Source: Hong Kong 01

Author: Zheng Zhen

Chinese Vice President Han Zheng, from September 18th to 23rd, went to New York, USA to attend the general debate of the 78th UN General Assembly. From September 18th to September 21st, the Central Political Bureau of the Mainland Government and the Central Foreign OfficeDirector Wang Yi will go to Russia from September 18th to 21st to hold the eighteenth round of strategic security consultations in China and Russia.

Under normal circumstances, if a leader of a country is absent from the United Nations General Assembly, a foreign minister of one country will be the norm.However, Wang Yi went to Russia to participate in the Sino -Russian joint consultation.

The Sino -Russian strategic security negotiation mechanism began in 2005. From the previous consultations, there were also situations held twice a year and the next year.Two strategic consultations.In view of the influence of the epidemic in 2020, China and Russia did not hold strategic security consultations.Most years of China -Russia strategic consultation is held once a year.The time for each year is not fixed.Therefore, if China -Russia's strategic security consultation and the UN General Assembly are avoided in the same period, if they are avoided, they are not uncoordinated in the diplomatic schedule.

Why are these two important meetings in the agenda that are not coordinated in the state of conflict, and the importance of the United University is not as good as the China -Russia strategic consultation?Or is Han Zheng's normal arrangement of China ’s diplomacy, is n’t China the second choice for retreating?

If China has coordinated and failed to coordinate the two important schedules, it means that Wang Yi's visit to Russia is very important.China will hold the third "Belt and Road" International Summit Forum in October. Russian President Putin will visit China to participate. Wang Yi visited Russia to pave the way for the meeting of the two heads of state.Coordination or major consensus must be achieved, while Han Zheng attended the United University as a two -full choice that China sent deputy heads of state to show its attention.

If China has not coordinated two major schedules, it is a natural arrangement to go to Russia to Russia.

There is a voice that in the past plan, Wang Yi, as the director of the Central Foreign Affairs Office, conducted strategic security consultations with Russia as its routine work as the highest diplomat.Wang Yi also served as a foreign minister. The current situation is the result of Wang Yi's lack of skills.Han Zheng went to the United University to share the composition of some diplomatic pressure for Wang Yi.This may be a new personnel arrangement before China found a suitable candidate to serve as a foreign minister.

But from the absence of the Chinese President of China to the G20 to the China Foreign Minister's absence, Chinese diplomacy has also entered a new cycle.

Chinese leaders actively participate in the leaders of the BRICS and SCO, but they are absent from the G20. The highest diplomat in China attaches great importance to China -Russia strategic consultation and the “Belt and Road” international forum.Differentiated by the world situation.China no longer puts its main energy on a multilateral meeting that cannot reach consensus by the United States, Western intervention and leading, but focuses on promoting its own diplomatic planning.