Source: Economic Daily

Chinese "Eleventh" holidays are enthusiastic about tourism, showing the huge potential of residents' consumption, and will effectively boost the consumer market in the second half of the year.However, the large flow will also bring a big test, and it cannot be taken lightly.It is necessary to improve the quality of supply, optimize the consumer environment, and innovate service model, so that consumers "look at each other" and "look back" with the tourist destinations.

Following the hottest "May 1st" and the hottest summer, the hottest "Eleventh" in the past five years will take over again.Less than a week before the Mid -Autumn Festival holiday, the thermal power of "Super Golden Week" has rushed.

The enthusiasm of the rising travel can be seen from many preliminary data.According to data from the National Railway Group of China, the National Day Golden Week National Railway is expected to send 190 million passengers.On September 15th, the ticket sales volume of train tickets on the first day of the holiday reached 22.877 million.In terms of civil aviation, more than 21 million passengers are expected to travel during the holidays.The report released by Flying Pig shows that the number of domestic travel products in the National Day holiday increased by nearly 6 times year -on -year, and the number of outbound tourism products increased by more than 20 times year -on -year.

This year's Mid -Autumn Festival holiday is 8 days, and the climate of the golden autumn is pleasant. Traveling, vacation, relatives and reunion are strong.All localities are actively prepared to launch wonderful tourism products.For example, Tianjin has the main line of the five major cultural tourism core IPs of "Yanglou, River, Hai, Mountain, and Fireworks", and planned to launch about 300 "Jincai" cultural tourism activities; Guizhou launched the "village BA" and "village super"Top 100 boutique tourism routes.Many cities have also issued a new round of cultural tourism consumer coupons.With the announcement of the third batch of national and regional lists of outbound tourism, outbound tourism is also expected to usher in the annual peak in the National Day holiday.

The tourism industry has a wide range of tourism, the industrial chain is long, the openness is high, and the driving force is strong.Since the beginning of this year, the consumption of cultural tourism has steadily recovered and has recovered, and the consumption of catering, accommodation, transportation and other services has continued to expand, which has become an important support for consumption recovery.The "Eleventh" holiday tourism popularity has continued to decrease, showing the huge potential of residents' consumption, which will effectively boost the consumer market in the second half of the year.However, the large flow will also bring a big test, and it cannot be taken lightly.

One test question is one, the format is new, the quality is high, and how can the tourism supply better meet the needs of consumers?

With the improvement of living standards and the change of tourism concept, consumers' demand for new forms of tourism, new experience, and new expressions is becoming increasingly strong.Tourism is favored by people.Studies have shown that the current travel consumption presents several new features: punching out the purpose from "popular mainstream" to "unique niche", traveling motivation from "traveling mountains and playing water" to "free relaxation", the travel plan has been "thoroughly detailed and detailed"The transition to" unknown surprise ", the travel experience has changed from" to this tour "to" deep local ".This also means that as long as the consumer's interest is triggered, some small and medium cities may become "net red".

Facing the new trend of the upgrading of cultural tourism consumption, all localities should vigorously promote the structural reform of the supply side of the tourism industry, innovate consumption scenarios, and cultivate new formats and new models.Jump out of the narrow "ticket economy" thinking, fully tap and integrate local cultural tourism resources, extend the tourism industry chain, and promote the transition from attractions to the whole region.

Test questions 2, the service is better and well manage, can the consumer environment make tourists comfortable and peace of mind?

Those who do n’t grab the tickets are worried, and those who grab the tickets are also worried.Tourism involves many links such as eating, living, traveling, traveling, purchasing, and entertainment. Consumers may encounter various problems in this process.The changes in the supply and demand relationship caused by centralized consumption in a short time make the problem more prominent.For example, the price of hotels "will rise every holiday", and even some hotels have maliciously destroyed contracts; group travel is induced to shop, forced shopping, "do not buy without letting go, buy less and scolds";For short two, the quality of service is uneven.For another example, some scenic spots exceeded the reception capacity of ticket sales, and people are full of affected experiences; some scenic spots are charged, and the ferry car becomes a "passenger car" ... This phenomenon has repeatedly occurred in the peak tourist season.

Wen Traveling Industry is in the recovery stage, consumer confidence cannot stand toss, and the image of the city cannot afford losses.In the face of the trendy holiday passenger flow, how to improve the reception capacity and service level, test the management capabilities of the city.Recently, there are many places to regulate the order of tourism market prices during the holidays. In this regard, we must pay close attention to implementation, further strengthen the sense of responsibility of business entities, severely crack down on the chaos and prominent problems in the tourism market, and ensure the legitimate rights and interests of consumers.

Great test questions are outside the Golden Week.Holidays are always over, how to continue the effect of the holiday economy to weekdays?On the one hand, it is necessary to fully implement the paid vacation system, encourage peak leave, elastic schedule, so that consumers can get a better experience at a lower cost, and can also help clean the peaks of tourism and avoid ups and downs.On the other hand, we must adhere to the innovation of tourism formats, service methods, and consumption models to achieve the diversity of space and time in tourism, so that consumers and tourist destinations will not only "meet each other", but also "look at each other", "look at each other", "look at each otherLooking back. "