Source: Zhongshi Electronic News

Author: He Qian

Hou Youyi's visit to the United States performed beyond the expectations of the outside world, not only across the low -standard line of "separate points, no mistakes", but also through the 16th members of the Huafu and went to Brukins.The four important think tank exchanges including the Institute, as well as running in the four overseas Chinese communities such as New York, New Jersey, Washington, and San Francisco. Lai Qingde, who is under the title of Vice President and must be low -key and steadily, has set off more media exposure effects.It is a vivid presentation of "post -hair advantage".

Compared with Lai Qingde's record in the United States, he has not seen any public interaction with any American senior members; Hou Youyi can be able to visit the Republican senior senior of the US Senate Military Commission in 48 hours of visits within 48 hours., Shalvin and Senate's Senior Democratic Democrats Merkeli, such as Merkeli, have conducted substantial exchanges, which also shows that Zhu Lilun has rejected the interpersonal diplomatic machinery for two years.Essence

At the level of think tanks, Ge Laiyi, who has always praised the Cai Yingwen's government route, or Bu Ruizhe, which is relative to the Democratic Party route, and the Mesozoic Anti -Ancestors of the United States and the cross -strait policy circle -He Ruien, Mai Aiwen, and the traditional foundation of partial security faction have interacted with Hou Youyi, and there are many positive evaluations of the communication atmosphere.

AIT, which represents the US Biden government released the body and attitude, was also met with Hou Youyi with three to meet Hou Youyi and chose to sit in the Washington Blue Camp for more than two hours.This was avoided when Rosen Berg's transit in New York in New York was avoided. It was not until San Francisco and Lai Qingde saw the arrangement above, showing a very clever temperature difference.

Rosenberg came to Taiwan twice this year, and he saw the "one bowl of water" attitude of various candidates; then to observe the quietly and WeChat signal released by Lai Qingde and Hou Youyi to the United States to observeIt can be said that as of now, the Kuomintang camp and Hou Youyi have reached the core goal of their work against the United States in this election -that is, to ensure that the American Bayeng government has maintained at least in the upcoming Taiwan election election at least in the coming election of Taiwan."Real neutral" instead of obvious tendency to the DPP like the last election.

At the same time, this visit to the Kuomintang has also proved that since the 2016 election, the DPP once shaped in Washington's "Democratic Progressive Party's administration is in line with the interests of the United States, the Kuomintang comes to power in the interests of Beijing"After a round of completely disinfection, the Kuomintang was washing the image of the Kuomintang's view of the United States as "Beijing Strategic Interest Agent".

and the Kuomintang tries to explain that although it is significantly different from the DPP's route, and does not avoid dialogue with the mainland, and accepts the consensus of returning to the 1992, it should still be the lobbying position of the United States and the opponent of the interchange.It has also been adequately accepted by the mainstream of the US policy community, and is willing to re -show the interaction and enthusiasm of interaction with the Kuomintang through the reception of Hou Youyi.

At this point, the "balance" of the mainstream policy community of the United States to the Blue and Green Party of Taiwan has been at least recovered back to a relatively neutral and not preferred preference for the DPP.Help.

As for the emerging people's party, although the support of the candidate Ke Wenzhe's polls is still in the fight with Hou Youyi, compared with the Kuomintang of the Kuomintang, which is compared with the organizational division of labor, talent accumulation, and traditional overseas supporting the masses.When the people's party visited the United States a previous time, the operation of the operation shown in the United States was flat, but it was far from the same level as the Kuomintang.The Kuomintang also took this trip to Hou Youyi to show the party's objective ability than the people's party than the party.

From the perspective of the team of Hou Youyi's visit to the United States, it can also be seen that the team, campaign office, and the Kuomintang Central Committee and the Legislative Yuan party group have gradually completed the integration of Houying Municipal Government.

Whether it is Xia Liyan, who represents the Kuomintang Central Committee for "diplomatic navigation" for Hou Youyi, and Huang Jiezheng, the general planning of the dense interaction with the US Congress and think tanks, or on behalf of the Legislative Yuan and the local sound, with the pose of heavyweight legislators, the same process is accompanied by the same process.Jiang Qichen, even Zhang Qiqiang and Rao Qingyu, who is in charge of the media agenda and material preparation, at least in front of the outside world, they show the high accumulation, the character's sense of layering, and the complementary team image.And many young staff of the seventh -eighth -grade generation shuttle before and after, undertaking various responsibilities in front of the stage and behind the scenes, which also allows people to see the first time of the century -old store to make new blood.

This is compared to Lai Qingde, who is "one -person show", or Lai Qingde, who is "one -person show" during the visit, or the style of election decision -making style.Poor communication with the Kuomintang Central Committee seems to have shown signs of overcome.

and Zhu Lilun's on the way to the United States, Zhu Lilun explicitly accepted the "3D strategy" (scared, dialogue, and risks) proposed by Hou Youyi, that is, the "2D strategy" (dialogue, national defense) in his ownStep version and extension.This also shows that Zhu Lilun and Hou Youyi, at least in terms of strategic propositions involving diplomacy and cross -strait levels, have completed formal integration and connection, and no longer one tree, resolving the dispute between the original hidden policy dominance, etc.Awkward.

Hou Youyi visited the United States this time, and the time was at the stage of the field integration into the key node.According to the current polls, Guo Taiming, who announced the launch of the launch, has not yet shown a full starting momentum, and the polls have not exceeded the double -digit threshold.Ke Wenzhe was influenced by the Gao Hong'an case and the recent lack of topical nature, and also fell into the stage of pressure.The polls disclosed in the next few days will see if most ordinary voters in Taiwan will have a high feeling for the academic and professional observer to visit the United States.

If the aforementioned comprehensive results and images are presented in a broader grass -roots society, there is diffusion and topicality, then maybe this time Hou Youyi's visit to the United States will be the last mile of integration, with Ke Wenzhe, and even Ke WenzheGuo Taiming started the starter of the negotiating.The waves and fermentation effects after Hou's visit to the United States will also play a "Tao fork" role in the integrated window period of only the last month of the last month.

The author is senior media person