Reference News Network reported on September 21 The Wall Street Journal website recently published entitled how the United States collided into the road of using chips to deal with China?The author is Henry Farrell, a professor at the School of International Issues of the University of Johns Hopkins University in the United States, and Abraham Newman, a professor at the School of Foreign Affairs of Georgen University.The full text is as follows:

In October last year, the Bayeng government adopted an unprecedented scale: export control for cutting -edge semiconductors and other products for artificial intelligence systems.The restrictions of the new regulations are not just American companies. Any manufacturer using specific American software or technology manufacturing products is restricted.

Commentary said that the United States is pulling a "silicon curtain".Scholars and other scholars such as Thomas Friedman used to mention it as a model of globalization when they mentioned the semiconductor supply chain. They believed that in this "flat world", economic mutual dependence will bring peace and prosperity.Now, the United States has relied on this kind of mutual weapon.American technology is like the long line released by the dragging fishing boat, running through the global semiconductor production system, and allies and opponents are struggling on the hook.

At this stage, it is difficult to evaluate the extensive impact of new US policies.But as China responds to the United States, the situation may be upgraded.

Jack Shalin, assistant to the US President's National Security Affairs, described the export control system as a vital "strategic asset", saying that it allows the United States and its allies to "make the opponent pay the price, even with timePush for weakening its combat capabilities. "

The Trump administration changed its export control in a hammer.Now, the Biden team has expanded the scope of the use of foreign direct product rules.Starting from the actions of the Trump administration against a company, the Bayeng administration has evolved it into a movement that cuts the entire country to obtain key technical channels.

In an academic paper published in 2019, we have argued that this has given the US government's great coercion and monitoring rights.We warned that this might have a problem, but we did not expect that our research may promote the phenomenon we depict.

American historian Chris Miller's recent book war in semiconductor history describes the idea of a senior official of the Trump administration who does not want to disclose our name.In Miller's words, our idea provides a "action plan" for the government's "throat" produced by semiconductor.They told Miller that "it is a wonderful thing to rely on weapons."

In order to deal with the pressure of the United States, China is now becoming a strategy of technology independence.As the Eurasian Group's senior analyst Ali Wyen warned, the worse than being dependent on each other may be disappeared.

Other countries may be united with China, or strive to increase their self -sufficiency rate, because they are worried that they may become the next country on the export control blowlist.