Source: Taiwan Economic Daily Society

Huawei, which has been severely frustrated due to US scientific and technological control, has long been divided by other Chinese mainland brands; but under the circumstances of not being optimistic about all walks of life, Huawei launched the latest 5G 5G at the end of last month.Mobile phone 60 Pro has attracted great attention from consumers in mainland China, and even attracted a wave of buying.However, in addition to the performance of this mobile phone, the technology industry is more concerned that this Huawei mobile phone uses SMIC's Kirin 9000S processor, which is said to be 7 nanometers.

Because mainland China has always been regulated on semiconductor process equipment, in addition to the Washengna Agreement, related control measures have also continuously strengthened the control of semiconductor equipment and materials that the United States has exported to China.In the fourth quarter of last year, the United States in a series of enhanced control measures, it has limited the logical chip manufacturing equipment below 14/16, not allowed to China, let alone the current advanced process of the extremely UV light (EUV) exposure machine equipment, mainland China, Mainland ChinaThinking about it in urgent thoughts, but not in the door.SMIC has been included in the entity list after Huawei; under the permission of the US government, it is impossible to obtain products with specific advanced technologies in the United States.

But from the new mobile phone listed on Huawei, these two companies have been included in the entity list by the United States and have become the target of Chinese companies, but they joined forces to break through the United States' blockade.Of course, whether Huawei's new machine publication represents mainland Chinese companies has the ability to break through the United States, it is too premature, but it has caused the trend internationally, especially in the United States, and various think tank research institutions.How to break through the blockade of technical sources.

A few days ago, Xu Zhijun, the chairman of Huawei, said in a low -key saying that there is indeed a gap between mainland domestic chips compared to foreign countries, "just like primary school students face doctoral students."Just under the blockade of the United States, cooperation with SMIC is probably the strategy of Huawei.Because the wafer factories with advanced process capabilities such as TSMC and Samsung have been controlled by the United States and terminated their business relations with Huawei. SMIC should be a very few wafer foundry partners options for Huawei.

The 7 -nanometer mobile phone chip made by Huawei commissioned SMIC's foundry may use DUV machine to make it repeatedly exposed.This manufacturing technology is theoretically feasible, but the yield, quality and cost of mass production are a large question mark.This can't help people doubt another possibility. Has the Chinese government played the role of assistance in the cooperation of these two industry players?That is, does the Chinese government compensate for its chip yields too low and high cost through subsidies or other policy assistance?Of course, this can only be guess and cannot be confirmed.

But from the cooperation of Huawei and SMIC to the reaction of consumers in mainland China, it is not difficult to see the traces of the mainland government's operation.And more importantly, we can also see China's response countermeasures under the United States.Faced with the strong technological control initiated by the US government, even if the Chinese government has occasional sporadic counterattacks, it is a low -key and conservative attitude as a whole.Chinese enterprises adopt a group way to exchange time in exchange for space, independently develop related technologies, and use their domestic demand market advantages, coupled with the "possible" government subsidies to seek a blockade of the US government.

Facing China's gradually showing a breakthrough blockade, at this time, it may test the determination and wisdom of the US government.The most intuitive and direct response is to strengthen the control force and scope, and to slow down China's scientific and technological development speed. I believe this is also the mainstream thinking of all sectors of the United States and decision makers.However, as the north wind and sun in fairy tales faced, when facing stronger confrontation and blockade, I am afraid that cooperation between the industries of mainland China and the government's support for the government will be stronger.In the short term, the scientific and technological development of mainland China will inevitably be delayed, but the progress of scientific and technological autonomy in the middle and long term may also accelerate.

When the US Secretary of State Brillings and the vice chairman of Mainland China met during the UN General Assembly, if the two sides released goodwill, emphasizing the importance of the US -China dialogue, this invisible US -China science and technology war,It has also entered another stage. How can the two sides come out next, and the momentum will affect the competitive territory of the global science and technology industry.