
Today, the Tourism Bureau is a great difficulty that plagues many people.As the social form of "finding a bump" rose in China, it became easy for young people to complete a trip together with like -minded partners.

Mid -Autumn Festival and National Day holidays are approaching. For the sake of safety and reduction of travel costs, people who plan to travel have found "tourism" on social platforms, hoping to find strangers with the same frequency of resonance to travel together.

China News Service Investigation found that indeed many netizens have gained a pleasant travel experience with "tourism". However, in this beautiful vision of "friendly and boundary"Scam and risk.

"I'm looking for travel on the Internet, lost 3000"

In early September, Zhang Yue (a pseudonym) from Chongqing's tourist enthusiasts posted a post on social platforms to find the "tourist bodies" who recently went to Xinjiang.In an interview with, she said that after the post was posted, many people immediately credited her and said that they could travel together.

One of the girls A (pseudonym) told Zhang Yue that she and her friends were also going to travel to Xinjiang, but they were "put pigeons" by the other two.Also saving money, she can be responsible for doing strategies.After understanding, Zhang Yue decided to travel with friends, Xiao A, and Xiao A's friends.

But what confused Zhang Yue was that she found a lot of resources with the group. Xiao A refused for various reasons. He said that he was more familiar and could be responsible for the schedule and hotel.Booking, she can be booked, but it takes 1,500 yuan (RMB, the same below, about S $ 280) deposit.Zhang Yue transferred 3,000 yuan to her as a deposit for her and her friends.

"Later, I saw that many of these kinds of this kind of care on the Internet. Let us make an appointment first, then find a reason not to go, transfer our business to the local team ... Thinking that she has never booked her own ticket, IAsk her to provide a voucher for a predetermined hotel, she always said that I trusted her but I just didn't give it. "Zhang Yue said," In the end, she said that some friends helped to book, some were verbally booked, and sent two transfers to meA total of 2000+860 yuan was displayed. Even if it was true, the 4 people were only 720 yuan per person, and there was no certificate. "

Zhang Yue said that she suspected that she had been deceived and wanted to refund the money, but Xiao A insisted that the money had been used up, and she paid a lot of money, and it was impossible to refund.As of September 20, Zhang Yue still failed to return to the 3,000 yuan.She clicked on the homepage of Xiao A and found that on the 18th, Xiao A continued to post to find "traveling". On the afternoon of the 19th, Xiao A posted another post to "fight the house", saying "luxury accommodation, 600 per capita".

"This is the first time that I have been looking for 'traveling together', and it is also the only time." Zhang Yue felt that in the future, I will choose a regular channel reporting group. At least problems can be found after selling.

The secret words of "All costs" are just "happy"?

In addition to being cheated, there are some young people looking for "tourism", but they did not wait for their companions, but they waited for the information of the name of traveling in the name of travel and even "sexual harassment".

Recently, the topic of "a platform travel is accused of yellowing" has attracted attention.According to reports, some netizens have found that "traveling and full costs" are becoming a secret saying.In the title of such posts, it is usually indicated that "only girls are limited to girls, they take their own needs." In response, the platform responded that it has carried out a full check for the relevant notes of "tourism" in the station.The content will be dealt with seriously.

But found that there are still some posts and comments involving related secret words.A note released in mid -September shows that the publisher planned to play in western Sichuan for a few days, "recruiting women's children" and "all costs".Another post released on September 20 stated that "Find Traveling, First Class, Five Star Hotel, Full and Frequent Package."

Some people have their own age, height, and personality requirements in the posts that claim to be "all -inclusive", as well as the age and personality requirements of the woman.In another post that is looking for "traveling together", there are also many people commented on the comment area saying "find a woman, cost all it", "squatting can go to XX, all include paid paid."

China News Network's private message contacted a few of them. A user asked "green or non -green?" It is reported that "non -green" means involving yellow transactions.Another user bluntly said, "I want to find a fixed, if I am not green, I am very interested." Another user replied that "how could it make a woman spend money." When asked what the need, he said, "NothingDemand is a happy picture. "

Lawyers remind: "Baizi" social risk needs to be treated with caution

In addition to the above routines, many people on the social platform also shared the vomiting of "tourism".Some people are scattered because of different habits and ideas. Some people are released on the day of departure.

There is also an unavoidable question: "Traveling and Making" is a stranger. How can the safety of the journey and the personal safety of the traveler be guaranteed?

Xia Hailong, a lawyer of Shanghai Shenlun Law Firm, said in an interview with that some "tourism and mounts" recruitment stickers may belong to the hidden marketing methods of some merchants. Netizens should pay attention to identifying whether the other party is legal during the communication process.Do not trust the advertisement to fall into the consumption trap.In addition, it is not excluded that some users use the gimmicks of "tourism" to seduce netizens to engage in immorality and even illegal acts. Netizens should be careful to treat the social networking of strangers in reality. First of all, they must ensure personal and property safety.

Ding Jinsun, a lawyer of Shanghai Dabang Law Firm, told China News Network that in practice, if the travel period is long and costs, the two parties can sign a simple cooperative tourism contract, agreed to divide labor cooperation, cost allocation, protect privacy, exit mechanism, etc.Essence"This kind of contract may not be officially signed. After discussing on WeChat, the two parties have confirmed, and there is a contract effect."

Xia Hailong reminded that if you want to participate in the "tourism" organized by strangers, you must understand the true identity of the other party before travel, try not to go far, too strange, and inform relatives and friends travel information.It is best to buy insurance before traveling and agreed with the other party to make consumption sharing in advance to avoid unnecessary disputes.

"If you are deceived or other accidents, you should report to the police or complain to the platform as soon as possible, and keep evidence of related web pages and communication records. Information publishers should bear responsibility.The situation should also be responsible. "Xia Hailong said.