Anwar, Prime Minister and Minister of Finance of Malaysia, have been very busy recently. Earlier this month, they flew to the Indonesian capital of Jakarta to attend the Asian Summit in the middle of the month.One -hour cyclone visits to China.A few days later, he went to New York, USA to attend the UN General Assembly. During the period, he met with many industry representatives.An Hua's visits are so long, the purpose is to fight for the economy and attract foreign investment.

The Minister of Investment in Malaysia, Trade and Industry Zafru said that Anwar was "top salesman" and successfully attracted many foreign capital for Malaysia.Anwar also mentioned at the Asian Summit of the Institute of Milken Institute that he kept visiting to respond to various questions from foreign investors, including doubts about the political situation of Malaysia, to strengthen investors' confidence in Malaysia.Essence

The Anwar government has announced a number of plans to boost the economy, including the "Changming Economic" policy, the national energy transformation roadmap, the mid -term report of the 12th Malaysia plan, and the new industrial blueprint in 2030.In addition to rejuvenating the economy and improving the problems of people's livelihood, this is more important to fight for the public's support for the unity of the government, establish reputation, and consolidate the regime.

After Anwar came to power, people had high hopes for him. Anwar also mentioned that the two major primary tasks of the government repeatedly mentioned that the government's two major primary tasks were to combat corruption and recover the national economy.However, the corruption case of Deputy Prime Minister and UMNO Chairman Ahmad Zahi was sentenced to nothing to be released, which caused many people to be disappointed with Anhua and the Hope Alliance who came to power with the banner of reform and the banner of greed.Not to let go, attacking the former "fire" has become "fiery fire".

Although Anwar constantly emphasized that the case of not intervening in the Ahmad Zahi case was continued to act in accordance with the law, and the court sentenced the defendant to the defendant was not the first case, but public opinion generally believed that this was a political transaction.It is Ahmad Zahi led the National Front and UMNO to support Anwar as the return as Prime Minister.

As early as the Malaysian election last November, Ahmad Zahi supported Anwar leaders of the Pakatan Harapan to set up a new government, and people identified political transactions in this.Therefore, it is something that Ahmad Zahi can get rid of the lawsuit.Regardless of the facts, no matter how Anhua explained, the case will inevitably cause controversy, and Anhua's determination to be greedy will definitely be questioned and attacked.

This is the risks and consequences that Anwar decides to cooperate with Ahmad Zahi and UMNO.As a long -lasting politician, he could not uncle this.After the Ahmad Zaji case set off a storm of public opinion, Anwar admitted that this caused a poor sense of social perception, indicating that he knew how ripples it would stir.

Since there is already psychological preparation, it is impossible to respond.When people's confidence in his greed and reform determination was shaken, Anwar did not continue to talk about water. Instead, he worked hard to turn the focus of public opinion to boosting economy and attracting foreign capital.

How to explain how to explain the case of the Ahmad Zhashi is a faithful letter, and the person who does not believe it is unbelievable.Instead of repeatedly arguing, Anhua is better to transfer the focus, and use the economic and people's livelihood issues that people are more concerned about to cool down and reverse the disadvantages.

However, the prospects of the global economic recovery are still dim. The smoke of the Russian and Ukraine War is still filled. The competition between China and the United States has intensified. The pressure of inflation and high living expenses has not improved. Recently, international rice prices have risen and white rice supply issues.Let the people live a hundred pounds.In the face of these uncontrollable factor, how Anwar can effectively implement measures to stimulate economy is a big problem.

But even if it is difficult, in order to restore the people's confidence, it is the only thing that Anwar is now to fight for the economy.The two key performance indicators for the Anwar government -cracking down on corruption and recovery economy are not up to standards.If you can't make satisfactory results in promoting economic recovery, I am afraid that Anwar's fire will really be difficult to burn.