air Battle Command announced that more attack aircraft including A-10 have arrived in the Middle East.The British Prime Minister's Office also announced that it will deploy reconnaissance aircraft and two royal naval ships to the Mediterranean East China Sea.

British and American diplomacy supports Israel. It is not difficult to understand.Military, compared to Palestine and the surrounding Arab countries, Israel has an absolute advantage, and after many years of differentiation, the surrounding Arab countries are applauded by Hamas's attack.Britain and the United States have to play such a big battle, where do you gather heavy troops here?

In fact, Britain and the United States have three major purposes.One purpose is to show the support of Israel, giving the government of Israel's Titaniaho, and working closely with diplomatic statements.After all, Israel is the most important ally in the United States in the Middle East. Now this allies have been attacked by Hamas unprecedentedly. It is necessary for Britain and the United States to show their attitudes in military.

The second purpose is to "perform" to the United States, strive for support for domestic Jewish groups, and serve the needs of the Democratic Party and Biden.Because Jews have a large amount of financial, media, and think tank institutions in the United States. They are the most important lobbying forces in the United States and foreign policy. They play a pivotal role in the US election.Defend Israel's attitude and strive for this election force.

The third purpose is to show off muscles to the Arab world and warn the countries in the Middle East who are about to challenge the Middle East order leading the British and American -led Middle East order after the war.

The current Middle East order is roughly the post -war order formed by Britain and the United States after the war.In particular, the establishment of the Israeli country and the continuous roots of the Pakistani conflict for decades are still formed under the leadership of Britain and the United States. It is the result of the British and American shells of the United Nations multilateral international institution, and the results of the United Nations resolution.For Britain and the United States, maintaining the stable post -war order pattern with Pakistan as the core of the Middle East is the most in line with its own interests.

After the Cold War, under the international pattern of "one superior", the United States became the "world police" with its strength advantages.A country that is dissatisfied with the United States in the region is often angry and dare not speak. A few challengers are either targeted by the United States through force (such as Iraq) or by the United States by sanctions (such as Iran, Syria, etc.).Capital.

However, this situation has gradually changed in the past two decades.Observing the world situation in the past two decades can be found that the "international police" in the United States has been tired of responding to the world change bureau. It is often in a panic, and sometimes warfire will be burned into the house by others.

Especially since nearly ten years, as China has risen and teamed up with Russia, etc. to leverage the world's geopolitical structure, the US hegemonic position has been challenged, and the strength of the United States has begun to show relatively decline.They were forced to transfer strategic forces to India and Eastern Europe.

When the United States was defending in the Middle East, the local country dared to be angry and dare not speak, but once the US strength showed a weak trend, and other competitors challenged the US dominance status, the United States had to be transferred from the world globally.Resource response, the situation is completely different.

So we see that over the years, Iran has dared to harden with the United States. Iraq is getting more and more dissatisfied with the state of accuracy in the United States. Syria has completely stood on the opposite side of the United States with the support of Russia.Even Saudi Arabia was unhappy with the United States after taking office in Crown Prince Samadel. This time, Hamas attack was naked and provoked.

Looking separately, the contradictions of these countries and the United States seem to have their own reasons, but they together, these contradictions have erupted frequently in recent years, which is by no means a coincidence.It is not so many resources in the Middle East. It is the root cause of the problem.

Therefore, this time Hamas attacked Israel, although knowing that it is impossible to break out of large -scale wars, the United States still moves Ge Ge, gathered here to gather heavy soldiers.There is no reason, supporting Israel with action, performing political performances internally, and showing off muscles to regional countries at the same time, warning the challengers of those Arab world.As for whether it can be warned, it is not necessarily.