Source: Hong Kong 01

Author: Lu Yi

I believe that many people will not oppose "Chinese new energy vehicles are shaking the global car pattern". Otherwise, the European Commission chairman Feng Delin will not announce the anti -subsidy investigation of China's electric vehicles.Obviously a manifestation of China's new energy vehicle siege.Coincidentally, when the Chinese electric vehicle leads in the Munich Motor Show, the United States is conducting a national car industry's strike. It was originally caused by labor disputes, but the car workers directly pointed their finger at electric vehicles.

Logic is also very simple: the structure of the electric vehicle is relatively simple. It does not require a large number of parts and components, no engines, and naturally do not require many industrial workers.In other words, with the tide of American electric vehicle production with the strong subsidy policy of Biden Electric Vehicle, a large number of industrial workers have become a foregone conclusion.Therefore, this time, the car manufacturing company, which was originally pointed at, now points to Biden's electric vehicle industry policy.

The automotive industry is one of the main pillar industries of the US economy. Electric vehicles are now an important area for competition with China, and it is also the key area of its industrial subsidy policy.At present, this situation will directly live in Biden: vigorously developing electric vehicles, and not to say whether it can compete in China, this unemployment rate is rising.This means that the big strike of the automotive industry is probably the beginning.If the car industry's strike cannot be controlled, it may form a major blow for the US economy that is troublesome.

Once the competition is not China, such a large subsidy and so big investment are equivalent to a water ticket, and it is also a serious impact on other key areas.

Since the Obama period, especially during the Trump period, the United States has regarded the main energy not to develop and innovate the economy, but to kill the Chinese economy as its main goal.The problem is that China has turned the pressure of the United States into power. Whether it is 5G or semiconductor chip, or in the field of new energy, China has long begun to force.The United States did not suddenly look back to develop itself when China had realized the overtaking of the curve, but it was really too late.

This is the case in the United States, and Europe is almost the same.Originally, the Paris Climate Agreement was an important sign of European to show influence. Perhaps it was affected by the United States's active or even exit, or that Europe originally wanted to use this to flickering in the development of countries.It's hard.Over the years, it is clear that European countries have not developed in the field of new energy or clean energy.Now that China has made breakthroughs in the field of electric vehicles, the European Union can't sit still.The European Union has made an anti -subsidy investigation to China electric vehicles, and vowed that it will impose punitive tariffs on Chinese electric vehicles soon.

Whether the European economy can withstand the crumbling European economy can withstand the countermeasures of China, it can only be said that such a policy is suicide.Reduction is imminent.Regardless of whether they are willing or not, new energy transformation must be carried out.But the problem is that the current Europe is obviously unable to transform quickly.The Ukrainian war has made European power supply nervous.In the last winter, some European countries had burned coal and firewood.And due to abandoning nuclear power generation, some countries have restarted coal -carbon power generation, coupled with high energy tension, not to mention electric vehicles, even fuel cars can't afford it.

Regardless of restrictions, European new energy vehicles are obviously seriously backward.China is the largest market in the world, and Europe is facing competition with the two major powers in China and the United States, which will be a catastrophic blow to new energy vehicles in Europe.

In addition, the restriction policy of imposing punitive tariffs on Chinese electric vehicles is obviously due to the intensification of European fighting in Europe. The biggest victim of this policy is the world's car industry in Germany.Therefore, the German side is publicly opposed.Therefore, this policy actually reflects the severe division of the European Union.During the critical period of establishing a multi -pole world structure, this behavior of Europe is tantamount to strategic suicide.

In fact, not only Chinese electric vehicles are shaking the global car pattern.Hydropower, wind power, and solar China have absolute leading advantages, and China will also become vanguard in the nuclear power field.Even the carbon row control technology of fossil energy has entered the advanced ranks.How exactly the developed American Western countries lag behind China in this field?

This has to start with the "United Nations Climate Change Framework Convention".Thirty years ago, the "United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change" was formulated. When the "Convention" was formulated in that year, the principle of "common but different responsibilities" was proposed.Differentially, it is required that developed countries are required to be a large emission of greenhouse gases, taking specific measures to limit the emissions of greenhouse gas, and provide funds to developing countries to pay the costs required by the convention obligations.The developing countries only bear the obligation to provide a national list of greenhouse gas sources and greenhouse gases, and formulate and implement plans containing a measure of greenhouse gas sources and existence.

However, in the United States and Western countries, not only did they not repeat the convention, they called for a call that can be said to be a flicker developing countries.Later, the "Kyoto Protocol" and the "Paris Agreement", the United States joined in a while to withdraw and quit it for a while before joining.Today, the Biden government has returned to the climate agreement after withdrawing.The purpose is not to cooperate with climate change, but to reshape the US leadership, to win the competition in the field of clean energy.Looking at the active European on the surface, it has not been fulfilled for more than 10 years as a commitment to develop capital and technical support in developing countries.

The West has already begun the process of industrialization. Today's greenhouse effect is the result of the accumulation of carbon emissions in the United States. The international conventions have clearly stipulated that emission reduction must adhere to the "common but different principles."Early industrialized countries must bear the main obligations and responsibilities of emission reduction.Today, these countries are not active, and they even want to suppress the economic development of developing countries.

Although China is an industrialized country, although China wants to keep the economy an important impact of emission reduction, China has made its best to make the greatest commitment.This has been praised by countries from all over the United States.Do not deny that China's carbon displacement is large, but this is determined by China's total economic and population base.If the per capita level, the United States is far exceeding China.It is important that China not only has the strength to reduce emission reduction and environmental governance, but also forge ahead for development of energy and new energy issues.As a result, China has achieved the world's leading position in the technology research and development and utilization of clean energy.

The world is using China's photovoltaic power generation products, China's wind power leaders are led, and China's nuclear energy has also made great progress.The most surprising thing in the West is that China's electric vehicles have become the world's number one. This is the important achievement of China's active response to climate change issues. It can also be said to be the result of irresponsibility of climate change issues in the United States.

The United States and the United States, especially the United States, are obviously not concentrated in developing themselves as an important means to "competition".In China, it is an important means to develop its own "competition" and successfully turn the pressure of the United States into motivation.Such a form of competition is equivalent to giving up its own lengths in the West, and natural competition is not China.