Anyone who can thoroughly study the factors of large elementary schools in Singapore, and can better appreciate the small in Singapore.

conveys a lot of information about the provinces. Premier Li Xianlong emphasized on October 5th that Asia is still a large potential and vibrant area.He said that after Singapore was forced to be independent, there were many lucky moments along the way to have a virtuous circle, that is, the people trust the government, and the government has continued to achieve more results with trust.Premier Li Xianlong described this as an ideal state of "Garden of Eden", and he must work hard to continue, because once he leaves this garden, he can never come back.

The God of Lucky will not take care of us forever. The metaphor of the Prime Minister is very fresh and must be referred to.Although Singapore is highly developed and modern, the quality of life has been continuously improved, and there are still many Singaporeans who want to immigrate to other countries.The Prime Minister's words also have a deep meaning of choosing new immigrants in Singapore.This also makes people say that "there is no shop after this village."

Chinese expert Wang Huidi recently published an article in Lianhe Zaobao · Speech pointed out that in the new immigrant circle, it is often called Singapore as "Po County".His righteous words have caused a lot of attention and response.

Singapore is small, fortunately there is a huge political leader Lee Kuan Yew.Former US President Nixon said that Lee Kuan Yew is a super -high motorcycle on a boat.This can explain why Lee Kuan Yew can be a small place that was originally "boring" into a dazzling country.

A wise politician and diplomat appeared more than 2000 years ago, and the child's birth of Zheng Guo. If he govern a large country, not a small country, the situation in the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period may be very different.

The governance of the child is generous, and the Zheng Guoren lives and lives in peace, and the supplies are abundant.However, the successor, the uncle, quickly forgot the warning of giving governance to giving governance before the end of his birth, and relaxing the control of the people. In a few months, the thieves became more and the public security was bad.

Ziqi and Confucius are contemporary people, and Confucius often praises the benevolence and talents of the child.When he heard the death of his childhood illness, Confucius couldn't help crying, saying that he had the legacy of the ancients!(Ancient love also).

From the beginning, Lee Kuan Yew is not like a leader in governing a small country.At the beginning of the founding of the People's Republic of China, Singapore encountered the most tricky issue that Britain was planning to withdraw troops.The British garrison contributed 20%of Singapore's domestic GDP, and withdrawal is equivalent to cutting off a lifeline of Singapore.Li Guangyao was unwilling to fight for fate, but he did not sit still, but took the then deputy prime minister Wu Qingrui to go back and forth many times to go back and forth.At that time, the British two parties had the same position, and the Lord was withdrawn to revitalize the British economy.In October 1967, Li Guangyao was invited to London to give a speech at the Labor Party's annual conference to persuade the Labor government and in -party members to suspend the withdrawal from the east of the Suez Canal.Li Guangyao's performance at the time was very impressed by the British politics and media.

Singapore's personnel have been exhausted, and the fate of Britain's withdrawal cannot be changed. Instead, focusing on attracting foreign capital, creating employment opportunities, accelerating house construction plans, and vigorously developing education, strengthening national defense forces, and multi -advancement.Singapore quickly walked out of the shadow of the British withdrawal.

On October 9, 1985, Lee Kuan gave a speech to the two houses of the United States in Washington.This is the award of a national leader.He called on the United States to resolutely oppose trade protectionism and emphasize the strategic significance of an open economy.The attention and courtesy he received, not like a prime minister from the "county -level" country.

The Minister of the Late Qing Dynasty Li Hongzhang used to call Japan "Little Japan", because he was tall and taller than ordinary Japanese, and Japan was much smaller than China.However, the Qing Dynasty ate a lot in the hands of "Little Japan" and suffered a hundred years of shame.

Lee Kuan Yew is so calm in front of Westerners and any major power leaders, and there is no performance of self -dwarfing and inferiority of small leaders at all.One of the reasons may be his height. The more important factor is that he has learned more, constantly learning, and persuasive. These advantages give him the height and confidence of the problem.The self -confidence of the leader is projected at the national level, and the weight of Singapore is also enlarged, which is much larger than its own area and population.

After the international status has been improved, the Singapore leader and minister's speech on the international forum have received the attention of international media. For example, Prime Minister Li Xianlong recently called on the "one China" issue at the "Asian Prospective Summit".It is seen as the opposition between democracy and authoritarianism.He pointed out that the "one China" problem is sometimes seen as the problem of good and evil, which will lead to dangerous consequences.If countries can express the "one China" clearly, it will be helpful.The key to the problem in his words.

It is called Singapore's "Po County". Whether it is nickname, self -deprecation, or intentional degradation, it highlights that Singapore is not a special status of a small country.

The name of "Po County" is uncomfortable, and some people are improper.Over the years, in the adversity of being underestimated or being seen (such as former Indonesian President Habby, Singapore is just a "little red dot"), Singapore has continued to progress, self -reliance, and upstream.Singapore has become more vibrant.Anyone who can study the factors of large elementary schools in Singapore should better appreciate the small in Singapore.

Today's "Poxian" officials and businessmen gathered, and their humanities are gathered. The county is also small, and its pattern is also large.If Confucius travels through time and space, when you travel, you will sigh at this time: "This county is a small see -through, ranking in a big country, not humble, not proud, and cautiously, say a word Jiuding, the county is small, and the county is small.Poor! "