Aiming at the corruption case of Malaysia's deputy prime minister and UMNO Chairman Ahmad Zahi, the people were uproar, and the people were uproar. They seemed to find a gun in the wild party and attacked Anwar's united government.Muyudin of the National League mocked Anhua: "United the government for less than one year, but the fire that he advocated in the past 20 years has become a 'fierce fire"! "

Azmin, his comrades -in -arms in the past, "Fire Fire" also scarmedly: "He used to continue to advocate Reformasi, but in fact, it was not a fire fire, but Reformati (Reformati).. He leadership is incompetent, so far, he can't get a plan to restore the national economy, and it will not improve the living standards of the people. "

Is the fire beyond the fire?Or is it fierce?

In all fairness, Anhua has been the Prime Minister for 10 months, and the general public's perception is not good.RMB fell and the stock market is sluggish.The problem of people's livelihood in front of me is almost every day. Today is the rising price of rice, tomorrow is the pheasant supply tight, the day after tomorrow is the guidance guidance of the university concert, and then there are "Rainbow Watch" confiscated, 40 sections of the Holy Training, and so on.

But why attack "Fire Fire"?How did the fire be born, everyone was very clear.It was a political storm triggered by Anhua's deputy prime minister in 1998 and was hit by "dark circles" in prison.Anhua was unwilling to be persecuted by politics, so it set off a street fight, and the slogan shouted was: "The fire is not extinguished"!The scope of reforms included: rectify corruption and partyism, abandon racial politics, embrace diversification, advocate justice, and political awakening.

However, after all, the fire cannot be shouted after all.Street fighting is always only a transition period. The method of use is demonstration, citizens from obedience, riots, occupation, and network actionism.But now the Pakatan Harapan (Justice Party) is already the governor, and it must be able to stabilize the country with other political party alliances such as Barisan Nasional and Sands.It is required that they still imitate the "fire of fire" and start the strategy of governing the country in the form of street resistance.

Okay, let's take a look at the 15th National League of Campaign. How much is "reform"?

The 15th Pakatan Harapan election declaration covers multiple fields, including greed, poverty alleviation, institutional reform, election reform, parliamentary reform, media freedom, education reform, medical care, social security, and so on.

Regarding institutional reform, the term of office of the prime minister, chief minister, and minister of the state must be limited.It is necessary to formulate a laws for controlling politics -sorry, so far, the empty thunder is not raining.Poverty alleviation, regardless of racial poverty alleviation -proceed.Election reform -there is no skimming in the eight characters.The reform of the parliament, providing equal equal constituency development for all members of the parliament -noisy and noisy.Who is arrogant?Who blocks?No conclusion.

The media freedom, formulating information freedom laws, reviewing or abolishing the 1984 Inciting Act 1998 communication and multimedia laws -progress slow.Greed, Ahmad Zaji "has nothing to do with" -s the biggest defeat!

Here, I am afraid that the people who argue again are unable to defend!A prison security expert, voluntarily reduced to a prisoner, was sent to a notorious prison.He witnessed the evil behaviors of prisoners in prisoners, the bias of the prison side managed, and he almost became a victim!In the last moment, he couldn't help it anymore, revealing his identity and getting away.But a prison friend asked him, "Why don't you tolerate it? You have not got the evidence of the prison commander and the jailer." The prison security expert said, "I can no longer endure their evil behavior.I can compromise, but the principle cannot compromise! "

For 20 years, it should have become a principle, a spiritual pillar, not the concept of governing the country.

What we should ask: "Is Anwar the spirit of not being able to extinguish the fire?"

The author is a local writer