Give everyone a certain income from the end of the income. It seems fair on the surface, and it is actually difficult to allocate resources.However, if you start with the payment end, and according to different abilities, everyone assumes part of themselves, which can better reflect the fairness of society.

Practice music

Last weekend evening, I moved in the neighborhood. Almost all the red channels from the subway station in the housing area were done. In order to build these "red carpets", the pedestrian roads were widened.The trees are also planted.

This community is an ordinary neighborhood in the north. It is definitely not a golden area. Even the preferred location should not be called. It is probably the standard group housing area. The current resale price belongs to medium or even middle or even.However, the public facilities here, the clean and spacious streets, the complete convenience facilities, and the residential area of any gold area, or even those private residential areas, are not inferior or even more practical.

As I exercise, I listened to the Morning Post with a headset to cooperate with the founding Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew's centenary birthday. The Lee Kuan Yew: Singapore's Hard Taoist Audio Book .It just heard Chapter 9 "Green Singapore".

"If we cannot create a clean society in the island, then we will have two people of the two classes: one from the upper, middle and upper and middle classes, the living environment is comfortable and elegant; the other comes from the middle and lower levels and the working class., Living conditions are extremely poor. Such a society cannot be prosperous. And at that time, we were about to implement national service. No family would be willing to let our sons go for those who live in big houses or have rich buildings who are rich in high -rise buildings.People die. " Li Guangyao, the founding Prime Minister, said that this is his basic principle when he formulated all policies.

Every Singaporean has enough basic conditions for housing, transportation, food, education, medical care, etc. This is the basic principle of the universal demand of "establishing a fair society" in Singapore for decades.

Although there are insufficient execution from time to time, for example, the group house is not built fast enough, the public transportation is not loaded for a while, and there are problems that are difficult to solve due to the power of small countries, such as rising living costs caused by supply chain, but establish a fair establishment of fairThe principles of society have not changed.

Singapore without natural resources, the raw materials for establishing a fair society are created by the people of all strata. The government re -distributes the obtained fiscal revenue through various taxes, national assets and reserves.The power of reorganization, so when you see the unfairness, such as the ability to pay for living, naturally believe that the responsibility lies in the government.

Dr. Huang Guohe, a senior researcher at the State University of Singapore National University Li Guangyao, and Associate Professor Zhang Youyuan of Nanyang University of Science and Technology issued basic revenue standards on September 14: The resident budget report under the high price, proposed long -term assistance obtained by low -income elderly peopleInsufficient, about 30%of residents with local income cannot reach the level required to cope with the basic life.

This research team also released a similar report in 2020. Their conclusions are that the gap between the salary between different income class is too unequal, and the salary of low -income class is still insufficient.Therefore, they have repeatedly suggested that the government carefully explores the formulation of basic living income so that all people who work have a "decent salary".

The basic living income defined by research must cover clothing, food, housing, and transportation, including entertainment and leisure and allowing children to go to tuition classes or gain courses.According to the recommendations of the report, there are dual -paying families with two children under the age of 19. After deducting tax payment and government subsidies, each parent's monthly income must reach 2999 yuan; the monthly basic income of parents of single -parent families should be 3369 yuan.

In addition, a single elderly who is 65 and over requires 1492 yuan per month. For the current 640 yuan aid for low -income elderly people through the community care plan (Comcare), it is not enoughTo cope with half of the living expenses.

The suggestion of the report made me a little uneasy.This report is a relatively rich lifestyle, and the basic expenses include the purchase of jewelry, perfume and overseas vacation.Are these "desired lifestyles", or "basic life needs"?

I believe that the starting point of several social scholars is goodwill. If the resources are unlimited, everyone hopes that everyone can live a better life, including some luxury expenses, and satisfy some of the appetite in addition to food and clothing.It is good for opening eye and improving appreciation ability.But who will pay for it?

If income is not worth the productivity and production value of work, but forced employers to increase employee salary or high government subsidies through national laws, this beautiful wish is difficult to implement after all.The former will scare investors who make employment opportunities, and the latter needs to increase various taxes, which will create more dissatisfaction.

Founding Prime Minister Li Guangyao uses the power of the country to build a clean environment of the island, so that no matter which class of the people are willing to work hard to prosper the country, and to defend the land.If we ask for more taxes in the middle and high -income classes today, so that everyone has enough income to pay luxury goods, I am not sure that human nature is sublimated to such selflessness.

Basic income or minimum income is not a new topic, and the ultimate focus is the ability to pay for life.I do n’t agree with the expansion income to deal with my life. I compare it to bear their own expenses according to the ability to pay.

I announced the adjustment of the latest round of vehicles last week. I think it is to achieve social fairness according to the ability to pay.

It has always been adjusted by car, and the impression is rarely reduced in the impression.According to the Formula, because of the poor economic situation, some adjustments have been delayed. At present, some vehicle fares have been regulated. Therefore, it is expected that this adjustment is likely to exceed 10%.

What surprised me was that this time the allowed car increased by 7 % was 7 %, and not only lowered the increase in the increase in the vehicle charges of the disadvantaged group, maintained the price of adult monthly tickets unchanged, and even reduced the price of the discount monthly ticket to make those more dependent on those relying on those more dependence on those.Passengers of buses are not affected by the adjustment of the car.

Establishing and maintaining a fair society. If you give everyone a certain income from the end of the income, it seems fair on the surface, and in fact, resources are difficult to allocate.However, if you start with the payment end, and according to different abilities, everyone assumes part of themselves, which can better reflect the fairness of society.

I believe this is also the hardship of Singaporea society that can continue to be harmonious, the people continue to work hard and live with dignity.