After being elected as the president with a very high voting rate, some people believe that the ruling party should hit the iron and take advantage of the pursuit, and hold the national election as soon as possible to accelerate the process"Under blessing, let the fourth -generation leadership team successfully take over.But the leader of the Action Party didn't seem to think so.

In 2023, the presidential election passed through the city like a breeze. Although it was inevitable that it was mixed with words, he did not roll too much sand, and hurriedly came to the Presidential Palace.

For the reason why Shang Daman's 70.41%of the high votes that make everyone feel surprised, the media commented on the media has been sweaty.At the personal level, it is nothing more than he has a brilliant achievement, the style of affinity and personality, and the lofty international reputation, etc.Even after the campaign appeared in the later stage of the opposition party, as "personal identity", he publicly had a fierce political situation for Chen Qinliang's platform, but he couldn't shake him at all.

Of course, there are also national factors. Under the increasingly turbulent international situation, the people hope that the country will be stable and hope that there will be a national head of state that can maintain unity in China and further improve the image of Singapore.Especially in Singapore, it has just been out of the epidemic of crown disease with excellent manifestations, and when it is preparing to step on the road of recovery, most people do not want to destroy the status quo.In a sense, votes to Shangdanman are also equivalent to voting for the system of voting to the system.

As for the campaign strategy, there are many analysis in the media. The more consistent views are that all three candidates are good at making full use of social media to expand their influence.However, social media is a double -edged sword. Of course, it can get goodwill and support, otherwise it will be clever. For example, some social media performance of Chen Qinliang attracts a lot of bad reviews.In this regard, Shangdan's performance was very dazzling and won a lot of support for him.

However, I noticed that another "social media phenomenon" during the presidential campaign was rarely mentioned in any after -election comments, that is, the false news and messages and messages and messages that will inevitably appear in democratic election campaigns andBallad wounds and so on.This phenomenon is naturally not absent in this presidential election. The news of the false falsehood is very arrogant, mainly for Shangdanman's, especially in the later stage of the campaign.

From the perspective of their widespread spread and "synchronous" communication methods, some of them are obviously organized and coordinated.This is still the case in the presidential campaign that should have been "beyond politics". In the next rolling smoke to fight for the political election campaign, the extent of making rumors in social media should not be difficult to imagine.Therefore, although the transit has been changed, the dust has been settled, and some false messages during the presidential campaign are listed, maybe there is a reference value.Here are some more important examples.

"The World Economic Forum has a agenda to destroy 80%of the world population, which is related to Shangdanman"

It sounds incredible, is it?The World Economic Forum (WeF) is an international non -governmental elite organization that brings together global powerful politics and economic figures to participate in the annual forum, including government leaders, corporate giants and famous scholars, and has great influence.Perhaps because of the big move, it often becomes the goal of attacking objects and false information, especially from anti -globalization forces, anti -government or anti -institutional people from various countries, populist elements, and unbelievable science and anti -vaccine conspiracy theories that have emerged in recent years.

Regarding the "evil agenda" about weF, it is necessary to "eliminate 80%of the world's population in 2030", "slaughter tens of millions of cats and dogs to fight climate change", "WeF 20120 meeting is the theme of the crown disease epidemic, which is the world.A variety of rumors such as an elite attempt to control the world's conspiracy codes "have been circulating recently, and fraud videos are also attached as" evidence ".Although they have been refuted and revealed, it sounds absurd, but there are markets in the local area, including in some high -profile circles.

One of the one I saw, the forwarder pointed out that "Shangdanman was appointed as a member of the WeF Trust Commission in 2019", and then solemnly said: "For the highest interests of our Singapore and our descendants, I have a one.What is very serious to be revealed. I want you (Shang Daman) to let the people know the association and participation of the agenda that you want to eliminate the population ... Do you agree to solve this problem as soon as possible? "Leaders "intervene in order to be alert to Singaporeans" voting wisely. "

But Shang Damman did not respond to this, and maybe I think this nonsense is worthless.

"Shang Daman is the initiator of CECA (Singapore -India Comprehensive Economic Cooperation Agreement)"

On the evening of August 30, on the eve of the presidential election, I saw the same link information attached to several groups: "Now we can see who is the harmful CECA trade agreementThe main advocate and sponsor. Shangdanman is the behind -the -scenes black hand of all these. Please be sure to spread this information before the calm day on August 31! "

Shangdanman is the proprietors of CECA?Curiously opened the link, it turned out to be his full text on January 14, 2004.At that time, he was just entering the political scene in 2001. At that time, he was only the acting minister of the Ministry of Education. He was invited to give a speech at a new book conference at the Singapore Indian Chamber of Commerce that day.He mentioned in the 10th paragraph of the speech: "Singapore and India are about to complete negotiations about CECA, and its launch will bring many new opportunities to Singapore and Indian companies."

But just expressed his expectations to CECA in the speech, and became its "behind -the -scenes black hand"?I believe that many reposted this information person has not opened the link at all, and it will be passed out without thinking, hoping to damage the election of Shangdanman at the last moment.

In fact, CECA is only one of the bilateral or multilateral trade agreements signed by Singapore and many countries and regions, which is very beneficial to Singapore's open country with a total foreign trade value of up to three or four times that of GDP.However, in a time, under the encouragement of some online media, CECA had been stigma and was accused of opening the door for new immigrants in India.Although the government has repeatedly refuted and clarified, the racism and elaborate emotions that have been incocative in recent years, coupled with social media and some opposition parties, have been underworld that it is difficult to eliminate.

Shang Daman has indeed talked about this issue publicly, but it was 2017.That year, the Indian Times reported that India's information technology company complained that the Singapore government restricted them to hire IT talents from India to work in Singapore, and they asked them to hire more locals and violate the CECA spirit.The then Minister of Finance, Shang Daman, was invited by the Indian Ministry of Finance to New Delhi to attend the meeting in December of that year. When asked about it, he resolutely replied: "If there is no policy framework to manage and control into your entry into your entry into your entry into your entry into your.Persons in the employment market flow, such an open border is stupid, not only is it politically wrong, but also economically wrong. "

In other words, he opposes that foreigners enter the local employment market uncontrollably, and the so -called "CECA is the door for new immigrants in India" is actually a pseudo -proposition.

However, this rumor is lethal to him after all, but he did not respond, maybe it was too late, and he might feel that the more he darkened, it would be unsuitable.

"Official Secret Act" case

Shang Damman was once convicted for the official secret of "leakage". Many people may not know this, but it was a sensational news that year.

In 1992, he served as the director of the Economic Department of the Financial Administration.One day, I met a visiting private enterprise economist in the office.The visitors "glance" on a confidential document on his table, about the estimated figures of economic growth in the second quarter of the year, the economist told his friends after leaving this confidential data, and the latter passed it to a reporter from the Business Times.As a result, the newspaper reported on June 29 that the confidential data that was originally scheduled to be announced in August was just fine -tuned.Because the report was quite accurate, it caused an official shock.

After lengthy investigation, prosecution, and interrogation, the court sentenced five defendants to Shangdan, Visitors, Visitors and friends, editor -in -chief of the Business Times and Journalists in 1994 to violate the official Office Secrets Act.Because Shangdaman was not deliberate, but was just "leaked" confidential, the sentence was lighter, and the fine was 1,500 yuan. The other four were fined 2,000 yuan each.

But during the presidential campaign, the social media was full of unrealistic rumors about the case, making people mistakenly think that he was actively leaked.Perhaps because of this, Shang Daman felt that it was necessary to clarify that it broke the silence on August 17, and accepted an interview with the online media merchant.In the interview, he revealed an important plot of the interrogation process: his desk was moved to the court to move the crime process, and the results proved that the content of the document could not be seen from the visitor position.There must be a "source of leakage" in the helpless leakage case, so he was sentenced to a lighter "negligence".This light punishment does not affect his career. He has continued to be promoted afterwards, and has been promoted to the director of the director of the Financial Administration.

This is the only clarification made by Shangdaman's miscalculated news on the Internet during the campaign, but it did not prevent some social media from continuing to make rumors, saying that he was fined 2,000 yuan at the time.If anyone has been fined 2,000 yuan or more, he is not qualified to run for the president. In order to make him qualify for the presidential campaign, the "Evil People's Action Party" deliberately revised the Constitution in May 2022 and increased the threshold of 2,000 yuan to increase the threshold of 2,000 yuan.To 10,000 yuan!

From the perspective of the extent of this information, many people believe it is true.

Inexes with "spectral action"

In 1987, the government launched an operation code -named "spectrum" and arrested 22 people who were accused of participating in the "Marxism subversive conspiracy".This "Inner Security Action" has caused a lot of controversy, and it has not yet been completely convincing.Shangdaman once publicly stated that he did not agree with the arrest. He had already said so when he decided to politics. The last time was said in the United Morning Post on July 31st this year, emphasizing that his view has never been ever since he never visited the United Morning Post.Change.Perhaps many of the 22 people arrested were he knew. He was summoned by the Inner Security Bureau, but he was not arrested.However, during the presidential election campaign, there were some false rumors in the social media, saying that he was arrested and "confess".

Shangdanman did not respond to this rumor, and maybe it was unnecessary, not to mention that this incident just confirmed that he repeatedly emphasized that he had repeatedly emphasized his "persistence of independent thought for a lifetime".

Looking at the above, despite the wide spread of information about his rumors and smearing in social media, Shangdanman is "tens of thousands of strikes and strong, Ren Er, southwest, south and southwind"!The election results prove that they did not cause much damage to him.But this may be because his energy is too high, enough to calm down any "confusing rumors", so it is just a special phenomenon, which is not enough to prove that the rumors cannot be confused.

Special effects generated by strong prestige

After being elected as the president with a very high voting rate, some people believe that the ruling party should fight iron and take advantage of the pursuit, and hold the national election as soon as possible to accelerate the process of political intersection., Let the fourth -generation leadership team successfully take over.

But the leader of the DAP does not seem to think so.As mentioned above, although his overwhelming victory also reflects the trust of voters to the system to a certain extent, it is more of the special effects of individuals' strong prestige; let aloneSelecting the party instead of choosing people is related to political people's livelihood. The situation is much more complicated, and the considerations are very different.

As far as the rumor in social media is concerned, the "Shangdan Man effect" allows him to be unscathed, but the ruling party may not be able to issueI am afraid that more correction instructions are not available.This is because social media has replaced the mainstream media and has become the main source of information for people. False news spreads fast and widely. It is preconceived and "deeply rooted in the hearts of the people."The Brexit referendum in 2016 and the presidential election in the United States are typical examples often quoted.

This problem cannot be ignored.