North Korean leader Kim Jong -un and Russian President Putin were held on September 13 at the Oriental Space launcher in the Far East.During the visit to Russia, in addition to the Foreign Minister, there are also deputy chairman of the Central Military Commission of the North Korean Workers' Party, Minister of the Party, Government and Army, Minister of Defense, Naval Commander, and Air Force Commander.The purpose is obvious.For Kim Jong -un, this is the first time to go abroad after four years and five months, which also means North Korea, which builds the world's most stringent epidemic prevention system, and finally enters the era of the post -epidemic situation.The first visit after the crown disease was not the alliance China but Russia, which made people feel interesting.

Kim Jong -un has talked about the New Cold War since two years ago.Originally to condemn the cooperation between Japan and the United States and South Korea, but around the situation of the Korean Peninsula, the New Cold War gradually became a reality.In other words, when North Korea's military strength and economic strength are crushed by the United States and South Korea, it is necessary to cooperate with China and Russia.

However, North Korea's diplomacy does not rely on any country and take the autonomous route.During the Cold War, although they formed an alliance with Moscow and Beijing, they kept a moderate sense of distance.Because of this, North Korea did not disintegrate like the Soviet Union, nor was it swallowed by China's reform and opening up, and maintained a unique national system.

The China -DPRK Alliance includes the "automatic intervention clause", that is, the allies will give assistance in military affairs when they are attacked by other countries, but whether this clause can actually play a doubtful role.This is because, even if North Korea is attacked by the United States, China may be explained as the reason for being caused by North Korea itself and does not provide military assistance.It is precisely because of the allies that North Korea has always insisted on relying on its own strength to develop nuclear missiles.

North Korea failed in the launch of military reconnaissance satellites in May and August.Kim Jong -un has suffered a huge crackdown on the failure of this national plan, and North Korea has not even disclosed the fact that the satellites launching satellites twice to the people.The Kim Jong -un regime hopes to provide Russia's lack of artillery and manpower in the Ukrainian war, in exchange for giving weapon development funds and the latest technologies from Russia, trying to get cooperation in Russia in the field of "universe development".

Kim Jong -un, who was left out of Putin in the Russian leader in 2019, did not achieve the expected results and had to fight back to the house.But now the situation in Moscow is very different.With the invasion of Ukraine, Russia is constantly being isolated internationally and has to be traded with North Korean transactions that have always looked down.This time, Putin personally entertained Kim Jong -un to the universe base and treated warmly.According to Korean media reports, "the recruitment will be held in the affection of friendship, and the eclectic and kind and kind atmosphere is held."

Kim Jong -un was called "comrades" for the heads of socialist countries China, Vietnam, Laos, and Cuba. However, on the 70th anniversary of the Southern Korean War of War in July, it was first commensurate with Putin with "comrades" for the first time.Moreover, he also invited Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoygu to go to his office as his first foreigner.At present, the North Korean media is so exciting that Russia is consistent with "anti -imperialism"."Anti -imperialism", that is, anti -American consciousness, and Russia, shows the strategy and extremely simple composition of "the friend of the enemy is the enemy".

On the contrary, there is no "anti -emperor" between North Korea and China.Except for the areas such as Taiwan, such as Taiwan, which are directly related to the interests of their national interests, they cannot be concessions, and they do not want to oppose the United States too much about the Korean Peninsula.It is difficult for North Korea, Russia, China to unite like Japan, the United States and South Korea. Because of this, Kim Jong -un chose Russia as the first visit after the epidemic.Moreover, Beijing does not want to see North Korea's testing and own nuclear weapons.If North Korea has nuclear weapons, there may be nuclear Domino card effects, that is, South Korea, Japan and even Taiwan may have nuclear.However, Putin opposed the UN Security Council's sanctions against North Korea.For Pyongyang, it is worth Moscow to go by Moscow alone.

The author is a professor at Qingying University in Japan