Source: Hong Kong 01

Author: Kwun Tong Youth

The Hong Kong government has vigorously promoted the "night economy", and the news revealed that the details of "Hong Kong Night" will be launched within the day.In just a few months from the "Night Economy" in Hong Kong, the government has quickly responded to the deserted situation in the market, but as the member of the guild Ye Liu Shuyi earlier mentioned that "selling more fish eggs is not helpful to promote the overall economy", pushing to promote it, and promote it.What are the goals of the night economy?Why is the object?

Do not mess up the situation behind, blindly pursue the "fireworks" of the mainland

Many voices in the workshop, first compare the current situation of the current situation of Hong Kong's current situation, and compare the current situation with the current situation of the current situation of Hong Kong.The discussion of the night economy is taken away from the point and should be stopped.Indeed, we need to recognize that Shenzhen's night market economy is indeed better than Hong Kong in many aspects.The Ministry of Commerce's survey report on urban residents' consumption habits shows that mainland cities accounted for 60%at night, not only Shenzhen, but also in many cities in the mainland.After recognizing the backward situation, we need to determine the direction of development.Hong Kong is the international metropolis. Blind pursuing the "fireworks" of the mainland is not in line with economic benefits.If you want to learn from the Mainland Night Economy, you should learn from the two aspects of government coordinating planning and supporting social innovation.Earlier, the State Council launched policies documents such as the opinions of further stimulating cultural and tourism consumption potential and opinion on accelerating the development of circulation and promoting commercial consumption. It encourages night economic development at high levels.Measures also quoted some measures in Beijing for discussion.

The government needs clear flags to clearly explain to the public and business circles to explain the purpose and route of developing the economy of the night market.It is not a reason to promote economic development alone. The retail industry can not even do the business during the day. Adaptively extending business hours and lacking long -term planning, it will only cause "inside".The author believes that the development of the night economy should be aimed at bringing the happiness of the citizens and the goal of establishing a characteristic culture and tourism industry for Hong Kong, thereby enhancing the vitality of the city, further driving day consumption and economy, and even attracting high -value -added foreigners who pay attention to the quality of life quality.Essence

Two suggestions on the goal of results

The main indicators are how to extend the time of consumer activities outside the citizens and tourists, and to drain consumption to other high value -added projects.In this regard, we believe that the government can "dual engines" to promote the night economy -high value -added evening events and regional characteristic night markets, and then cooperate with the promotion of "grounding gas" and convenient facilities to make long -term planning with industrialized thinking.

1. High value -added event promotes night economy

Many people have previously imagined the Hong Kong version of the night market in the "Night Market" of Shenzhen, Thailand, and Taiwan.The cost of life in the three places is low, and the rent is low in Hong Kong. In addition to the diversification of food in the local night market, the main selling point is "flat". This is the DNA that Hong Kong cannot be copied. The advantages and DNA in Hong Kong are doing "event".With a deeper explanation with the special first, we can rest assured that the government should not bring us back to the era of "Da Di" alone.

The night market of the "event" version should be a high -value -added diet and entertainment consumer complex. It can be a local and international superstar concert in Hong Kong, night sports competitions, cultural and art exhibition programs, and so on.Culture, sports and tourism are a royal card of the current government.With the mature infrastructure of the Western Kowloon Cultural District, the representatives of the Hong Kong team won the excellent accumulation in international competitions, which enriched the atmosphere and tourism resources in Hong Kong's cultural and sports travel resources.

Culture can take this opportunity to create a special theme "Cultural IP" such as night show exhibition, night music performance, night reading, "Museum Night".Beijing's policy of promoting the night economy has instructed the relevant units of cultural tourism to "support theater, museums, libraries, cultural museums, bookstores and other subjects to extend the open time at night, allow consumers to immerse themselves to enjoy Jingmei 'Night Jingcheng', and launch a brand effect night performance.Create night cultural consumption needs ".The scene in Hong Kong is to use the Grassland and Hai Bin of the West Kowloon Cultural District. In conjunction with the M + Museum, the Palace Museum to do exhibitions, the venue is empty to the youth music team for night performances.

In terms of sports, push some of the large or international competitions in Hong Kong to the night.The easier implementation plan can consider "upgrade" some Hong Kong academic sports activities and move the finals until the evening, and open it to the general public.It saves time -saving costs compared to holding large -scale activities in Hong Kong.Moreover, the main target of the night market is young people. The bloody youth "has no regrets" for youth on the sports field. What is more inspiring than this?The government can consider establishing "sports IP" for such night races, enriching sports tourism resources, and continuous competition schedule, and invite national team or provincial athletes to discuss with local young athletes to attract local citizens and passengers to watch to watch, Further let passengers stay in Hong Kong overnight and consumption.Earlier, a member mentioned that the government had to find a way to "drink night wine" for him and his granddaughter. The sports event was a good scene to let the two grandchildren "play the event, drink beer", but the venue was transferred to the court.Many local beer brands that have emerged in recent years can also be one of the characteristic Hong Kong sports entertainment.In addition to alcohol, other healthy catering and drinks such as "fruit tea" can also be used to re -create consumer needs and habits related to night sports entertainment.

As for tourism resources, in the long run, new tourism products need to be developed: re -packaging and publicity of traditional tourist attractions, such as Miao Street and Women's Street.There has been no development in the past, and it is not suitable.Deepwater 出, which is also an old district, has developed artistic characteristics. Young and stylish coffee shops have also settled in. Taipei ’s Daei Cheng is also a good example of cultural and creative activation in another old district.This is a matter of comprehensive planning of the Travel Development Bureau, and the topic will not be too open here.

Culture, sports, and tourism are the main engine of the night economy

The "Grand events" of the cultural brigade is the key means to extend consumption time and drive other night consumption. Next is to set up a comprehensive scene of catering consumer and entertainment and drain into other consumer scenarios."Grand event" helps to establish a "dinner group". During the time before and after dinner, if there is a night market in the nearby urban area, you can drain the "dinner group" to there, and then stay for about 1-2 hours.Go to the nearby bar or kale, and the small party room upstairs to continue consumer.The premise of "Night Market" is to continue consumption and drain to other consumer projects near the urban area, shopping malls, or bars.In addition to the existing consumer scenarios, we also need to develop some innovative unique cultural experience projects. These "fireworks" projects can help drive the community vitality and tourism characteristics. This is the second night's engine -"Regional Night Market ".

2. Industrialization Thinking Development Regional Night Market Night Economic Support Innovation Small Enterprises to drive the economy

The development of the regional night economy is not simply extending the business hours of theater and restaurants in the malls in various districts.The evening market that drives the malls in the area should not be the goal of promoting the night economy. After all, the problems faced by Hong Kong's retail and catering industry comes from the progress of catering experience and product innovation, and cannot be resolved by the night economy.Instead, it is necessary to organically develop tourism resources in the community and organically combine with small and micro/characteristic enterprises in the district.The "fireworks" area night market is not the "big land" of civilian nightclubs, but should be used as a catering and cultural incubator to allow young people to participate in the community in the form of micro -venture.

Huang Jiahe, the president of the Hong Kong Catering Association, said that the night market should be established as a permanent attraction like the Causeway Bay.

Indeed, the continuity of the project should be first.We have not needed one or two night markets to save the economy, and do one or two "performance night markets" alone. It is just increasing the workload of political and business work.

Specific implementation, under the improvement of regional governance, the Civil Affairs and Youth Affairs Bureau dominate the regional night economyThe most suitable.It should be pointed out that the development of night markets in various districts is not simply a tourist project. We should learn from the experience of "gourmet cars" and send the project to the regional administrative department, not the Tourism Development Bureau.The author recommends that under the coordination of civil affairs commissioners, the two regional youth affairs committees of the 18th district of the 18th district in April this year are used as Zhonggan.Responsible for strengthening the flexibility, innovative thinking and effectiveness of marketing work, and then let young people participate in the night market "submitting".

In terms of operation, there will be three roles in the night markets in each area: the owner, the organizer, and the file owner.

The government can be the main character of the market, and the organizer is held to the organizer at a free or preferential price lease venue. The government can accept the planning of different organizers, and regularly by the different organizers to the night market activities.As a trial, we can first establish a pilot in one to two areas of the dense population, and open the night market every Friday to Sunday. For several months, the specific implementation of the experimental commerce and regulations.If the organizer does not perform well, it can replace other organizers to increase competitiveness and make the event more diversified.The government may stipulate that each activity must set up a cooked night market to increase the flow of activities. The owner can fix the intention of being recruited by the government and sharing with the organizer to increase the intention of the organizer to do a good job.This approach allows the government to support the event organizer and avoid too much government in the private market at the same time.

In the implementation of policy implementation, refer to Beijing's approach: clearly setting up quantitative indicators and incentives to the Municipal Commerce Bureau, Municipal Urban Management Committee, Municipal Market Supervision Bureau, Municipal Urban Management Law Enforcement Bureau, Municipal Fire Rescue Corps, district governments, etc.The compliant department "Newly cultivated 10 municipal -late -night cafeteria 'characteristic catering districts, enrich the night catering consumption scene, carry out night -style business activities such as night market, non -heritage night market, and taste Beijing.Fireworks at night consumption areas. "The scene in Hong Kong is the Fire Division. The food ring, hawker management team and other units cooperate to open up all obstacles for the compliance process of the night market, while maintaining environmental safety and hygiene.The government's budget for the management of hawkers every year is more than 2 billion yuan. The same resources have instructed relevant units to change their work content. From expelled hawkers to assisting the community night market, they are legally operated, and corresponding work indicators are set up.

Understand the development of youth new habits "Vertical Night Market"

Here is another imagination of the other "regional night market".Is the young people's recreational shows only limited to Yupu Drinking Red Wine Lan Kwai Fong?I went to Fujian earlier to inspect in Fujian. I exchanged with the local youth to learn that many bar camping environment in the local economic zone was recruited. Some young people no longer pursued the lively wine farms. They talked deeply with their friends at night.Young people in the two places should share the same feeling. After the work, they should go to a small food stall for the skewers of fish eggs and sell them.The "Night Market" can also be enjoyed by three or five confidants on the overflowing night. It can also drive the economy of the district, so that each type of consumption model can be released in order to truly promote the cross -class economic promotion and activate the night consumption model of all classes.In Hong Kong, there are few people in Hong Kong. Of course, it is impossible to set up a camping pattern in the bar area, but do we have a night catering and entertainment scene to do everything?

Many industrial buildings have been stationed in creative small shops. Can some "regional night markets" develop into the "vertical night market" in the same building?Different from a traditional street night market, youth can be in different -themed party rooms, photography rooms, studio, yoga centers, water cigarettes after meals, tea houses, friends, or sports or art activities together.A busy life chicken soup.There are a large number of scattered individuals in the Kwun Tong District. Each shop may only accommodate dozens of people, but this is suitable for young people to pursue new requirements for peace of mind and in -depth dating."Three to four small shops: After light sports or literary workshops, eat a dessert or talk about the sky in tea.The disassembly of the fire or dietary regulations is still to be resolved.Whether the barn bar on the unlicensed building of the criminal hotbed is different from the barrier of the night economic assembly.Can merchants survive under gaps and continue to support some Hong Kong night economy?

The above two points of view, hoping to make suggestions for Hong Kong from the perspective of youth, the more exciting the night!

Kwun Tong Youth includes Cai Jiecheng, Xu Zhenbei, Liang Linfu, Huang Guojian, Chen Weiquan, Lin Zhengu, Li Ziting, Wu Meiyi, a member of the Youth Development and Citizen Education Committee of Kwun Tong District